
The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

author:Beijing News Network

At 3 p.m. today, the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress held a press conference in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People, where State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on issues related to "China's foreign policy and foreign relations."

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On hot issues such as the Beijing Winter Olympics, the situation in Ukraine, Sino-Russian relations, Sino-US relations, and Sino-European relations, Wang Yi has spoken wittily.

About the Beijing Winter Olympics

With the joint efforts of China and the international community, the Beijing Winter Olympics have indeed achieved a complete success, and we have dedicated a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event to the world, so that the world can see a more confident, self-reliant, open and inclusive China.

About 170 official representatives of nearly 70 countries and international organizations attended the opening ceremony, and their support for China was demonstrated with practical actions.

Most countries and peoples have chosen to unite under the Olympic spirit, injecting hope into those deeply affected by the pandemic and bringing confidence to a turbulent world.

The success of the Beijing Winter Olympics is not only the success of China, but also the success of the world; it is not only a victory in sports, but also a victory in unity.

Now, athletes from all over the world are working the Winter Paralympic games. I believe that the light of unity and cooperation gathered during the Winter Olympics will surely penetrate the haze and wind and rain and illuminate the future road for mankind to move forward hand in hand.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On the situation in Ukraine

We have always acted in an objective and impartial manner, and according to the merits of the matter itself, we have independently made judgments and made statements. It should be seen that freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

The situation in Ukraine has developed to this day for complex reasons. To solve complex problems, we need calmness and rationality, not to add fuel to the fire and intensify contradictions.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

To resolve the current crisis, we must uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and respect and safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries; we must uphold the principle of indivisibility of security and accommodate the legitimate security concerns of the parties; we must persist in settling disputes peacefully through dialogue and negotiation; and we must focus on long-term regional peace and stability and build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

A six-point initiative on preventing a large-scale humanitarian crisis in Ukraine:

First, humanitarian action must abide by the principles of neutrality and impartiality and prevent the politicization of humanitarian issues;

The second is to pay full attention to the displaced people in Ukraine and help them to be properly resettled;

The third is to effectively protect civilians and prevent secondary humanitarian disasters in Ukraine;

Fourth, ensure the smooth and safe development of humanitarian assistance activities, including providing rapid, safe and barrier-free humanitarian access;

Fifth, to ensure the safety of foreigners in Ukraine, to allow them to leave safely from Ukraine, and to provide assistance for their return to their home countries;

The sixth is to support the United Nations in playing a coordinating role in humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and to support the work of the United Nations Crisis Coordinator in Ukraine.

On Sino-Russian relations

China and Russia are permanent members of the UN Security Council and their most important close neighbors and strategic partners.

As one of the most critical bilateral relations in the world, Sino-Russian cooperation not only brings benefits and well-being to the two peoples, but also contributes to world peace, stability and development.

Sino-Russian relations have the value of independence and autonomy, and are based on non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third parties, let alone interference and provocation by third parties.

The development of Sino-Russian relations has a clear historical logic and a strong endogenous driving force, the friendship between the two peoples is as solid as a rock, and the prospects for cooperation between the two sides are broad.

No matter how sinister the international situation is, China and Russia will maintain their strategic determination and continuously push forward the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On Sino-US relations

The fact before us is that the US side still spares no effort to carry out zero-sum game-style "fierce competition" with China, constantly attacks and provokes on issues involving China's core interests, and successively cobbles together and suppresses China's "small circle" in the international arena, which not only hurts the overall situation of bilateral relations, but also impacts and undermines international peace and stability.

This is not what a responsible Power should look like, nor is it what a credibility-minded State should do.

As a sovereign and independent country, China has every right to take necessary measures to firmly defend its legitimate rights and interests.

Great power competition is not the theme of the times, and zero-sum games are not the right choice. In an era of interdependent globalization, how the two major powers of China and the United States can find the right way to get along is not only a problem that human society has not encountered, but also an equation that the two countries must jointly solve.

