
The second talks between Russia and Ukraine postponed a change in venue; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States abused the rights of the United Nations host country; seven consecutive Asians were attacked in New York, Usa; India

author:Long March defender Xue Boling

The second talks between Russia and Ukraine postponed the change of venue; foreign ministry: the United States abused the rights of the host country of the United Nations; seven Asians were attacked in New York in two hours; Indian netizens expressed solidarity with Russia: the Hypocrisy of the United States and the West; Germany aided Ukraine with 2,700 anti-aircraft missiles and confiscated a 3.8 billion yuan yacht from the Russian billionaire; China: 3,000 citizens in Ukraine have been safely transferred

First, the second meeting between Russia and Ukraine, which was scheduled to be held today, was postponed continuously, and finally some media revealed that the two sides had changed the location of the talks, and the specific time and place were undecided. After the conclusion of the first talks, the two sides had agreed to hold talks in the Belovezh Forest in Brest, Belarus, but ukraine firmly refused to hold talks here before the talks.

Behind the Talks between Russia and Ukraine stood a "dog-headed military division," and this military was the United States, which Ukraine had to obey, and the meeting took place at the site where Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus signed the Soviet Union disintegration agreement. And Russia chose to talk in this place, the same place and the same country, even the content of the talks is much the same, it is a problem left over from the Soviet period.

The second thing, March 3 news, a number of Indian media reports, the United States, Japan, India and Australia "four-way security dialogue" leaders' online summit began today, in addition to talking about the Ukraine issue, the four countries directly focused on the mainland.

The most special thing about this summit is India, since Russia used troops against Ukraine, India has never condemned Russia to impose sanctions on Russia, and India's domestic netizens are more in solidarity with Russia. Presumably, the United States is using this summit to pressure India and turn to the US Western camp against Russia.

But from the japanese and Australia following the footsteps of the United States to sanction Russia, it can be seen that Japan and Australia regard the United States as a "suzerainty", the United States let the east never go west, India is more like the United States partners have their own autonomy, and the United States wants India to sanction Russia, that is whimsical, nearly 50% of India's domestic equipment is imported from Russia, once the supply of India's national defense will be paralyzed.

Third, the German news agency reported on March 3 that Germany announced that it would provide Ukraine with another 2,700 man-portable air defense missiles after increasing military spending by 100 billion euros and providing Ukraine with 1,500 missiles. It was also agreed that the Netherlands and Estonia would supply Ukraine with German-made weapons. What's more, Germany directly nationalized a yacht worth 3.8 billion yuan registered in Germany by a Russian billionaire.

Fourth, the Chinese Foreign Ministry reported on March 3 that since the evacuation of overseas Chinese, nearly 3,000 citizens in Ukraine have arrived safely in other Eastern European countries, and there have been no major casualties under the protection of embassies, and basically all students in Ukraine have withdrawn from Ukraine. In addition to briefing citizens in Ukraine, the Foreign Ministry has also severely criticized the United States for abusing its hosting rights at the United Nations to disrupt the situation on the Ukraine issue, prompting continued tensions.

Fifth, combined with a number of media news, India may be the only country in the US camp that insists on trading and cooperating with Russia, and the Indian media reports that India will use its own currency to directly trade with Russia, thus circumventing the sanctions of Western countries. Previously, Putin also had a phone call with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to express Russia's friendly attitude towards India.

Sixth, according to a number of Japanese media reports, two huge "black blocks" were found along the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, and there were huge suction cups like octopuses outside, but when the Japanese Coast Guard salvaged them, they found that they were only the protective material used to buffer when large ships docked, and there were also the symbols of Indian merchant ships on them. In response to media speculation, the two black blocks may have drifted from India to Japan.

Seventh, the United States Chinese network reported that a suspected racist in manhattan, New York, attacked 7 Asian women in two hours, causing many upper lip tears and swelling, and then the New York police arrested the suspect. Prior to this, the Mainland Embassy in the United States issued a reminder to citizens in the United States, especially women, to protect their own safety in the first time of the attack and pay attention to preserving evidence.

Eighth, on March 3, the United Nations adopted a draft submitted by more than 90 countries, including Ukraine, calling for the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, and the mainland abstained in the vote on the resolution. Zhang Jun, the mainland's representative to the United Nations, explained that China has always advocated settling differences and disputes in accordance with the CHARTER of the United Nations, and that with certain achievements in the Russian-Ukrainian talks, all countries should put aside their prejudices and create favorable atmosphere and conditions for the talks between the two sides. #Russia-Ukraine Second Round of Talks Postponed ##媒体: The Location of the Second Round of Russian-Ukrainian Talks or Changes ##中方: Safe Transfer of 3,000 Chinese Citizens in Ukraine ##Putin Calls with Indian Prime Minister Modi##Putin Proposes Amendments to the Agreement on CSOS Peacekeeping Operations ##联大通过乌局势决议 Why China Abstained##Foreign Ministry Criticizes the US Side for Abusing the Power of the UN Host Country ##德国没收俄罗斯富豪一艘38亿元游艇 #

The second talks between Russia and Ukraine postponed a change in venue; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States abused the rights of the United Nations host country; seven consecutive Asians were attacked in New York, Usa; India
The second talks between Russia and Ukraine postponed a change in venue; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States abused the rights of the United Nations host country; seven consecutive Asians were attacked in New York, Usa; India
The second talks between Russia and Ukraine postponed a change in venue; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States abused the rights of the United Nations host country; seven consecutive Asians were attacked in New York, Usa; India
The second talks between Russia and Ukraine postponed a change in venue; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States abused the rights of the United Nations host country; seven consecutive Asians were attacked in New York, Usa; India

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