
Susan Miller March 2022 Horoscope: Aries, Taurus

Susan Miller March 2022 Horoscope: Aries, Taurus

Susan Miller, a famous american astrologer, the first of the top ten astrologers in the United States, the most popular astrologer in the world, is loved by Chinese readers, and is loved by everyone as "three mothers". The horoscope style is guided by events.

Susan Miller March 2022 Horoscope Aries – Translator: Kuko


This year will be getting better and better for Aries. For most people, March will be your favorite month, and you will enjoy it, but you will also enjoy the months that follow. You will come to Aries on behalf of lucky Jupiter, just two months later on May 10th, and stay in Aries until October 27th. Jupiter then moves into Pisces, but returns to Aries on December 20 and stays until May 16, 2023. As you know, you will be ushering in an extraordinary period. This month, as time draws nearer, you may no longer have to wait too long to see the sweetness that comes to you in the days that follow.

Every zodiac sign has the best new moon of the year, and the New Moon on March 2 occurs at 12 degrees in the constellation of Pisces, and this new moon is special because it is compatible with Jupiter, which is also in Pisces. Uranus is now in the second house of Aries representing gifts and possessions, and will have a six-phase phase with the sun and the new moon that will change seats, and after the new moon will have the same harmonious position as lucky Jupiter.

The six-phase usually implies the arrival of opportunities, you will grasp it quickly, or it may be that you will receive gifts, opportunities or work promotions, and when this phase occurs, because of the participation of Uranus, everything will be a surprise.

This new moon is lit up in the zodiac of Aries, and you may want to slow down and relax, away from social activities.

You want to focus more on your own inner beings, and it's a good time to plan or map out what you really want to accomplish in the coming year. Maybe you seem to need to keep your privacy very much, so go ahead and let it all go smoothly. There are small children's Aries in the family, you may need to help others and take care of them together. Maybe you need to have an afternoon where the babysitter comes and plays with your kids, frees up and rests on their own. There is no need to leave the house and create an environment at home that makes you feel comfortable and quiet. When the sun enters Aries on March 20th, you will feel that you are full of energy, and then you will prefer to go out and spend time with your friends.

This month, Aries may have more opportunities to contact a doctor, and they can schedule an annual physical examination or routine examination. Health issues accumulate until the Virgo full moon on March 18, and it looks like you may need to go back to the hospital for some testing, a trend that generally occurs within 5 days of the full moon. If you're recovering from an operation or illness, it looks like things will peak during the full moon, and then everything will get better.

I showed great enthusiasm for the full moon on March 18, because there was a very harmonious angle between Pluto and the full moon that day, which brought it supportive energy and at the same time allowed you to attract attention from the top. This means that a big boss may be interested in your very good performance and wants to work with you on an important project, because you will be the perfect candidate. And if Aries pays more attention to their own physical health problems, Pluto can also help you smoothly pass the transformation and become better if it is better from a better perspective.

For readers who rise to Aries, the moon is the dominant star in your family house, so around March 18, you may be with your relatives at home, or you may be with your parents or one of them. It is also possible that you will receive household items, such as furniture, carpets or mattresses, to decorate your home and make it look more designed and attractive.

Mars and Venus will form a very rare, special and happy phase, suggesting that the upper echelons may be tapping into your potential and writing your name on their list of developments.

In the workplace you will be loved and valued, and you will feel this light in the same way. Mars and Venus March 6, the high-level and colleagues will like you, if you need a letter of recommendation, then go to the influencer around you, the other party will be happy to help you. Everything you're experiencing now is something you've worked so hard to earn and deserve, and your reputation is spreading far and wide, expanding to your entire industry, far beyond the companies of today.

Mars will continue to stay in the tenth house of Aries for career honors and achievements, and leave on March 6th, after which the second return to this position will be January 4, 2024, so if you feel that you still have a boss to meet, then act quickly, because the blessings of Mars and Venus will make you full of courage in professional growth.

On March 3, when Mars and Pluto meet at the top of your chart, you will become particularly confident and persuasive, but remember not to be overly aggressive, it may be just a simple contact to get what you want.

