
【CF】From the White Horse Silver Gun to Pangu, White Tiger, Dan Feng, heroic skin special effects ceiling!

Hello friends, I am your spirit fox sister. Everyone knows that the current hero-level skin of the line of fire is endless, and with the year after year, the hero-level skin has no longer simply paid attention to the appearance of the skin, and has begun to move closer to the higher level of special effects, today we will take a look at the recent version of the update in the special effects can be called the ceiling level of several!

【CF】From the White Horse Silver Gun to Pangu, White Tiger, Dan Feng, heroic skin special effects ceiling!

First of all, the Black Knight - White Horse Silver Gun, adding a fluid special effect, white lightning drives the gun body, the visual feeling of the fluidity is incomprehensible, and there are corresponding special effects when changing bullets, it can be said that the special effects of this skin weapon are perfect! Coupled with the fact that this weapon originally used a relatively bright blue and silver color, coupled with the embellishment of some carved patterns in the center, the overall weapon shaping perfection is very high.

【CF】From the White Horse Silver Gun to Pangu, White Tiger, Dan Feng, heroic skin special effects ceiling!

The second Thor's tiger color scheme adopts a dark black and red system, especially the white fierce light from the gun head, and the overall feeling is quite fierce, which is consistent with the name of the weapon. The red and yellow apertures wrap around the gun body, from the tip to the tail of the gun, the visual effect of the fluidity is perfect, and the magic feeling of this skin is quite strong.

【CF】From the White Horse Silver Gun to Pangu, White Tiger, Dan Feng, heroic skin special effects ceiling!

The third fire unicorn Pangu, the dynamic effect is not the overall gun body, but in the head of the gun body, the bayonet up to the range of three claws, is the place of the dynamic special effect, the golden flame-like flow special effects look at the people who are dazzling, coupled with the eye of the god of war in the middle of the kirin, the overall sense of shaping is incomparable, it is the top value, and it is definitely the ceiling level in all the skins of the fire unicorn.

【CF】From the White Horse Silver Gun to Pangu, White Tiger, Dan Feng, heroic skin special effects ceiling!

The fourth is also the fire unicorn skin white tiger, a simple glance of the appearance is enough to amaze the world, the perfect white tiger skin comes with a blue-pink gradient light effect, the dynamic effect of the streamer body seems to put people in the 80s dance hall, especially the light effect flow at the bayonet is more conspicuous, the overall flow effect of the gun body converges on this body, which is perfect!

【CF】From the White Horse Silver Gun to Pangu, White Tiger, Dan Feng, heroic skin special effects ceiling!

The last one is the illusion of the god of Danfeng, after the experience of the perfect suit, the value of the face directly chased the Green Crane, because of the addition of dynamic effects, the original Danfeng is the fire attribute, this time Danfeng skin in the gun hole and sniper scope added a burning effect of the flame, extremely with feeling, cut the gun to shoot, can appreciate such a perfect special effect, is also a big pleasure!

【CF】From the White Horse Silver Gun to Pangu, White Tiger, Dan Feng, heroic skin special effects ceiling!

It can be found that the current weapon skin as long as the appearance is high, the basic is to add special effects, I don't know which one do you prefer for the above skins? Comment on your opinion below!

(Palm Fire Fat Man)

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