
Good shower in the morning or good evening? Doctor: Yes, what you really need to pay attention to in the shower is these 4 points

Bathing is a common thing to do in life, because only by bathing can you carry out thorough and effective hygienic cleaning of all parts of the body, which has always been a great help for maintaining skin health and improving personal image.

It's just that for bathing time, many people have such confusion, that is, whether it is better to take a bath in the morning or a bath at night?

Good shower in the morning or good evening? Doctor: Yes, what you really need to pay attention to in the shower is these 4 points

In fact, whether it is a morning bath or a night bath, it is actually allowed, but during the bathing process, you must avoid your own taboos in time.

If you take a bath in the morning, you must avoid fasting, and you must not enter the bathing state immediately after getting up, otherwise you are likely to cause dizziness and headaches due to excessive hunger and insufficient cerebral blood supply.

Good shower in the morning or good evening? Doctor: Yes, what you really need to pay attention to in the shower is these 4 points

When taking a bath at night, you must avoid taking a bath immediately after dinner, and after the bath, you must dry your body and blow dry your hair in time, if you go to sleep in a wet condition, it is easy to get cold and cold and cause serious physical discomfort.

Therefore, for whether you should take a bath in the morning or at night, you only need to make reasonable arrangements according to your actual needs.

So in addition to the bath time point, what key things need to be paid attention to to to ensure the health of the bath?

Good shower in the morning or good evening? Doctor: Yes, what you really need to pay attention to in the shower is these 4 points

1. Cleaning strength

As we all know, the most fundamental purpose of bathing is to clean the body. Therefore, in the bathing process, in order to improve the cleaning efficiency, some people will choose to increase the cleaning intensity excessively, but this extreme practice is actually very undesirable.

Because human skin is very sensitive and fragile, if you clean it for a long time, it is likely to cause skin redness or skin breakage, which is very unfavorable for skin protection. Therefore, during the bathing process, it is recommended that you must reasonably control the strength of the bath, so as not to cause skin damage due to excessive force.

Good shower in the morning or good evening? Doctor: Yes, what you really need to pay attention to in the shower is these 4 points

2. Bathing frequency

To ensure a healthy bath, it is very important to master a reasonable bath frequency. Usually, when the weather is hot and sweat is more, it is recommended that you try to maintain the bath frequency once every 1 to 2 days. When the weather is cold and the sweat is small, the bathing frequency can change to 3 to 5 days.

3. Water temperature

The most suitable bath water temperature needs to be reasonably adjusted at any time according to weather changes, but in general, the minimum should not be less than 35 degrees, and the maximum should not exceed 43 degrees. Otherwise, the water temperature is too low is likely to form an adverse stimulation of blood circulation, and it is easy to induce a cold. The water temperature is too high, it is easy to aggravate the dry and itchy skin, which is likely to be quite unfavorable for skin maintenance.

Good shower in the morning or good evening? Doctor: Yes, what you really need to pay attention to in the shower is these 4 points

4. Cleaning order

In order to avoid dizziness and headaches caused by increased limb temperature and insufficient cerebral blood supply, it is recommended that everyone must follow the cleaning order of washing your face first, then washing your torso limbs, and finally washing your hair during the bath.

In addition, for armpits, knee sockets, soles of feet, toe gaps, navels and other special areas that are prone to dirt and dirt and breed bacteria, we must pay attention to careful cleaning, and remember not to miss anything.

Good shower in the morning or good evening? Doctor: Yes, what you really need to pay attention to in the shower is these 4 points

The above is an introduction to important knowledge related to bathing. First of all, for the bath time, everyone does not need to be too entangled, that is, whether it is a bath in the morning or a bath in the evening, it is actually allowed.

Secondly, in order to better protect the health of the bath, everyone must pay sufficient attention to the cleaning intensity, bath frequency, bath water temperature and cleaning order during the bath.

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