
【Soul Hunter Awakening】 About the Giant Hunting Technique after the March 3 update

this paper... Anyway, I'm lazy again... Typography omits Ha...

Rangers who pay attention to this number should all know that false texts and lazy, lazy a horse... Even if I am knocking on the raiders to release data, it is also a provincial strategy that can be omitted, and those that cannot be omitted also want to deduct a little and omit it...

At this point, I compared with the original soul hunting awakening of this game's main strategy to stay rain is not sunny sister, it is simply a world of difference, I believe that the Rangers who have read the rain girl strategy should have had a corresponding feeling.

At the beginning, this number could rise, mainly due to the fact that the rain girl was disgusted by the official, and the two predecessors of the archangel and Lanling no longer continued to attack, and my number was slightly knocked for a while.

Now just AFK came back no two months, see Tieba a variety of resource sharing, experience sharing, plus I myself am really lazy, and recently there is a relatively busy, so this public account is now in a state that can not be updated on the lazy update ...

But the official update of this March 3rd ... Directly blow up a group of experience-sharing people who purely rely on feelings to output emotions, and for a time the sounds of giantization to be finished and so on.

This post is aimed at the stunt of juhua, using the way of actual measurement + data to give you an analysis of whether the current stunt of juhua hunting has been abolished.

【Premise of analysis】

First, we need to clarify the criteria for examining the value of stunts.

For a long time, the Rangers have been using the racing environment to measure the practical value of stunts, which is a reasonable and effective stunt value measurement that countless Rangers predecessors have found in the actual combat of the game. In fact, this measure is very scientific and effective - the pursuit of racing is to compress the total duration of actual combat to achieve the fastest goal of killing the beast.

Since it is a measure of the value of stunts in the extreme pursuit of aging, the configuration implemented by this standard is obviously capable of all hunting copies in the current game except for the new card module.

Then this article will mainly analyze the actual combat configuration value of the giant hunting technique according to the racing idea.

【Estimation of the total health value of the giant beast's limbs】

To analyze this, we must first determine the amount of limb blood of the giant beast according to the actual combat data of the giant.

Let's start with the previous image

【Soul Hunter Awakening】 About the Giant Hunting Technique after the March 3 update

This screenshot is what I just typed in the phantom tower, and you can see the remaining amount of blood of this giant beast after the limbs are completely broken.

I added a scale to the health bar, the scale shows that the remaining amount of health is about 32%, may be vague and unclear, feel interested Rangers can go to the actual fight to experience it.

So correspondingly, the total value of the limb blood volume of the giant beast is less than 68% of the total blood volume of the giant beast (this description is actually not rigorous, see the research data on cruelty, limb blood volume, etc. in the rain, which can be checked by posting)

Considering that when I actually hit the limb of the giant beast, I will inevitably produce an overflow of limb injury, in fact, I personally prefer the total blood volume of the limb to be 50%-60%, but because the skin will inevitably produce additional HP expenditure in addition to the HP of the limb, then we use the total amount of HP necessary for all the breaks here to be 65% (slightly overvalued).

【First analyze the idea of the rain girl era】

Two years ago, when the rain girl was still out of the strategy, the way we judged whether a stunt had configuration value was to calculate the gain expectation value brought by the stunt in the actual battle, and take the expected value as the criterion for judging the value of the stunt.

Let's first use this simple value judgment criterion to compare the trade-off between giant hunting techniques and weakness-enhancing stunts (breaking the momentum, burning the plains). (This article does not discuss cruelty, yesterday I exchanged views with a giant guy, after the exchange, I personally think that cruelty is a thing, it is better to see the wisdom.) )

The gain reference value of the breaking trend and the burning plains

Here I give the breaking trend and the original 100% coverage (except for the combat knife, other weapons are slightly overvalued)

The reference configuration is as follows (with my own implementation configuration)

Weapon Hunting (Fully Specialized)

Stunt configuration (actual calculations remove the fire and break the trend, a total of 220 points, the configuration is the actual configuration, can be found in the game)

Necklace erosion 40 damage boost trigger

Cooking fish soup + 10% attack liquor effect

Played 1 bet Guo Jia

Beast tide I AFK just came back two months, beast tide only part of the gain data of the previous session, and I know that I am a white prostitute bastard, beast tide data can almost be regarded as a whiteboard

Under this configuration, the data of injury increase and explosion are displayed

The data shown here has been +1, the explosion injury is not +1 (this sentence can be understood to see, can not understand the calculation, I am lazy very ... )

In this configuration environment

Burnt gain (coverage at 100%)

【Soul Hunter Awakening】 About the Giant Hunting Technique after the March 3 update

The full profit of the fire, between 5.4% and 6.7%, this description should be understandable? If I can understand, I will not calculate the actual exact data.

Breakout gain (coverage at 100%)

【Soul Hunter Awakening】 About the Giant Hunting Technique after the March 3 update

The full profit of the breakout is directly 7.2% (we directly do not consider the situation of dissatisfaction with the critical strike rate)

Notes on the above data

Note 1, here I am using remote data, which is 50% higher for the melee data weakness base, which means that the revenue from melee fire will be lower than the content shown above.