The luckiest day of the year will take place on March 5, when Jupiter and sun are in unison, which will be a very happy phase, and the sun and Jupiter will meet in the most secretive zodiac of Aries, which will bring happiness and connect your consciousness and subconscious. If you have some uneasiness before, then there will be a turnaround that will make you more confident and passionate, and your intuition will become particularly accurate, so you have to listen to the little voices within you, and they will take you in the right direction.

The Sun is the main star of the fifth house of Aries, so if you are single, you may have the opportunity to have the first date, and on the following day (March 6), it is very special that Venus and Mars will meet in Aquarius, and have a harmonious angle with the Sun, which will make everything different. Your five houses are shining, it represents the child, the innovation of ideas, the concept of nurturing and the care of children. Maybe for Aries who already have children, you will get good news from a child, and Aries with a pregnancy plan may really have a baby coming. It all makes your heart flutter. At the same time, because martial arts are also in charge of creativity, if you are in the art or creative industry, there will be unique ideas that will germinate. You'll love your creative work between March 4 and 5, and spending some time on your own or on your work or presentations during these days will earn you applause.

March 17 is St. Patrick's Day, and you will have a lot of happiness as long as you are willing to participate in the activities. Mercury and Uranus will brew a surprise dinner that will thrill you. Maybe you involuntarily want to travel, or maybe you receive emails or gifts from people you didn't expect, and you're excited to hear from the other person.

I've noticed that the 28th full moon in Virgo on March 18 may accumulate a health problem, but since the full moon, there is no need to spend more energy on the future. If you are waiting for a test or a diagnosis, then there will be results in the 5 days before and after the full moon, and this full moon has the opportunity to find another solution.

A project you're working on will set sail after March 18. If that's the case, there will be a lot of details that you'll anticipate before the full moon, and a full moon in Virgo will hint at the need to see more details in a project, but happily, a full moon can usually motivate your team to do everything well.

There is also a possibility that you have a project related to the family that needs more attention than work, it may be a team of workers to renovate the home, or to do some long-term planning, or it may be a thorough cleaning of the home to make your home tidy and clean. Remember, the full moon of March 17 continues to work, and you may also be surprised in this part.

As mentioned earlier, when the sun enters Aries on March 20, your rest period of self-hibernation will also end and rejuvenate. The next four weeks will be your birthday month, and you will become more energetic, just as March 20 will be a special day to plan a short trip, or a writing, speaking or publicity task. And if you're an influencer on social media, then this day is perfect for posting special messages that your fans will love.

The end of March march coincides with the 12th degree new moon in Aries, or whether it arrives on April 1st, depending on the time zone of everyone. This means that the happiness of this month will continue until the middle of April, there will be more phases to further inspire you, if you are considering starting a new project or business, then after April 1st is a good place to take a plate.

This new moon at the end of the month brings your dominant planet, Mars, to a location very close to Saturn, leaving you with attention and more in-depth thinking about the important details of all the projects and what you plan to do. I think it's a very positive phase, especially for Aries who want to try something new, as an Aries, as soon as you hear a new idea, it will be ignited quickly, but slowing down will be more suitable for the present.


March will be a very exciting month for Aries, the stars will be a bit difficult to get along with in 2021, but now that they treat each other in a more harmonious, gentle and generous way, that will also get better for you. The interaction between these planets will create a wave of good opportunities, whether it is Aries career or family life, there is a lot of growth potential and happiness, and March is the preparation period that awaits all good luck.

Mars, the master of Aries, is converging at the top of the astrolabe, drawing much attention to your past career achievements. Mars shines on your wisdom, and new opportunities will arise. Venus and Mars will have phases, a very rare and particularly pleasing position, suggesting that the top brass may see your potential and write you on their list. And Pluto will also have a relatively good phase with Mars, so that your influence will extend to the entire industry, and you may not realize how much you are appreciated by influential people.

Your career is in full swing, and soon you will find that you can go wherever you want, and now you can safely shift your focus to your personal life and nourish him, because this part will bring you the greatest satisfaction and happiness for the year. This will all become apparent from March onwards, but will become more pronounced after mid-May.

