
Say good 600,000 kilometers, how to say change will change, scrapping standards usher in new regulations!

Because the current national road settings are conducive to the advancement and driving of cars, there are more preferential treatments for car purchases, and after people's income levels are further improved, it is not difficult to buy a car. So, how much does it take for a car to be scrapped? The previous scrapping standard of 600,000 kilometers is not counted now? New scrapping standards for cars are coming.

Say good 600,000 kilometers, how to say change will change, scrapping standards usher in new regulations!

First, the historical motor vehicle scrapping standards, first of all, the state stipulates that the scrapping life of the car is 15 years, and the service life of the car exceeds 15 years and will enter the scrapping state. But then, many car owners reported that their service life has exceeded 15 years, but the car is still in a relatively good state, so should it be scrapped? In fact, the previous system is unreasonable. Because everyone uses the car differently, everyone travels a different distance. Therefore, the latter regulation is that if all the cars travel more than 600,000 kilometers, they are abandoned. However, with the rapid development of today's social economy, more and more people own cars, and the automotive industry is constantly improving and developing, and cars have more and more standards. Now the 600,000-kilometer abandonment standard is also gradually being abolished, why is this?

Say good 600,000 kilometers, how to say change will change, scrapping standards usher in new regulations!

Nowadays, cars have become a necessity, and more and more people own cars, but many people are not familiar with the use of cars, and they have the capital to buy cars. After they buy a car, they can only drive it from home to the place where they go to work, and they don't know anything else. Even in daily life, the maintenance of the car is not good enough, so the standard of the car must be improved. In particular, cars are subject to regular inspections every year, and there may not be many problems before regular inspections, but after regular inspections, various problems arise endlessly. At present, in the process of annual inspection of automobiles, although the detection of car failure problems has been increased, once the car fails, there will be unqualified problems in the annual inspection process, which is very unfriendly to many car owners who have had traffic accidents.

Say good 600,000 kilometers, how to say change will change, scrapping standards usher in new regulations!

In addition to the problem of car failure, there is also the problem of vehicle exhaust emissions. In short, in today's society, we advocate environmental protection, and environmental protection is very important. As a result, we must separate garbage in our daily lives, promote green travel, buses and subways are beginning to be banned, and private cars are restricted. This is to protect the environment. In addition, regarding the problem of automotive circuits, if the car has circuit problems, there are also great safety hazards, which leads to the car passing the annual inspection unqualified and entering the scrap state. Many oppose the repeal of the destruction standards hitherto. This greatly affects their desire to buy a car, and they are also worried about future driving, because they are worried that if something goes wrong with the car, the car will be scrapped. This has a great impact on people's living conditions. Therefore, we should vigorously advocate protecting our cars in our daily lives and not hurting ourselves. Otherwise, you will regret it and will fall into an irreparable state.

Say good 600,000 kilometers, how to say change will change, scrapping standards usher in new regulations!

Life safety is the most important, so no matter what policies the state introduces, it is to protect people's lives and health. Now the new regulations are to prevent car exhaust emissions within a certain amount, the service life of the car within a certain amount, the driving distance within a certain amount, and the occurrence of car failures has become a variety of regulations that restrict everyone's driving. Many people cherish their cars. They don't want their car to be harmed. Also, treat your car like your own child. However, there are bound to be problems with the circuitry and other aspects of the car. Therefore, in daily life, we must pay attention to maintenance, pay attention to vehicle protection, and try not to lend your car to strangers to drive. Otherwise, even if something goes wrong between them, you can't guarantee and solve the problem yourself.

Say good 600,000 kilometers, how to say change will change, scrapping standards usher in new regulations!

Conclusion, just like people who love cars, cars have life. Especially in today's society, more and more people own cars, and people drive more often. Therefore, the current driving school is also very popular, but due to the popularity of the industry, there have been many drawbacks in the industry. For example, at some informal driving schools, students pay to get a driver's license. This is grossly incorrect. I am not responsible for your safety. Therefore, everyone must get a driver's license and drive well.

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