
Gemini March is improvised, workplace changes are good for you, love shocks or can be happy

After Gemini enters March, there is a high probability that it will encounter some difficulties, and on March 1, the moon and Mercury will merge. Bringing some uneasiness to Gemini, too keen observation and thinking ability will affect Gemini in early March. You should be spontaneous and not too attached to your previous plans. If you can do this, you can take advantage of the changes in the surrounding area to bring you some opportunities.

On March 9, the moon enters Gemini, heralding a trickier and more complicated thing to deal with in gemini in mid-March, but there are some things you can wait and see. For example, if others question you, or something you need to verify, you don't need to be too eager to know the result.

On March 21, Gemini's guardian planet Mercury and Jupiter form a conjunction, symbolizing subjective consciousness Jupiter will help Gemini stabilize their emotions in late March and do some things well. Plus a confident smile will come back to gemini faces, allowing you to start the sprint at the end of March.

Gemini March is improvised, workplace changes are good for you, love shocks or can be happy

In early March, Gemini changed

At the beginning of March, Gemini should pay more attention to the eyes of others, always feel that someone is paying attention to themselves and talking about themselves. Such a state may distract you. But for geminis who do their own thing, you should focus your attention on what you have to do.

There are more changes you have to face at work, bosses, colleagues, environment, positions, work content may change, this may be an opportunity for you, you can look for opportunities, try to find a position you like, or get a chance to promote.

Gemini in the relationship will also face change, the fluctuations of February are still there, if there is a change in feelings, you should not be too surprised. Sometimes it's not up to you to decide, and you just change as things change. But you'll reap some rewards, such as new feelings or new goals.

Gemini March is improvised, workplace changes are good for you, love shocks or can be happy

In mid-March, Gemini waits to see what happens

Sometimes Gemini knows that an outcome is not a good thing. Gemini should not force an outcome if there were still changes. If you can wait patiently, you should see some changes that make you happy. If you have to give yourself a result during this time, don't talk about it. Leave a trail and room.

Emotional problems can plague Gemini for a few days in mid-March, and emotionally entangled Geminis may quarrel with their other half over some family matters. It will last for a few days, and then it will dissipate, and if it accidentally develops into a cold war, you should reflect on yourself in time, but as long as the other party is not a water sign, it will be easier for you to reconcile or reach a consensus.

The pressure at work will be less, but the rewards will be much greater. The premise is that you have not given up on what you should have done in the previous period of time, nor have you relaxed your requirements for yourself. You can wait for things in the workplace, such as salary problems or new work problems, don't be too anxious, or inquire from the side.

Gemini March is improvised, workplace changes are good for you, love shocks or can be happy

In late March, Gemini gets better and better

After the previous changes, Gemini had a chance to stabilize in late March. Whether it is work or feelings, there will be more obvious improvements. You may have a small peak before the end of March, and the gains at work make you more confident in your relationships, especially for single Geminis. If you want to get off the order in March, there will be a very good chance in the second half of the month, and you can hint at the other party in advance.

At work, Gemini can say some ideas that you think are good, although they may not be very in place, but they can show your passion for work. This requires you to have a very good understanding of a lot of things, and of course, this may also be the result of the various changes you have experienced in the first half of the year.

In life, you don't seem to have anything particularly memorable happening, bland with some tedium. But if you can be nicer to the people around you, then you can see more good.

Gemini March is improvised, workplace changes are good for you, love shocks or can be happy

Ascending constellation effects

The Ascendant is the Gemini of Libra, and your desire to perform in mid-March will be very strong, but don't rob others of the scenery, otherwise you may not get the reward you deserve because of too many enemies. Sometimes someone won't necessarily help you, but there will be someone who wants to carry your stuff into their own arms.

The ascending sign is Cancer's Gemini, and if you find that in early March you can't get out of your feelings of uneasiness and anxiety. Try a walk-and-go trip, not too far, just get away from your current environment for a while. Go to the other side of the city, eat what you want to eat, go to meet people who have not had time to see for a long time, and your mood will naturally improve.

The ascending sign is the single Gemini of Aquarius, and you may be re-selected before, and there is a high probability of a broken mirror. Of course, sometimes you will not choose this relationship because of your stubbornness, but if you want to be able to be with each other, then cultivate the relationship between you.

Gemini March is improvised, workplace changes are good for you, love shocks or can be happy

Moon constellation influences

The Moon sign is the Gemini of Lion, and while you've had a lot of harvests since mid-March, don't show off. Gemini needs to keep a low profile from mid-start, although Leo's influence will be more obvious, and impatience and panic may make you lose some rewards.

The Moon sign is the Gemini of Scorpio, you will complete a good performance under the gaze of many people, everyone will appreciate your efforts, and you will get a lot of applause. Your popularity will reach a peak before the end of March. If you want to be high-profile during this time, no one will feel out of place.

Gemini March is improvised, workplace changes are good for you, love shocks or can be happy

Message from March

Many Geminis will still face a change in March, but it's not caused by you, but a lot of people are starting to have new ideas. The new moon brings new hope and new ideas to some people, and you may not have a very direct feeling, but the changes around you have begun to make some changes. However, as the environment changes, it will also change some of your ideas and practices.

Whether it is life or work, Gemini should see the opportunity to change, I believe that many Gemini have this ability, and some changes in the relationship may surprise you, but in most cases if you can calmly deal with it, the result will be satisfactory to you.

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