
Kids from Akron! The James Personal Museum was unveiled a year later

Kids from Akron! The James Personal Museum was unveiled a year later

Live Bar Feb. 26 , Lakers star James's Family Foundation announced that James' personal museum will be unveiled in Akron in 2023.

"James's story will be passed down in Akron, the one-of-a-kind James Museum, and we can't wait for everyone to see the story of that kid from Akron in 2023." The James Family Foundation official tweeted.

The museum's first exhibit space is reportedly James's early years growing up in Akron Spring Hill apartment, the second show is how he honed his basketball skills, the third is his NBA career, the fourth is his off-site investment, and finally there's a special hallway.

Kids from Akron! The James Personal Museum was unveiled a year later
Kids from Akron! The James Personal Museum was unveiled a year later

(Will be)

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