Note 2, here I use the physical configuration, due to the physical 110 points fixed exclusive stunt expenditure, resulting in physical explosion and injury increase stunts will be slightly lower than the element, so the actual benefit of the element when using these two stunts will be lower than the data shown above.

Note 3, here the coverage rate I directly according to 100%, in addition to the combat knife, other weapons unless the forced weakness out of the battle soul, other than the coverage rate, the data shown is slightly overvalued.

Note 4, what I have shown is the gain of 220 points of physics after adding these two stunts to the configuration, for the top configuration of about 300 points, the above data... In fact, the top player should not need to look at these things from me... For example, when I exchanged the actual combat gain ratio of the Hot Blood stunt with lanling gangsters a long time ago, I was surprised to find that the actual gain of the hot blood stunt of 15% in his combat knife configuration was only 3% to 4%... So, this note 4 means that this guide is for white or civilian players like me to read.

Note 5, since I use the type of fish soup with 30% attack power, the above breaking benefit data is overestimated for the physics of pufferfish and the elemental rangers who eat caviar.

Comparison of giant hunting techniques

Giant species

15% of the injury data is equivalent to the above-mentioned burns.

Non-giant species

Due to the special way in which giant hunting techniques take effect for non-giant species, calculating the expected value of actual combat gains requires further division

1, a limb to death

6 Limb Behemoths, [(65%/6)*0.2+(1-65%/6)]*20%=18.26%

4 Limb Behemoths, [(65%/4)*0.2+(1-65%/4)]*20%=17.4%

The five-limbed behemoth is somewhere between the two figures.

Considering the HP required to break the skin and the additional amount of blood that needs to be spent at the time of skin breakage, the above data is slightly higher valuation, the same below.

2, all broken to death

The expected value of the full benefit of Juhua is, [65%*0.2+(1-65%)]*20%=9.6%

3, break more than one limb but not all break to death

The expected value is naturally between 1 and 2...

Comparative conclusion from the perspective of the gain expectation value

The configuration of the giant hunting technique to fight the giant species, as the lower limit of the actual combat gain of the giant hunting technique, is not a weak and effective stunt that burns the original and breaks the momentum, then... I'm lazy Omitting some of the words below...

Like cruelty, the benevolent see the wise, and if you are willing to believe me, you will continue to believe, and if you don't want to believe, you will decide for yourself.

【Use another perspective to see the configuration value of Juhua】

I had never explicitly proposed it before—when I evaluated a stunt, I always used the estimate of the amount of combat time compression that stunt used to evaluate it.

I remember that when Liu Yu Meizi was still active on the forum, someone used this perspective to judge the actual combat value of some stunts, and no one cared at that time, including not many people now.

The first person to use this perspective to judge the value of stunts I don't remember who it was, in short, it wasn't me, it wasn't the rain girl, it wasn't the archangels and Lanling gangsters who were earlier than us, I just saw it once (I remember, only once, in Tieba), I found this perspective very reasonable and suitable to judge the value of racing stunts, so I have been using it.


The specific execution idea is nothing more than to set the total health of the giant beast to 1, and then use the percentage of blood in the corresponding stage to remove the relative value of the output efficiency of a stunt, and obtain the indexed parameters of the value of a stunt at a certain stage, and the parameters of all stages can be added together to obtain the configuration value parameter of the stunt.

This one... As I said before, my math is elementary school level... So the above thing, I don't know how to describe it... It can only be described in such a vague way... Math Rangers don't joke...

Past cases

The Rangers who should know about this matter still have this impression - I once predicted the physical racing to the top, and before the game, I found Boss Shen and told him "Hang on, don't fight too hard, otherwise the process of physical strengthening will stop", and then his number was given by the rabbit once, and then no one in that race would catch up with that result again...

To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the fact that Boss Shen himself directly sold me in the Baili Group at that time, according to my own personality, I might have hidden it from no one until now.

Afterwards, I posted an article about why physical racing is strong... The estimation table in that article is listed with this kind of thinking, and if you are interested, you can find it yourself, just in my number, I am too lazy to turn it over and quote.

When it was predicted that the physical race might reach the top, to remind Boss Shen, it was also a prejudgment made with this kind of thinking.

For the general description of the algorithm, the head has been knocked on, I will not elaborate, and here I will not come up with a specific algorithm to show you the actual combat value of computing giant hunting in the race, there are interested data dispatch Rangers can think about it themselves. Here is only a simple use of this perspective, according to the above income expectation data to describe the reasons for the strength of the giant.

The reason why Juhua Racing is strong

Players who do data on the original god side are basically using the concept of DPS to investigate the output strength of the team combination, because the monsters on the original god side do not have a weakness exposure stage like the monsters on our soul hunting side... In addition to the explosive fluctuation characteristics of the character's own output, the original god output curve is relatively smoother than that of the soul hunter.

