
China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

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Author: Battle Flash

According to the Global Network, according to the draft government budget report submitted by the Chinese Ministry of Finance at the National People's Congress, China's military budget this year is 1.46 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.1% year-on-year and an increase of 0.3% over last year. In this regard, some foreign media claim that this marks that China continues to maintain strong military spending, challenging the dominance of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, and even so-called "military experts" outside the country, which baselessly link China's military expenditure growth to the current situation in Ukraine.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

In this regard, some domestic military experts pointed out that the speculation of foreign media on the growth of China's military expenditure is pure nonsense. Obviously, the conflict in Ukraine will have a certain impact on countries around the world, including China. But for China, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in europe has little connection with China's geopolitical strategy. Moreover, China has maintained a neutral stance in this conflict and is not biased on either side. Under such circumstances, to say that China's increase in military spending is related to the situation in Ukraine is speculation by foreign media with ulterior motives and is not worth mentioning.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

As for challenging the so-called "leadership of the Indo-Pacific region" of the United States, the Chinese side has made a clear statement more than once earlier, and China has no interest in replacing the leadership of the United States in the region, and it has no intention of engaging in global hegemonism like the United States. If the United States has no intention of provoking China in the Asia-Pacific region, there is no need to "worry" about China's legitimate and legitimate military development. And some foreign media with ulterior motives have put China's military spending growth in line with regional tensions, which is just a manifestation of their thief's heart.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

In recent years, politicians in Washington have viewed China as America's "most important strategic competitor." To this end, the United States has long provoked comprehensive provocations against China, including trade wars, high-end technology blockades, diplomatic isolation and military repression, resulting in continued tensions in Sino-US relations. As Sino-US relations continue to deteriorate, the US military provocations against China in the Asia-Pacific region have also increased, becoming the culprit of regional turmoil.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

Especially in the military field, in order to satisfy its desire to force China to bend to its knees, the United States has gathered many allies and launched military provocations in China's surrounding areas, which has reached an unprecedented state. At the same time, the United States has also created an atmosphere of war terror by intervening in the affairs of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, which not only poses an unprecedented threat to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also poses a serious threat to the security and development environment in the Asian region. Therefore, China's increase in military expenditure is purely out of the need to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the stability of the region, and is completely reasonable and legitimate.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

In addition, China's upgrading of the modernization level and combat capability of its armed forces, while safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, is also a deterrent to the provocative acts of individual anti-China countries in the world against China. According to the Observer Network, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye said in Paris on the 5th that if anyone feels that China is "arrogant" than before, it may be because they are used to China that has "not fought back and scolded and not returned". It is not yet possible to adapt to a strong China that can better defend its national interests and its own image.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

Obviously, judging from the anti-China ugliness exposed by some Western politicians at present, their understanding of China is still stuck in the stage of humiliation more than a hundred years ago, and they always think that no matter how much they slander and provoke China, China will always "fight back and scold and not return the mouth." However, such a China is only the China in their wrong perception, and the actual China has long become a big country and a powerful country that can look at the world with a straight face. It's just that they are not used to the fact of China's rise for the time being.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

Therefore, in order to defend its own interests and image in recent years, China has taken necessary countermeasures against some extreme anti-China countries, including Australia and Lithuania, which is considered by some Western politicians to be an "arrogance", that is, they are living in the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. In fact, China has made some extreme anti-China countries pay a corresponding price for their provocative acts, which is not so-called "arrogance", but an inevitable reaction of a powerful country in defending its own interests and maintaining its own image.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

China's expanding economic and military influence is becoming a clear sign of the rise of great powers. And China's punishment of certain extreme countries at the right time is to remind more anti-China countries or Western politicians that a strong China cannot be provoked. No matter what country in the world, any provocative act against China must pay a corresponding price for its stupid and wrong decision.

China's increase in military spending has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, but is to make the opponent accustomed: provocation must pay a price

Therefore, China's increase in military spending is not to imitate the United States to dominate the world, nor is it the so-called "arrogance." Rather, it is through the development of a stronger national defense force in order to safeguard the sovereign security and territorial integrity of the country. At the same time, China is beginning to speak with strength, reminding some Western countries and politicians that it is time to slowly adapt to and get used to the fact that a strong China exists on the world stage.

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