The two sides should regain their original intention of melting ice, repack and set out, replace the "three principles" of competition, cooperation and confrontation with the "three principles" of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, promote the return of the US China policy to the right track of rationality and pragmatism, and promote the return of Sino-US relations to a healthy and stable path.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

Last year, the United States held the so-called "democracy summit" under the banner of "democracy," excluding nearly half of the world's countries, blatantly drawing ideological lines, and creating divisions in the world.

The garden of human civilization is rich and colorful, and the democracy of all countries should also blossom. Delineating "democratic standards" according to the American model is precisely a manifestation of undemocraticism.

Interfering in the internal affairs of other countries under the guise of "democracy" can only cause the people to suffer. Solipsism is not only not a democratic righteousness, but also a disaster for democracy.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

The real purpose of the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" is to attempt to engage in the Indo-Pacific version of "NATO," which upholds the hegemonic system led by the United States, and the impact is on the ASEAN-centered regional cooperation structure, which harms the overall and long-term interests of regional countries. This countercurrent runs counter to the common vision of regional countries to seek peace, development, promote cooperation, and strive for win-win results, and is doomed to have no future.

The Asia-Pacific region is a hot land for cooperative development, not a geopolitical chess game. China has always taken root in the Asia-Pacific region, built the Asia-Pacific region and benefited the Asia-Pacific region.

We all welcome initiatives that conform to regional realities and meet the needs of all parties; we firmly oppose the idea of provoking regional confrontation and creating camp antagonism. China is willing to work with all parties to distinguish between right and wrong, adhere to the right path, resist the "Indo-Pacific" confrontation with the "small circle", jointly build a "big stage" for Asia-Pacific cooperation, and work together to move towards a community with a shared future in the Asia-Pacific region.

On China-EU relations

China-EU relations are not directed, dependent on, or subject to third parties. Dialogue and cooperation between the two sides on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit and win-win results will provide more stabilizing factors for the turbulent world situation.

Some forces do not want to see the steady development of China-EU relations, fabricate the so-called "China threat," hype competition with China, advocate "institutional opponents," and even provoke sanctions and confrontations. Both China and the EU should be highly vigilant in this regard.

After decades of ups and downs, China-EU cooperation is rooted in a solid public opinion foundation, broad common interests and similar strategic demands, and has strong resilience and potential, which cannot and cannot be reversed by any force.

We will continue to support Europe's independence and self-reliance, and support the EU's unity and prosperity. At the same time, we also hope that Europe will form a more independent and objective understanding of China, pursue a pragmatic and active China policy, jointly oppose the creation of a new Cold War, and jointly safeguard and practice genuine multilateralism.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country


China-ASEAN relations are not the best, they will only be better.

China is willing to work with ASEAN countries not to forget the original intention of maintaining stability and tranquility, uphold the mission of achieving common development, adhere to the way of mutual understanding, mutual accommodation, mutual help and mutual assistance in neighborly coexistence, promote bilateral relations to move forward as fast as the train running on the China-Laos railway, and continuously achieve new achievements in building a closer China-ASEAN community of common destiny to better benefit the people of both sides.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

We must be the guardians of stability in the Asia-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific region is not a "chessboard" in the great power game, and ASEAN countries are not "chess pieces" in geopolitical competition, but important "chess players" in promoting regional development and prosperity.

We will continue to regard ASEAN as the priority direction of China's diplomacy, firmly safeguard the ASEAN-centered regional cooperation framework, safeguard the status of the Southeast Asia nuclear-weapon-free zone, safeguard regional peace and stability, support the mediation of regional hotspot issues in the ASEAN way, and oppose the manufacture of bloc confrontation and separatist confrontation in the region.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On Sino-Japanese relations

At present, Sino-Japanese relations are still facing some differences and challenges, especially there are always some people in Japan who do not want to see China's rapid development and do not want to see the stability of Sino-Japanese relations. Here, I would like to put forward three pieces of advice to the Japanese side:

First of all, we must not forget our original intention and grasp the correct direction of bilateral relations. Earnestly abide by the principles and spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan, practice the important consensus of "mutual cooperation, mutual non-threat" and "mutual support for each other's peaceful development", and ensure that bilateral relations always develop in the direction of peace and friendship.

