
The first stop of the "Exploring the Road to High-quality Development" of the Quality Promotion Council landed in Beiqi Blue Valley

On March 7, the first stop of the 2022 series of activities of the Automobile Quality Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Quality Miles landed in Beiqi Blue Valley. The theme of the event was "Winning in Quality Manufacturing and Discovering the Way to Win in Automobile Enterprises", and the expert group of the Automobile Quality Committee of the Quality Promotion Association and the relevant leaders of BAIC Jihu attended the meeting.

The first stop of the "Exploring the Road to High-quality Development" of the Quality Promotion Council landed in Beiqi Blue Valley

At the event site, the quality expert delegation visited the BAIC Blue Valley exhibition hall and the BAIC BJEV Test Center to gain an in-depth understanding of the innovative development of BAIC BJEV, the quality and safety of Jihu Automobile, technical strength and product performance.

In the high-level communication meeting, the quality expert group had in-depth communication with the management of Jihu, and Pu Changcheng, former deputy director of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, former president of the China Association for the Promotion of Quality Miles, and Feng Jun, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation, delivered speeches respectively.

Also participating in the "Walk into the Series" activities were Professor Wu Su, executive vice president and professor of the Institute of Quality and Reliability of Tsinghua University, Zhao Shaanxiong, vice president and secretary general of the China Quality Miles Promotion Association, and Xiu Yu, director of the Automobile Quality Committee of the China Quality Miles Promotion Association.

The meeting was attended by Fan Jingtao, executive deputy general manager of BAIC BJEV, Wang Qiufeng, deputy general manager of BAIC BJEV, and relevant responsible persons of BAIC BJEV Quality Assurance Department, User Operation Center Market Research and Business Innovation Department, and After-sales Service Department.

Pu Changcheng, former deputy director of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China and former president of the China Association for the Promotion of Quality Miles, pointed out in his speech that in order to meet the yearning for a better life, in order to make the next generation live better, in order to cope with the current complex international competition situation, it is imperative to vigorously improve the quality of products and services and promote high-quality development.

The first stop of the "Exploring the Road to High-quality Development" of the Quality Promotion Council landed in Beiqi Blue Valley

The quality expert delegation visited BAIC BJEV Test Center

It is necessary to vigorously promote the transformation of Chinese manufacturing to Chinese creation, the transformation of Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and the transformation of Chinese products to Chinese brands. During the speech, he affirmed Jihu's practice of putting quality first at the beginning of product development and the production concept of using quality management system to ensure product quality first. At the same time, it is proposed that quality experts should go deep into enterprises and study how enterprises can go out of the road of high-quality development, so as to set an industry example, promote it to the whole country, and form an effect of lighting up a lamp to illuminate a large area.

Xiu Yu, director of the Automobile Quality Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Quality Miles, said that since the establishment of the Automobile Quality Committee in 2021, the in-depth "into the automobile enterprise" activity is an important task of the Automobile Quality Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Quality Miles, and the purpose is to explore the road to high-quality development of automobiles. Demand is always the source of the development of an industry, and quality is the vitality of an enterprise.

Xiu Yu said that Beiqi Blue Valley and Jihu Automobile are the key research objects of the committee's "Entering the Automobile Enterprise" activity. Through the effectiveness of Beiqi Blue Valley and Jihu Automobile in quality construction, we truly discovered the "quality win" of automobile companies deeply cultivating the market. This provides the entire automotive industry with experience that can be learned from, and hopes to enter more high-quality development enterprises in the future.

Fan Jingtao, executive deputy general manager of BAIC BJEV, introduced at the communication meeting: "At the beginning of the establishment of the Jihu brand in 2016, it was positioned as a high-end brand of BAIC New Energy, and was committed to creating intelligent high-end electric products above 200,000 yuan. ”

According to reports, Beiqi Blue Valley since 2016 to start the BE21 platform development, lasted four years to complete the platform official landing, in the launch of the first mass production car ARCFOX αT at the same time, Beiqi Blue Valley BE21 platform and electronic and electrical E/E architecture related intellectual property rights developed based on the platform also successfully realized the technology delivery to overseas auto developed countries. In January 2019, BAIC BJEV and Huawei signed a comprehensive business cooperation agreement to jointly establish the "1873 Davidson Innovation Lab" to jointly develop intelligent and connected electric vehicle technology for the next generation.

Fan Jingtao said that the new Huawei Hi version of BEIC Jihu's latest model, Jihu Alpha S, will be officially delivered to consumers in the second quarter of this year. The updated A-Class SUV and sedan will be available next year.

Wang Qiufeng, deputy general manager of BAIC BJEV, added that based on the cooperation between Jihu and Huawei, the HI version of the model will continue to be installed on the subsequent models of Jihu. By 2025, Polar Fox will form five major product series, and all series will have versions of Huawei HI.

The first stop of the "Exploring the Road to High-quality Development" of the Quality Promotion Council landed in Beiqi Blue Valley

All Polar Fox models will be available in HI versions

Text/Yang Zheng

Editor/Chen Zhengzhong

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