
Do you know how PGD and PGS for ivy-generation IVF are chosen?

To say that the most popular now is not the various methods of treating infertility, but the test tube technology that can solve the fertility problems caused by infertility. Many infertility or people with genetic diseases are no longer obsessed with having to cure infertility, but instead choose a new way to solve the fertility problems caused by infertility. Advances in test tube technology have given hope to the vast number of infertility patients. The third generation of IVF technology has greatly reduced the risk of birth of deformed babies. But when some people choose to do the third generation of IVF technology, they are dumbfounded when they see PGA and PGS, what does this mean? What is the difference between the two of them?

Let's hear what gemini fertility consultants have to say:

At present, there are more than 4,000 kinds of genetic diseases in the world, and only 73 can block the inheritance of genetic diseases through the third generation of test tube technology, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. In 2018, the World Health Organization merged PGD and PGS, collectively referred to as preimplantation genetic testing, or PGT for short.

1, in fact, the earliest name of the third generation of IVF is called preimllantation genetic diagnosis (Preimllantation genetic diagnosis), which is what we call PGD, PGD in D is the meaning of diagnosis, at this time the third generation of IVF can only diagnose a small number of specific chromosomal abnormal diseases, such as chromosomal translocation, sexual interlocking genetic diseases, etc.

Do you know how PGD and PGS for ivy-generation IVF are chosen?

The general embryo transfer specialist will test the genes of the embryo before the embryo transfer, determine whether the embryo is abnormal, and then select a normal and healthy embryo for transfer, thereby reducing the risk of genetic diseases being passed on to the offspring.

2, with the progress of science, PGS (Preimllantation genetic screening) is also called preimplantation genetic screening, of which S is the meaning of screening, it can be screened for all the chromosomes of the embryo, you can check whether the logarithm of the chromosome is missing, whether the morphological structure of the chromosome is normal, and the scope of clinical application is greatly increased.

The advantage of PGS is that it can accurately determine whether there are abnormalities in chromosomes, so as to screen out healthy embryos, reduce the chance of miscarriage and the birth rate of deformed babies, and thus achieve eugenics. Not only that, but it can also minimize the probability that pregnant mothers will conceive twins, multiple births, and thus reduce the risk of childbearing.

Do you know how PGD and PGS for ivy-generation IVF are chosen?

In general, PGS is the product of the continuous development of PGD, both of which are used to screen the health status of embryos, but PGS is developed from PGD, technology will be more advanced, and PGS will examine more extensively than PGD.

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