
Starting from the "heart", we | psychological counseling guide for young children during the epidemic

mental health

Guidance on children's health during epidemic prevention and control

Dear Parents,

Under the epidemic prevention and control, there have been subtle changes in the daily life of young children: they must wear masks when going out, they cannot play with other small partners, and they cannot go to crowded places, especially young children with home health monitoring, who cannot go out and are more likely to have bad emotions. Compared with adults, children's physiology and psychology are in the critical period of development, and their ability to adapt to environmental changes is weaker, so parents must not only do a good job of physical protection of children, but also pay attention to the psychological protection of young children. Nanyang Town Center Kindergarten brings you the following tips for psychological counseling for family epidemic prevention:

First, stabilize emotions and give children a sense of security

Starting from the "heart", we | psychological counseling guide for young children during the epidemic

Parents' emotional stability is the best "gift" to their children, especially in the special period of epidemic prevention, the emotional stability of the family is the best cardiotonic agent for children. Children usually know and see the world through their parents' emotions and reactions, so the more stable the parents' emotions, the less affected the child is. Parents should understand the causes and extent of children's inner anxiety, patiently listen to children's worries and respond to worries and questions in a timely manner, truthfully inform the epidemic situation, convey positive beliefs and good attitudes to children, and enhance children's sense of security.

Psychological intervention methods:

Learn to manage emotions and shift attention appropriately. Appropriate anxiety, fear and other emotions really help us to improve our vigilance against the epidemic, and we do not have to suppress this emotion.

Accepting your emotions and thoughts does not mean that you are incompetent and cowardly, but your normal reaction during this special period; take the initiative to do some physical exercise at home, because physical exercise will increase the sense of self-control and autonomy.

Small methods are recommended

Steady breathing method: 5 average numbers of inhalation, breath holding, and exhalation. Slowly and fully suck air through the nasal cavity to the deepest part of the body during inhalation, exhale slowly when exhaling, and breathe normally twice after full exhalation. Cycle through the above steps and practice for 3-5 minutes a day.

Second, maintain a regular work and rest

Starting from the "heart", we | psychological counseling guide for young children during the epidemic

A normal, regular lifestyle routine and good hygiene habits are important for maintaining the physical and mental health of young children. Parents should help children wash their hands frequently, wear masks, ventilate frequently, exercise more, go out less, and actively do a good job in epidemic prevention. Parents should also pay attention to setting an example of behaviour.

1. Get enough sleep and eat a balanced diet

For example, do more exercise, take a deep breath, and play some simple and easy games.

2. Perform muscle relaxation exercises

Gradually tense and relax the various muscle groups, so that the body feels tense and relaxed.

Muscle Relaxation: Using a lying flat or upright posture, the relaxation sequence can follow from top to bottom, from head to toe, or vice versa.

Third, listen patiently and respond positively

Starting from the "heart", we | psychological counseling guide for young children during the epidemic

Young children often observe and experience the world through their parents' emotions and behaviors, so parents should be aware and regulate their anxiety and fear in time, and show a stable, positive and powerful side in front of young children.

1. Obtain real information and rationally understand the epidemic situation

Parents should not blindly listen to the unverified information spread by various QQ groups, WeChat groups, circles of friends, unofficial Microblogs and other informal channels, so that they do not believe in rumors, let alone spread rumors and do not create rumors.

2. Respond to children's worries and questions in a timely manner

Parents need to be patient to listen to the words of young children, understand what children are afraid of, and tell the truth about the epidemic. For children's problems such as epidemic, disease, and death, parents should maintain a gentle and patient attitude, and not avoid, criticize, or be taboo. Tell your child: Infectious diseases do not exist today, have existed, and will have in the future, and human beings have worked together many times to defeat infectious diseases.

3. Communicate and enrich knowledge

Parents need to let their children know that the whole world, the whole country, is working together to cope with this difficulty. Doctors, scientists, police, the military, managers are working together, and our ability to respond is getting stronger.

Parents should try to use a calm tone when communicating with young children, listen to and understand the causes and extent of children's inner anxiety, and give appropriate answers according to children's age and understanding. This is the foundation for helping young children build a sense of security.

Butterfly patting: Close your eyes, cross your arms over your chest, alternately move your hands, tap your shoulders while breathing slowly and deeply. Repeat.

Fourth, be close to the child and accompany you with your heart

Starting from the "heart", we | psychological counseling guide for young children during the epidemic

Parents can touch and hug young children more, accompany them to sleep, or give children psychological support and comfort through stories and picture books. By enhancing the parent-child relationship, the sense of security is re-established, and the abnormal emotions of young children are appeased in time.

Listen patiently and respond positively

First, listen patiently to your child and understand what your child is afraid of.

Second, respond to concerns and questions in a timely manner. Use popular words that meet the age of the child to tell the child, you can lightly write some, must pass on more positive energy, pass on positive beliefs and good attitudes to the child, and enhance the sense of security of young children.

Finally, enrich your knowledge and share your anti-epidemic deeds. Simple science knowledge of the new coronavirus, at the same time, we need to let children understand that our motherland's doctors, police, epidemic prevention personnel, volunteers, etc. are all doing everything in their power to fight the epidemic, charging ahead, scientists have not only developed a new crown vaccine, but also on the road to developing a new crown vaccine special drug, we must firmly believe that the fight against the epidemic will be victorious.

Let us sow a healthy, positive and optimistic seed in the hearts of children. Respond to the epidemic scientifically, stay away from anxiety, pay attention to the mental health of young children, fight the "epidemic" with "heart", and win the epidemic battle as soon as possible!

Starting from the "heart", we | psychological counseling guide for young children during the epidemic

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