
It's a big deal! Fifty-year-old man hangs himself by hanging his neck, the insider revealed: learned online

author:Shiying sees the world

Life is so fragile, and people's pursuit of health often goes to extremes. In Chengxi Town, Dianjiang County, Chongqing, a man is using a "cervical traction device" for fitness exercises. He hung his neck from the rope of the device and began to spin his body.

In his opinion, this is a novel and effective way of exercising to relieve the discomfort of the cervical spine. However, who would have thought that in such an ordinary action, tragedy would happen quietly.

It's a big deal! Fifty-year-old man hangs himself by hanging his neck, the insider revealed: learned online

When the man's relatives arrived at the scene, the scene in front of them made them burst into tears. "Hanging neck fitness" is a term that may still be unfamiliar to many people. But in fact, back in 2021, the news media reported on this fitness modality. At that time, many people flocked to this and tried to experience this novel exercise equipment.

However, professionals have warned about this: although the "hanging neck fitness" adopts the clinical principle of traction, blind operation may bring serious safety risks.

It's a big deal! Fifty-year-old man hangs himself by hanging his neck, the insider revealed: learned online

The cervical spine bears the burden of the body's vital organs, and a slight mistake may cause a catastrophe. But in the face of such obvious risks, there are still people who take risks and even pay the price of their lives.

Seeing this news, there was an uproar in the comment area. In fact, similar tragedies are not alone. In our daily lives, public fitness equipment can be found everywhere. Many people see them as a convenient way to exercise, but ignore the importance of using them correctly.

It's a big deal! Fifty-year-old man hangs himself by hanging his neck, the insider revealed: learned online

Blindly imitating the actions of others, or trying to do more than you can handle, can lead to unforeseen consequences. Fitness should be a good thing with many benefits. But if we focus only on excitement and novelty at the expense of safety and science, we risk a dangerous path of no return.

Instead of blindly trying seemingly effective but risky methods, you should keep your feet on the ground and exercise gradually. Proper exercise, a balanced diet, and a good routine are the seemingly ordinary choices that are the right path to health.

It's a big deal! Fifty-year-old man hangs himself by hanging his neck, the insider revealed: learned online

May this tragedy be a wake-up call and remind everyone that the meaning of life is not to chase excitement and adventure, but to cherish the moment and live your own wonderful life.

Fitness is about living better, not risking your life. May there be no pain in heaven, may there be more vigilance in the world, and may everyone be safe and joyful, embracing every sunny day.

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