
Anti-epidemic psychological counseling | home sports enjoy parent-child time

In this special spring, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic has broken the original atmosphere of school opening that was full of peace and joy. Due to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the opening of schools has been postponed. Some students stay at home for a long time, and it is inevitable that they will have anxiety.

Anti-epidemic psychological counseling | home sports enjoy parent-child time

Sport has the effect of catharsis, neutralizing, counteracting and combating unpleasant emotions. Although we stopped the outdoor activities, we can still have a variety of activities. Playing fun parent-child games with parents is not only good for our physical and mental health, but also enhances the parent-child relationship.

Anti-epidemic psychological counseling | home sports enjoy parent-child time

Today we will share it with you

No special items are required

You can also play a fun little game at home!

Give it a try!


Upper limb movement stone scissors cloth

The child and the parent are supported by opposite straight arms, using a hand of stone scissors cloth, and the losing party does a push-up.


Abdominal movement Air Bike

The child lies relatively flat with his parents, his feet facing each other, and his legs in the air to make pedaling movements.


Lower limb movements jump high-fives

The child stands opposite the parent, with the right foot in front and the left foot in the back, extending the same side of the hand and foot, jumping and high-five at the same time.


Jump over obstacles

Sport fosters character and sport promotes mental health. Exercise can not only exercise the body, when exercising, some of the happy hormones in our body will also rise, helping us eliminate bad emotions in our hearts. In the days at home, let exercise become our good way to regulate our emotions, and enjoy a pleasant parent-child time together!

Correspondent: Lu Yi

Editor: Ureng rile

Preliminary: Zhang Shuning

Review: Guo Jianguo

Final Judge: Wang Xin

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