Second, it is necessary to keep our promises and safeguard the political foundation of bilateral relations. Major sensitive issues such as history and Taiwan have a bearing on the foundation of mutual trust between China and Japan. The foundation is not firm, and the ground is shaking. It is hoped that the Japanese side will scrupulously abide by the series of solemn commitments it has made so far on these issues and avoid another serious impact on bilateral relations.

Third, it is necessary to follow the trend and jointly create broad prospects for bilateral relations. The replacement of unilateralism and hegemonism by the multipolarization of the world and the democratization of international relations are historical inevitability, and the cold war alliance and geopolitical confrontation have long been unpopular. The Japanese side should go with the flow, not move against the current, do not do things for others to take the chestnut in the fire, and do not go astray with neighbors as the enemy. We should truly take history as a mirror and face the future, and make Japan's due contribution to regional peace, stability, and development.

On China-ROK relations

China and the ROK are friendly neighbors with deep historical ties.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the ROK, and over the past 30 years, Sino-ROK relations have withstood the tests of various vicissitudes and achieved comprehensive and rapid development.

Facts have proved that China and South Korea are not rivals, but partners with intertwined interests, complementary advantages and great potential. We are willing to take the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the ROK as an opportunity to carry forward the tradition of friendship, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and better achieve common development.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On the Peninsula issue

The "root" of the Korean Peninsula issue lies in the fact that the external security threats facing the DPRK have not been eliminated for a long time, and the legitimate security concerns of the DPRK side have never been fundamentally resolved.

Since 2018, the DPRK has taken a series of positive measures aimed at promoting dialogue, but so far it has not received its due return, which is not in line with the "action-to-action" principle that has been agreed upon by all parties, which has made the AL-DPRK-US mutual trust worse, and has also made various dialogue proposals eventually become empty slogans.

Where to go next depends largely on what the US side does: whether it will really come up with concrete actions to solve the problem, or will it continue to use the peninsula issue as a geostrategic chip?

We call on the United States to take practical measures to address the legitimate security concerns of the DPRK, establish basic mutual trust with the DPRK, and continuously advance the political settlement process of the Peninsula issue in accordance with the "dual-track" approach and the principle of "phased and synchronous". China is ready to continue to play a constructive role and make due efforts to that end.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

About the Taiwan Strait

The Taiwan issue is fundamentally different from the Ukrainian issue, and there is no comparison between the two. The most fundamental difference is that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, the Taiwan issue is entirely China's internal affair, and the Ukrainian issue is a dispute between Russia and Ukraine. Some people emphasize the principle of sovereignty on the Ukrainian issue, but on the Taiwan issue they have constantly undermined China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is a naked double standard.

The DPP authorities have refused to agree with the one-China principle, attempted to change the status quo in which both sides of the strait belong to one China, and distorted Taiwan's history and severed Taiwan's roots by vigorously engaging in "two Chinas" and "one China, one Taiwan." In the end, Taiwan's future will certainly be buried.

In order to curb China's rejuvenation, some US forces have connived at and instigated the development of "Taiwan independence" forces, challenged and hollowed out the one-China principle, seriously violated the basic norms governing international relations, and seriously undermined peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

The two sides of the Taiwan Strait share the same origin in history, the same roots in culture, and belong to the same China.

The hope for Taiwan's future lies in the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and in the realization of national reunification, rather than relying on any external "empty cheque."

There is no way out of "relying on foreign countries to seek independence," "using Taiwan to control China" is doomed to failure, and Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On Sino-Indian relations

There are always some forces trying to stir up contradictions between China and India and create divisions between regions, but this practice is causing more and more people of insight to reflect and be vigilant. Everyone is more and more soberly aware that in large countries like China and India, with a population of more than one billion, only by adhering to independence and self-determination can we firmly grasp our destiny in our own hands and truly realize the development and rejuvenation of our respective countries.