All the surprises in the family may appear, because there is a new moon on March 2, with the active participation of Jupiter, and the sun will also help you find various ways to get the happiness of the family. Don't doubt anything about this, this month is not like what you have seen every year before, because the union between Jupiter and the Sun and the New Moon is very rare, and they will be responsible for making the experience you are about to face very good. At the same time, Uranus also has a very perfect angle to the new moon and the sun, which will bring an unexpected happiness to everything, indicating that March is a month worth remembering.

On March 5, the Sun and Jupiter will have very precise angles, which gives birth to the luckiest day of the year. You will have more attention and luck to make your life what you think it will be. During this time you will have a strong desire to keep yourself secretive, self-reflective, and spend some time on creative projects. The Sun is the dominant star in charge of Aries, the fifth house representing true love, so you may meet someone in a very wonderful way around that day, which opens everyone's imagination. Both may want to know each other better.

March 5, the lucky day of the year, will be more related to your representative of the private Zodiac, and if you have felt unhappy or uneasy before, you will start to think about how to dispel them. Your intuition is very strong during this time, so remember to listen to what it tells you and take action. This year's phase will lead you into a new realm, and by the end of 2022, you will become more mature and charismatic. You may not want to leave the house very much, you want to be at home, you feel like you can be well cared for and cared for, and you will also think about how to take care of your family.

Visiting doctors this month to talk to them will also be more frequent than usual, perhaps for a health check-up or a process. There are no big health problems to worry about, and it seems that it is enough to simply follow the doctor's advice or the dentist's instructions. Since Jupiter is in the zodiac of Aries, it is clear that you have done your homework and chosen the best doctor for yourself to treat yourself.

Jupiter is a star that represents happiness healing and miracles, and astrologers usually refer to Jupiter as the great lucky star. Another plus when father comes to the twelfth house is that you may be able to lose weight easily. If Aries has this intention, it can improve their eating habits, and a healthier diet will see very good results.

March 18 on Virgo's full moon, to suggest that Aries might complete a big project, it looks like he might have something to do with work, but it doesn't rule out saying it's a completely personal matter. Because of Pluto's involvement, it's easy for you to get the attention of an authority person and get start-up money to start a business or creative idea.

At the end of this month, Aries has finally arrived at its own white potato, and this year the new moon in Aries will occur between March 31 and April 1, and at this time, the dominant star of Aries, Mars, continues to walk side by side with his little sweetheart Venus, while falling in Aquarius. This phase is quite good for you, you may not want to close yourself off anymore, but prefer to go out to find new opportunities, friends also want to bring you into their circle, friends or if you are already in love, the other half will be very loyal and sincere. Not every month will have such a great fortune, and just as you have Aries, then enjoy every minute.

Susan Miller March 2022 Horoscope Taurus – Translator: Andrea

March is a month as gentle as a song, you will be surrounded by new and old friends, and the people you intend to make will also move closer to you. It's one of the sweetest months of the year and you'll feel loved and appreciated. The stars are marching towards the eleventh house, which represents hope and vision, so you may be working on a dream that is your most heartfelt and sincere dream. In February, you will spend more energy on career problems, while March will be more relaxed and bright, and there will be a lot less tense atmosphere.

On March 2, the new moon appears at 12° Pisces, which will be the best new moon of the year, it symbolizes the beginning of a dream that you will work for for a long time. The Eleventh House is in charge of friendship, but more importantly, the ancients called the Eleventh House the "Palace of Merit.". In fact, Jupiter comes hand in hand with the new moon, Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck, and his influence is very important – you can achieve all the things you want to do.

I love this new moon on March 2nd for many reasons. Jupiter and the crescent moon will be close together, and there are other stars to cooperate: Uranus, which represents a surprise, will form a precise sextant phase with the sun and the new moon, and he may give you one or two breakthroughs, which are related to real estate and real estate. Usually I would say you get a chance, but now it's the Pisces Crescent, and Pisces is a two-body sign, indicating that the chances that arise may be two, or that you need to deal with two people to solve things. The sun is also involved, so the new moon brings good news, which may have something to do with the apartment, house or holiday home you want to buy or rent. This month is extraordinary – shining like a diamond in the sunlight. Dare to think!

