
Last night and this morning, three major events concerned China, and the Taiwan media closely followed: 8 PLA military planes appeared in southwest Taiwan, the Eastern Theater responded to the US warships sailing through the Taiwan Strait, and the Chinese ambassador sent a letter to all compatriots in Ukraine 

author:DS North Wind

Last night and this morning, three major events concerned China, and the Taiwan media closely followed: 8 PLA military planes appeared in southwest Taiwan, the Eastern Theater responded to the US warships sailing through the Taiwan Strait, and the Chinese ambassador sent a letter to all compatriots in Ukraine

The sharp deterioration of the situation in Ukraine now affects the whole body and has a very profound impact on the world situation, and we must be even more vigilant against new changes that concern the interests of the mainland. Last night and this morning, 3 major events occurred in relation to China, let us analyze them carefully.

First, on the evening of the 26th, Taiwan media reported that when the US Navy destroyer Ralph Johnson sailed through the Taiwan Strait yesterday, the PLA military planes still maintained continuous patrols of the Taiwan Strait, and the Taiwan military confirmed last night that 8 PLA military planes appeared in the southwest airspace of Taiwan. They are 2 "J-16" fighters, 4 "J-11" fighters, and 2 "Y-8" anti-submarine aircraft. Among them, 2 "Y-8" sorties are deep into the airspace of southwest Taiwan.

Let's talk about a few comments.

First, today, when the situation in Ukraine is constantly developing, we must also pay attention to the impact of this matter on the Taiwan Strait, especially the Taiwan authorities are constantly speculating, trying to compare the situation in the Taiwan Strait with the situation in Ukraine, and rubbing heat. We should also express with practical actions that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and that China's internal affairs issues brook no provocation by any forces.

Second, in addition to the normalization of patrolling the Taiwan Strait, our military's actions are also of great practical significance, and the cooperation of various military aircraft is also improving the all-round air superiority. The Platon Army should maintain a state of readiness to fight at all times and be able to fight at any time, and prepare for possible changes.

Third, yesterday the US warship sailed through the Taiwan Strait, although on the surface it was insisting on the so-called "free navigation," but in fact it was provoking the mainland at a sensitive moment. The United States is a well-deserved spoiler of the surrounding situation, and for such a strong-fearing country, we only dare to "shine the sword" is the most powerful warning.

All in all, no one can take lightly the DETERMINATION and ability of the PLA to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the motherland, and with the development of China, we will certainly use a more resolute attitude to safeguard our own sovereign interests. The reunification of the motherland is the trend of the times and the aspiration of the people,And any manipulation by the restless forces will not affect this.

Second, on the 26th, the USS Ralph Johnson (DDG-114) destroyer of the USS Ralph Johnson (DDG-114) sailed through the Taiwan Strait, and Colonel Shi Yi, spokesman for the Eastern Theater, also responded that the PLA has organized troops to carry out full vigilance and tracking of the US warship's navigation operations. On the contrary, the US side clamored, which is carrying out a "routine" operation to sail through the Taiwan Strait.

The development of the Russo-Ukrainian War to this day is inseparable from the continuous provocations of the United States. Today's United States has begun to "sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight", completely ignoring the losses suffered by the Ukrainian people, but instead wants to provoke and create confrontation in the Taiwan Strait, which is an act of fear that the world will not be chaotic. The peace and stability of the surrounding waters is a matter closely related to China's interests, and it is also something that the mainland's strong military forces will resolutely safeguard. On the other hand, the United States and its allies have from time to time formed gangs to "show muscles" and provoke arms competition, thus confirming the name of the situation destroyer.

Today's China is no longer the China of a few decades ago, and what the United States has done is also under the surveillance of our army, and we will never allow the peaceful and stable life of the people on both sides of the strait to be destroyed.

Third, the situation in Russia and Ukraine continues to be anxious, and it is inevitable that the Chinese people in Ukraine will feel panic. On the 27th, Fan Xianrong, Chinese ambassador to Ukraine, issued an open letter to all Chinese compatriots in Ukraine.

First of all, Ambassador Fan Xianrong clarified that there have been rumors in recent days that the Chinese ambassador has withdrawn from Kiev, which is a rumor, and in a moment of crisis, the Chinese ambassador will never abandon his compatriots and only care about his own safety, this is not the style of the Chinese ambassador, not the style of the Chinese Communists!

Secondly, the current situation in Ukraine is indeed not optimistic, there are also many chaotic situations, but everyone does not have to worry too much, we must first do a good job of safety reminders required by the Chinese embassy, such as trying to avoid going out, do not take pictures of armed personnel, strictly abide by the curfew and so on.

Third, now that the people in Ukraine have difficulties, the important instructions they have received from home are to protect their compatriots in Ukraine, and the motherland is always concerned about everyone's safety. Although everyone also wants to return home as soon as possible, but the security conditions are not allowed now, one is the curfew is continuous, the other is that the air fighting is very fierce, in such a situation, if we encounter any accidents in the process of evacuation, it is not worth the loss.

Finally, at this special moment, the ukrainian people must give play to the traditional virtues of mutual help, solidarity and fraternity, and help their compatriots as much as possible, so that the strength of all of us will be stronger.

I believe that with the joint efforts of all of us, we will overcome the temporary suffering, and all the Chinese are also praying, hoping that the compatriots in Ukraine can tide over the difficulties in peace and return to the embrace of the motherland. #驻乌克兰大使: Don't argue with the locals ##东部战区回应美舰闯台海: Hypocrisy and Futility ##乌克兰民众: We were abandoned by the United States ##U.S. Navy destroyers are crossing the Taiwan Strait##Taiwan#8 PLA military aircraft entering the southwest airspace of Taiwan##PLA military aircraft entering Taiwan's airspace ##中国驻乌大使致全体在乌中国同胞的信 #

Last night and this morning, three major events concerned China, and the Taiwan media closely followed: 8 PLA military planes appeared in southwest Taiwan, the Eastern Theater responded to the US warships sailing through the Taiwan Strait, and the Chinese ambassador sent a letter to all compatriots in Ukraine 
Last night and this morning, three major events concerned China, and the Taiwan media closely followed: 8 PLA military planes appeared in southwest Taiwan, the Eastern Theater responded to the US warships sailing through the Taiwan Strait, and the Chinese ambassador sent a letter to all compatriots in Ukraine 
Last night and this morning, three major events concerned China, and the Taiwan media closely followed: 8 PLA military planes appeared in southwest Taiwan, the Eastern Theater responded to the US warships sailing through the Taiwan Strait, and the Chinese ambassador sent a letter to all compatriots in Ukraine 
Last night and this morning, three major events concerned China, and the Taiwan media closely followed: 8 PLA military planes appeared in southwest Taiwan, the Eastern Theater responded to the US warships sailing through the Taiwan Strait, and the Chinese ambassador sent a letter to all compatriots in Ukraine 

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