
Looking at the situation in Ukraine, the situation in Ukraine is | The West delivers guns and "sends" people Russia sternly warns

author:Xinhua News Agency client

Beijing, 1 Mar (Xinhua) -- Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree on 28 February granting visa-free treatment to foreign citizens who voluntarily join the Ukrainian Foreign Legion and participate in the war from 1 March. According to U.S. media reports, at least 10 U.S. and European veterans who have received military training from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are ready to enter Ukraine.

Following the United States, the United Kingdom and several European Union countries, Canada announced that it would supply Ukraine with anti-tank weapons and ammunition. A Spokesman for Russia's Foreign Ministry warned that weapons supplied to Ukraine could fall into the hands of "neo-Nazis and terrorists."

Looking at the situation in Ukraine, the situation in Ukraine is | The West delivers guns and "sends" people Russia sternly warns

On 28 February, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, Vasily Nebendja, Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, addressed the emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly on the situation in Ukraine. (Photo by Xinhua news agency reporter Wang Ying)

According to the Associated Press, the Ukrainian government's decree exempting foreign citizens who come to Ukraine to participate in the war came into force on March 1 and remained in force during Ukraine's wartime state.

On February 24, the day Russia launched a special military operation, Zelenskiy declared that the whole territory of Ukraine had entered a state of war, and then announced on the 27th that he would start to form an "International Legion" to help Ukraine fight.

British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Tras immediately responded, saying that she supported British citizens willing to go to Ukraine to fight, while Defence Secretary Ben Wallace "dissuaded" the population: "Unless you are trained and have a lot of experience in service, you should contribute to Ukraine's security in a better way." ”

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolly said it was up to Canadian citizens to decide whether or not to join the Foreign Legion.

Looking at the situation in Ukraine, the situation in Ukraine is | The West delivers guns and "sends" people Russia sternly warns

This is a video footage of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy's speech taken in Kiev, Ukraine, on February 25. (Xinhua News Agency, photo by Potopleova Nadya)

According to the US "Buzz Feed" news network reported on February 27, 10 former special forces soldiers from NATO countries have gathered in Poland to prepare to cross the Polish-Ukrainian border into Ukraine. The group of veterans, including 6 Americans, 3 Britons and 1 German, had experience in close combat and counterterrorism; two other U.S. Army veterans also intended to travel to Ukraine to "lead" the veterans.

Since the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014, hundreds of foreign armed men entering Ukraine have come from the United States, the United Kingdom and European Union countries, according to the Buzz News Network.

In the eyes of some in the Ukrainian military, foreign armed men can fill the "gap" that Western countries have not officially sent troops to Ukraine. The United States and NATO have publicly stated that since Ukraine is not a member of NATO, it will not send troops to assist Ukraine in combat.

According to the British "Mirror" report, a group of British retired special forces are considering going to Ukraine. Some of these people are proficient in sniping, and some are proficient in the use of anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missiles. According to the report, retired airborne soldiers and "other military experts" may join in the follow-up.

Looking at the situation in Ukraine, the situation in Ukraine is | The West delivers guns and "sends" people Russia sternly warns

On Feb. 25, in Brussels, Belgium, European Commission President von der Leyen speaks at a news conference after a special EU summit. (Xinhua News Agency)

On the one hand, the West expressed its support for Ukraine's negotiations with Russia, while on the other hand, it sanctioned Russia and stepped up arms and funds to Ukraine.

The Canadian government announced on February 28 that it would supply the Ukrainian side with anti-tank weapons, including 100 "Carl Gustav" bazookas and 2,000 rockets. Canada intends to provide a total of $400 million in loans and more than $20 million worth of military equipment, including bulletproof vests, steel helmets, and night vision goggles.

As of Feb. 28, the United States, Canada and about 20 European countries had responded to Ukrainian government requests for military aid, Agence France-Presse reported. Among them, Germany changed its long-term policy of not exporting weapons to conflict zones, providing Ukraine with 1,000 man-portable anti-tank missiles and 500 American-made "Stinger" man-portable air defense missiles, and allowing third countries to supply German-made weapons to Ukraine.

Looking at the situation in Ukraine, the situation in Ukraine is | The West delivers guns and "sends" people Russia sternly warns

On 28 February, in the Gomel Oblast of Belarus, the russian and Ukrainian delegations began negotiations. (Xinhua News Agency)

The European Union decided on February 27 at an informal meeting of foreign ministers to provide Ukraine with a total of 500 million euros for the purchase of lethal weapons and defensive equipment.

Russian Satellite News Agency reported on the 28th that Josép Borrelli, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said after an informal video conference of eu defense ministers that the EU intends to expand military assistance to Ukraine, and all member states support this view.

On February 28, the Russian Foreign Ministry condemned the EU's supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine and warned EU countries involved in the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine that institutions and individuals involved in the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine must be held accountable for the consequences of such acts.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova issued a statement on the same day in response to Germany's supply of weapons to Ukraine, accusing Germany of running counter to the balanced line previously pursued on Ukraine. (Hu Ruoyu)

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