
Five major events related to China, anti-China voice broke out in Ukraine; China supported the UAE Saudi Arabia to defend its own security; China's top ten scientific and technological progress was announced, scientific research and innovation were leading the world; biden faction

author:Long March defender Xue Boling

5 major events related to China, anti-China voice broke out in Ukraine; China supported the UAE saudi Arabia to defend its own security; China's top ten scientific and technological progress was announced, scientific research and innovation were leading the world; Biden sent a heavyweight delegation to "visit" Taiwan; Japan reiterated its adherence to the "three principles of non-nuclear weapons"

At the moment when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is intensifying, there is also an undercurrent under the peaceful world, the conflict between Saudi Arabia in the United Arab Emirates and the Houthi armed forces in Yemen is still continuing, and there are "anti-China" voices among the people in Ukraine, and even Biden will make waves in the Taiwan Strait region. 5 major events related to China are followed together

The first thing, march 1 news, after the United Nations Security Council passed the sanctions against Yemen, zhang Jun, the mainland's representative to the United Nations, reiterated the mainland's attitude on the issue of Yemeni sanctions, and resolutely supported the UAE and Saudi Arabia's proposal to maintain their own security and combat foreign attacks.

In the past month, in addition to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the most concerned is the fierce clash between Saudi Arabia in the United Arab Emirates and the Houthis in Yemen, which has been characterized as a Houthi attack on a country's sovereignty and civilian facilities after the Houthis fired missiles at factories and airports in the UAE.

After the UN resolution, the mainland firmly supports the sanctions against the Houthi armed forces in Yemen, and will cooperate with the UN Secretary-General's active good offices between the two sides to resolve the conflict and confrontation at an early date to achieve regional peace.

The second thing, on the 28th, the High-tech Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the mainland released the top ten progress of Chinese science in 2021, of which "Tianwen-1", "Tianhe" and Chang'e-5 were on the list, and the data of the research center showed that the mainland has led the world in scientific and technological innovation.

The data shows that the mainland has invested more than 169.6 billion yuan in the field of basic research, accounting for 6% of all investment, while the investment of Western countries in this field is generally about 4%, and the mainland's key scientific research projects have reached 860 for the world's highest, and the synthetic synthesis of carbon dioxide starch realized in it is one of these projects.

Third, on March 1, taiwan media "Lianhe Pao" reported that the Biden administration sent a luxurious delegation including former senior defense and security officials to the Taiwan region on the afternoon of the 1st and will meet with the Taiwan authorities, and Tsai Ing-wen will personally receive these former US officials who are "visiting."

In Biden's view, these former US officials can exert their residual heat to bring insignificant "comfort" to the Taiwan authorities, and the Taiwan authorities are also in urgent need of tranquilizers from the United States, especially under the international tension, the Taiwan authorities are always worried about whether the People's Liberation Army will act on the Taiwan region like Russia solves the Ukrainian crisis.

The fourth thing, combining a number of media news, appeared on Ukraine's domestic website a large number of translations and forwarded various comments by Chinese netizens on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and these comments were all negative for Ukraine. This led to a wave of "anti-China" among Ukrainians, and ukrainian citizens were also reminded by the embassy not to show their Chinese passports.

Behind this is a small part of China's natural side of Russia as its closest partner, while the other part does not rule out that the US CIA is behind the public opinion to interrupt sino-Ukrainian cooperation in aircraft carriers, engines and air-to-air missiles, bearing in mind that most of these technologies on the mainland are provided by Ukrainian military experts in China.

Fifth, Japan's Kyodo News Agency news, at the March 1 press conference, Japanese defense minister Nobuo Abe denied the statement that Abe and the United States "nuclear sharing", and stated that Japan's idea of adhering to the "three non-nuclear principles" will not change, let alone allow the deployment and deployment of weapons in Japanese territory. #中方: Supporting the UAE Saudi Arabia in defending its own security ##台媒: Biden sent several former senior US officials to visit Taiwan ##日本表态坚持 the "three principles of non-nuclear weapons" remain unchanged ##Anti-China sentiment in Ukraine is rising ##2021 Top Ten Advances in Chinese Science ##China##Japan##Ukraine##美国 #

Five major events related to China, anti-China voice broke out in Ukraine; China supported the UAE Saudi Arabia to defend its own security; China's top ten scientific and technological progress was announced, scientific research and innovation were leading the world; biden faction
Five major events related to China, anti-China voice broke out in Ukraine; China supported the UAE Saudi Arabia to defend its own security; China's top ten scientific and technological progress was announced, scientific research and innovation were leading the world; biden faction
Five major events related to China, anti-China voice broke out in Ukraine; China supported the UAE Saudi Arabia to defend its own security; China's top ten scientific and technological progress was announced, scientific research and innovation were leading the world; biden faction
Five major events related to China, anti-China voice broke out in Ukraine; China supported the UAE Saudi Arabia to defend its own security; China's top ten scientific and technological progress was announced, scientific research and innovation were leading the world; biden faction

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