The output curve of the soul hunter will be affected by the relatively unique limb and weakness exposure system of the soul hunting awakening (which may be unique and pioneering, or it may not be, I am lonely, and I do not know whether this limb system is the head of the soul hunter). Even if Soul Hunter TM has a body star, it will affect our prejudgment of the output curve (of course, this article does not involve the consideration of the body star, just mentioned...). Don't care)

In the vulnerability exposure stage, our output efficiency is greatly increased, the output efficiency is a cliff-like growth, and after the end of the limb or weakness stage, the output efficiency shows a cliff-like decline. In this output curve, simply considering DPS, it is impossible to effectively and accurately judge the actual value of all stunts in racing.

In fact, my Chinese is also at the primary school level, you all know... I describe this, I don't know if I understand it, if I don't understand it, it's not your problem, it's my problem... Limited ability to express... Thank you for your understanding.

To put it simply, for some stunts, it is necessary to examine the compression effect of the stunt on the total time of the giant beast kill in stages.

For burst damage (assuming hundred explosions), which is always in effect, the time compressed for the entire battle can be determined using [Overall Health/Output Efficiency After Buff] to compress the time of the entire battle by the explosion booster.

For this kind of stunt, which performs very differently in both weak and non-weak environments, it is necessary to calculate the amount of compression of time in stages and add it up.

For the giant hunting technique to fight non-giant species, which only exists in a certain stage, the amount of time compression at that stage can be directly calculated, and the specific amount of compression of time can be obtained.

Weakness multiplier stunts mainly take effect in the weakness environment, and the weakness environment itself accounts for a correspondingly smaller proportion of the total time spent killing the beast (understandable? Because the output efficiency is higher at this stage). The total length of time that the Weakness Boost stunt actually compresses... You should remember my description of the difference in elemental star ratings in the article "Why Physics Races Strongly"? (Although, the jump is higher, but the time saved by two stars cannot make up for the time spent extra by half stars...) And the racing ratio is who takes less time, not who jumps higher), the weakness stage is the same, although the jump is higher, in fact, in the perspective of the compression of the total time of the kill, it is a CJB...

And the giant hunting technique is precisely acting on the last period of the environment without weakness... The longer you try to scrape in the final stage, the higher your actual combat performance will be.

So some people have said that in the case of full coverage of limb weakness, in the case of weakness ending the giant beast is dead, will the weakness effect increase stunt be better than the giant? Ah, this question... Isn't there already an answer over there?

Interested Rangers can figure it out for themselves.

Start to plan to knock seriously, the back is getting lazier, typography is also lazy to do, just this...

【Dragon Hunting】

Here's a mention of dragon hunting - after the dragon hunting has been changed, it is now the strongest hunting stunt of the three hunting arts, and there is no one! Because the lower limit of the gain expectation value of the dragon hunter when fighting a giant beast of this species is roughly equal to the upper limit of the giant hunting technique!

There is some news in the middle, like Zhang Mazi's bullet, you have to fly for a while... You will not be able to understand after flying for a while, but this article will not talk about dragon hunting in detail here, anyway, after the news spreads, you don't need me to knock anything, you naturally understand.

The conclusion is that... Juhua may be replaced, but the update date that replaces Juhua is the update that Dragon Hunt modified, not March 3. At the same time, I reckon that the double hunting technique (I don't mean alienation hunting) is likely to be the winner in the end... (No, and I didn't bother to measure it.) )

[As a predecessor of the Raiders/Tips Output, I would like to give a suggestion to players who are now doing Raiders]

I type less now, one is because people are lazy, the other is to come back to play a lot of new things unfamiliar, and the third is to see that many players in Tieba are now happy to share their experiences and strategies. This made me feel that there was no need to continue to spend a lot of time knocking on these things, and there were a lot of content shared by the Rangers in Tieba that was perfect for novices to touch.

This kind of environment, in the era when I began to type, basically did not see, which shows that the soul hunter awakening this CH has been a game of death, CH has gradually stopped being so dead, the game environment is much better than in the past, everyone complains a lot less about the game, which also emerges a lot of Rangers who are willing to share their experience.

That's a good thing! You know, when I first started typing, the tieba was green and yellow, and there were only a few Rangers willing to share, and the older generation was gone, and no one was willing to continue. Later, I sent soul hunting data, and Liu Yu girl also began to make a variety of classic raiders, at that time I was only the two of us who shared the experience, data and strategies, including the specific data that everyone uses elemental resistance now, which is the actual test and finalization after the two of us joint.

The raider exporter is a very important presence in the control of the wind direction of game public opinion,

Knock on this paragraph... The main thing is to hope that you are willing to share experience and strategies of the players, consider the problem as far as possible not to follow the crowd, do not start from the feeling. Now the official is also very lazy, lazy to organize these raider output, so we take the initiative to output the strategy of friends, I hope not to use the strategy to output emotions, the strategy as strict as possible.

Rigor in this regard, don't learn from me... I am a person who is too lazy to knock, who can not knock, who can not be clear, who is too lazy to explain, and I am eager to give you a conclusion directly. But despite this, my calculation steps, theoretical basis, data lists, etc., generally will not be omitted...

In terms of rigor, I learn more from the rain girl, and her strategy is very serious, and I hope that this game can effectively have more serious raiders and less emotional exporters like the rain girl in the future.

I continued to suffer from lazy cancer.

Hunting is always there.

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