
After the ransomware attack, the news said that Nvidia hacked the hacker

IT House February 26 news, earlier today, Bloomberg, the Daily Telegraph, The Verge and other media reported that Nvidia was attacked by ransomware. Later, Nvidia responded, saying it was investigating the incident and saying that NVIDIA's business and business activities would continue to proceed normally.

Now, a website that specializes in collecting malware samples, vx-underground, says a South American group called LAPU$ has carried out the ransomware attack on Nvidia.

After the ransomware attack, the news said that Nvidia hacked the hacker

VX-underground said the LAPSU$ Ransomware Group, an organization doing business in South America, claimed to have hacked into Nvidia and stole more than 1TB of proprietary data. LAPSU$ also claimed that Nvidia had also hacked it and said Nvidia had successfully recovered their machine.

After the ransomware attack, the news said that Nvidia hacked the hacker

According to screenshots provided by vx-underground, the hackers woke up to find that their own machine had been hacked, but they had already backed up the data.

After the ransomware attack, the news said that Nvidia hacked the hacker

According to Videocardz, Nvidia tried to hack the group by encrypting stolen data, but the group has made copies in a virtual machine environment, meaning Nvidia's counterattack was unsuccessful. In addition, the hacking group appears to have gained access to Nvidia employee email accounts, which explains why NVIDIA's mail system has had problems over the past 2 days. The organization also posted screenshots of the source code of the Nvidia driver.

According to Bloomberg, Nvidia was affected by the hacker attack relatively little.

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