Now no matter what you do, your family will give you incredible support to help you achieve your goals. If you have any needs, just open your mouth, and your family will feel empathy for your needs. If you don't have the need to rent or buy a house, you'll probably find the perfect furniture or other equipment in the days or weeks after March 2.

Again, the house seat representing family and family will connect with the luck you have gained, and a friend may make you luckier in the days to weeks after the new moon on March 2. The moon guards your third house, so you might decide to take a quick excursion on the weekend. Or you may be invited to speak or write important manuscripts. You may be doing self-media, or have the idea of making an app, and then assemble a team to prepare for development. This month is perfect for realizing a dream or choosing a dream and working on it.

The luckiest day of the year is March 5th. Jupiter and the mighty Sun form a union in the eleventh house, which represents friendship and your deepest and most sincere hopes and wishes. This beauty lasts for a weekend. A friend may invite you to an event, such as a small, elegant banquet. If you receive an invitation, then you must go. Jupiter will take care of it, and this party may be very enjoyable. Those who do the east will definitely spare no effort to spend money.

Jupiter and the Sun will only form a conjunction once a year – the next conjunction will be on April 1, 2023, when it will form in the constellation Aries. Jupiter and the Sun meet in a new sign every year, and this time they choose Pisces, a place in your chart that represents a high degree of sociality – and possibly romantic love.

Throughout the weekend of March 5-March 6, the cosmic couple of Venus and Mars will form a union in Capricorn, and their encounter will manifest as a romantic excursion in your life. There may also be someone visiting, this person may be from overseas, or it may be far away from you. Foreigners will bring you good luck, import and export goods, overseas services or overseas ideas are especially suitable for promotion and implementation.

Throughout March, your career will be very smooth. On March 6, Mars entered Aquarius and remained there until April 14. This means that you will find that whether you are interviewing for an important position or acquiring one or more new and prestigious clients, the important people will accept and approve of you smoothly. In addition, Venus and her lover Mars form a conjunction. First they will form a conjunction in Capricorn, and after March 6, Venus and Mars will simultaneously travel to the tenth house, which represents honors, rewards, and achievements. Venus and Mars are very close together throughout the month, a phenomenon that is very rare and worth noting. Such astrological signs tell me that you will excel in all the talks, interviews and presentations – your charm is irresistible and will help you to go further.

The horoscope of March 4-March 6 is so spectacular that all your new business will do well. It is advisable to sign an agreement or sell your home in these days (March 4 is Friday, which is the ideal time of the week, and Saturday, March 5 is also available), this transaction will bring you a considerable profit. It's also a great place to launch new businesses and drive new products.

Mars coming to your tenth house indicates that you have started a crucial two-year career cycle. Mars left Aquarius in mid-April and won't return until mid-February 2024. As you can see, it's not common for Mars to come to this location, and he'll focus on your talents and help you meet and talk with influencers.

Meanwhile, throughout the year and through early March 2023, Saturn will be running in Aquarius, and he will give you a series of tests and tests that you will have to complete one by one. With great determination and insight, you can prove your courage once and for all. You're lucky that mars is opening doors for you right now, and you'll be cautious, and caution is always a good thing when you start trying new things.

Saturn will stay here (move a little), and such a horoscope indicates that you will come to a crucial point in your career. If you want to adjust your expertise and make your strengths stronger, then you have to work hard. Saturn is a pretty harsh overseer – you need to be highly focused on your job and rule out almost everything else.

In addition to what I just said, this month — all the way through mid-May, and then from late November to most of December — you have to set aside time for friends and love. You're lucky that you have both friends and love, and most people don't have that help when Saturn gets to the tenth house. (Although Saturn is very demanding of you, you can still have fun because some of the stars have come to your eleventh house, and these stars represent exciting social activities and love, and among these stars are the auspicious planet Jupiter, which represents good luck.)