The combined population of China and India is more than 2.8 billion, accounting for one-third of the world's total. It is hoped that the Indian side, together with the Chinese side, will adhere to the strategic consensus of "not posing a threat to each other and providing each other with development opportunities", persist in enhancing mutual trust, avoiding misunderstanding and misjudgment, acting as partners in mutual achievements and inappropriate opponents of mutual consumption, ensuring that bilateral relations move forward on the right track, bringing greater well-being to the two peoples and making more contributions to the region and the world.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On the South China Sea issue

We see that some countries outside the region are not happy to see the "Code of Conduct in the South China Sea" reached, nor do they want the South China Sea to be calm, because this will make them lose the excuse to meddle in the South China Sea and seek private interests.

It is hoped that ASEAN countries will see this clearly and jointly resist interference and sabotage from the outside. I believe that extraterritorial countercurrents cannot set off storms in the South China Sea, and external interference cannot stop the pace of regional cooperation.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On China-Africa relations

China has kept its promises in cooperation with Africa and has never issued "empty checks." We will vigorously carry forward the "spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation" and work with African countries to focus on three tasks:

First, vigorously promote anti-epidemic cooperation with Africa. Fully implement President Xi Jinping's commitment to provide 1 billion doses of vaccines to Africa, help Africa improve its vaccine localization production capacity, and help achieve the goal of 60% of The African population by 2022.

The second is to promote the upgrading of China-Africa pragmatic cooperation. Accelerate the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and achieve the early harvest of the "Nine Projects". Promote the alignment of the Global Development Initiative with the AU's Agenda 2063 to support Africa's economic recovery and sustainable development with practical actions.

The third is to promote the "Concept of Peaceful Development in the Horn of Africa". The Chinese side has appointed a special envoy for the Horn of Africa affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is willing to communicate extensively with regional countries and play a constructive role in peace and development in the Horn of Africa and the entire African continent.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

On Afghanistan

The United States has irresponsibly left the Afghan people with a deep humanitarian crisis and posed a huge security challenge to regional stability.

At present, Afghanistan is in a critical period of chaos and governance, and all parties should support the Afghan people in actively exploring a development path that suits their national conditions in line with the principle of "Afghan leadership and Afghan ownership".

It is imperative to race against time and accelerate the delivery of humanitarian assistance. We call for the immediate lifting of the freeze on Afghan assets in the United States and various unilateral sanctions, the unconditional return of assets belonging to the Afghan people, the avoidance of causing "secondary harm" to the Afghan people, and the help of Afghanistan survive the cold winter and usher in the spring. China has extended a helping hand to Afghanistan for the first time and will continue to add new assistance according to the needs of the Afghan people.

On China-Latin America relations

Latin America is a land of hope and vitality, not someone's "backyard". What the Latin American people need is fairness and justice and win-win cooperation, not power politics and hegemony.

China and Latin America are both developing countries, and the common desire for independence, self-reliance, development and revitalization makes the "Chinese Dream" and the "Latin American Dream" closely linked.

China will continue to work with Latin American friends to deepen friendship, broaden cooperation, and actively build a community with a shared future between China and Latin America.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

About the Chinese Communist Party

Telling the story of the Communist Party of China well, establishing a name for the party, justifying the party's name, and making a name for the party is the proper meaning of China's diplomacy, and it is also our important duty.

This year, we will take the opportunity of welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to continue to tell the story of the Communist Party of China to the international community and help more foreign friends truly understand the Chinese Communist Party.

The situation in Ukraine, Sino-US relations... Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions brilliantly and was full of the aura of a big country

More and more foreign friends admire the great achievements made by the leadership of the Communist Party of China Chinese people, and more and more countries want to understand the secret of the success of the Communist Party of China.

The international community's eyes on the CPC have become brighter, the perspective of observing the CPC has become broader, and its understanding of the CPC has become deeper and more comprehensive.

Source: Beijing Daily client reporter Liu Liu Yang Meng Mei editor Ju Li

Process Editor: u028

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