You need to schedule your time, until March 2023, only Saturn is guiding you, so you want to make the most of the time he has an impact on you. On December 17, 2020, Saturn guided you for the first time as a supervisor, and since then, he has been with you throughout your career. Imagine Saturn as a well-paid career coach, and from now on, 28 years from now, he will return again between January 2050 and January 2053.

On March 18th, the full moon occurs at 28° Virgo, and you will have a wonderful time with your friends. You're also ready for a very romantic journey. Mercury, which represents the message, will form a synchronization with Uranus, which represents surprises, and on March 17, their combined forces will be pushed to their highest point, and will have a fairly strong influence during the full moon. So the news that appeared during this time was both unexpected and positive. In addition, Pluto will form a support phase with the sun and the full moon at the same time, and you have the opportunity to travel. Mercury and Jupiter will run in your house of hope, which is another kind of push with love that will help you move forward.

The busy month of March ends with the arrival of a new moon on the 31st or 1st of April (depending on the time zone). This time the new moon appears in Aries, lighting up your most secret twelfth house. You can choose to take a break from a variety of social activities and give yourself some peace and quiet. You've been trying to build your own business, and that rhythm will continue, but you may not want to see friends anymore and want to take a break. Until April 14, you'll be committed to advancing your career (Mars will leave your career house after April 14). After that, you can put social life back in the spotlight.

Uranus, which represents surprises, runs in Taurus, so the people who appear in all areas of life will surprise you. On May 18, 2018, Uranus first entered Taurus and won't leave until 2026, so now you haven't even broken your old pattern. In 2021, lucky Jupiter comes to the Career Palace, and many Taurus are leaving their jobs and entering new tracks. This year, Jupiter has left its tenth house of glory, rewards, and achievements, and will not return again in many years, but the actions and decisions you make in 2021 will take you forward for the next 10 years or more.

Now, the master mentor Saturn is running in your tenth house, and Saturn came to your tenth house in December 2019. Saturn's presence here shows that you have to learn a lot of things, and the outside world expects you to reach higher standards. You might start your own business, or you might change careers altogether because you seem ready to do something entirely new. Or, you might get a promotion, get a new position, and a few years ago, you didn't seem to be up to the task, and now you're ready. Your guardian star, Venus, will become a brilliant beacon in your career palace, and she will show that you are determined to prove your worth. Venus will make you very popular with important customers who will notice your excellent work.

The key to boosting your income and impressing people with a lot of experience and influence (you've seen them more and more recently) is to rely on friends to give you a professional introduction. You should also listen to the advice of your friends. Friends may also share stories — they may share their own experiences that may be useful to you and will inspire you.

You'll also be very forward-looking about expanding your social circle, and Jupiter's location suggests that you'll gain a lot from your new community. You may want to join a professional or social group, and it's good for you to play with like-minded people. The New Moon in Pisces on March 2 will convince you that friends and people you know can provide an important way to succeed.

The luckiest thing of the year is March 5, when Jupiter meets the sun, which is the annual event. The two stars form a conjunction only once a year, each time in a different constellation. This year, they will form a conjunction in Pisces, which corresponds to the eleventh house that represents hopes and wishes, and this house also governs your friendship. Jupiter doesn't come back to Pisces until 12 years later, so this horoscope is very special. You may have learned something so far, but this year's focus is not on what you know. It's more like who you are. You will also be on the right path. On or the day before March 4, you might get help from someone you know or someone you just met.

In terms of personal life, March 5 is also great for socializing and enjoying. Maybe it's this day, maybe the next day, March 6th, you'll get warm support from your family and family. Lucky in real estate, real estate, you can also find the ideal furniture to add the perfect decoration to the house.

This month will not only make you successful in your career and enjoy your family life, but this month is also related to fun and love. The Virgo full moon on March 18 may be your second Valentine's Day of the year, and the five days before and after this day will be one of the most wonderful moments of your personal life.

You may find new love, or enjoy the love you already have. On March 18th, spending time with kids (or someone else's kids) can also bring you great joy. If you're looking to conceive or have children, and this full moon so emphasises emotional love and contentment, you may get the news of your dreams. Taurus, in the coming months, you have to dare to imagine!

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