
One of the suspense of the third stage of the CBA regular season: will Liaoning and Guangdong meet early in the playoffs?

The CBA League regular season phase 3 will begin on March 1, and teams are currently preparing for the game. As the regular season draws to a close, this stage is particularly important for teams with pursuits, with teams with high points striving for good rankings and teams around 12th in trying to make the playoffs. This article first discusses the playoff prospects of the two guangdong and Liaoning finalists.

Unexpected rankings, who are reluctant to face the situation in advance.

One of the suspense of the third stage of the CBA regular season: will Liaoning and Guangdong meet early in the playoffs?

The Yue-Liao war is the main theme of the playoffs in the past two seasons, the two teams have strong strength and stable performance, in these two seasons have reached the final finals, so before the start of this season, quite a lot of views believe that the final finals of the new season are still Guangdong Liao.

Unexpectedly, after the end of the second stage of the regular season this season, the points ranking was somewhat unexpected, Liaoning led the standings with 25 wins and 3 losses, and Guangdong team had a poor record, with a record of only 20 wins and 8 losses, 5 wins behind Liaoning. At the same time, Shanghai, Guangsha and Zhejiang all rose together, and they also surpassed the defending champions by 2 or 3 wins.

Guangdong team only ranks fifth in the standings, if the playoffs are carried out according to the current ranking, Guangdong team will not only participate in the playoffs, even if it is won in the subsequent 1/4 finals, the semi-finals will most likely encounter Liaoning in advance! Last season's champions and runners-up met early in the semi-finals this season, a picture that most people probably didn't expect beforehand.

There is still room for adjustment.

One of the suspense of the third stage of the CBA regular season: will Liaoning and Guangdong meet early in the playoffs?

Fortunately, there are still 10 games in the third stage of the regular season, and the two sides may still adjust. Liaoning's opponents in the 10 matches in the third stage are: Qingdao, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Qingdao, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Sichuan. Among them, Jiangsu, Qingdao, Sichuan are the bottom teams after the ranking of 15, the promotion to the playoffs is basically hopeless, the desire to win is insufficient, the possibility of Liaoning team winning all 6 games is very large, and the hard battle is only 2 games with Shanghai and Zhejiang.

The remaining 10 opponents of the Shanghai team are: Tongxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Tongxi, Jilin, Guangsha, Shanxi, Liaoning, Guangsha and Shanxi. In addition to the 2 games of the Fish Belly Tongxi Team, the Shanghai team will also face 4 hard battles in Liaoning and Guangsha, in addition, Shanxi is the dark horse this season, and Jilin is still fighting for the playoff qualification, and these 4 games are not easy. The Shanghai team has a higher schedule than the Liaoning team, and the probability of surpassing the Liaoning team in points is unlikely, but the probability of falling out of the top four is not too high.

According to this prediction, Liaoning has great hopes of retaining the first place in the regular season. Zhu Fangyu, the general manager of the Guangdong team, recently revealed that the goal of the third stage of the Guangdong team is to rise to the second place in the standings, which is also in another way to recognize this prediction, because the Guangdong team is ranked second in the standings, and it can avoid the early encounter with the Liaoning team.

One of the suspense of the third stage of the CBA regular season: will Liaoning and Guangdong meet early in the playoffs?

However, guangdong team can not be too optimistic if it wants to achieve this ideal ranking. Guangsha team is currently ranked 3rd in the standings, the remaining 10 opponents are: Sichuan, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Qingdao, Shanghai, Qingdao, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Qingdao ranked low, 6 games are difficult to pose too much threat to Guangsha team, the hard battle is only with Shanghai, Zhejiang each 2 games, while Guangsha team in the regular season double kill Guangdong team, guangdong team to recover the gap of 3 wins is unlikely, Guangsha team has a high probability of ensuring the second or third position in the standings.

The current fourth place in the standings is Zhejiang, and the remaining 10 opponents are: Shanxi, Tongxi, Liaoning, Guangsha, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Guangsha, Jilin, Tongxi. The difficulty of the schedule with the Shanghai team is comparable, it is difficult to compete with the Guangsha team, it is more difficult to jump to the top two in the points, and the realistic goal may be to keep the top four and not participate in the playoffs.

One of the suspense of the third stage of the CBA regular season: will Liaoning and Guangdong meet early in the playoffs?

The remaining 10 opponents of the Guangdong team are: Shandong, Xinjiang, Guangzhou, Beikong, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Beikong, Ningbo, Xinjiang and Shandong. There is no championship team here, as long as the game with Shandong, Beikong and Xinjiang, the three teams competing for playoff places, the probability of Guangdong winning a full victory is not small.

If the Guangdong team can achieve 10 consecutive wins, due to other competitors to fight each other, the probability of Guangdong team continuing to improve in the standings is very high, in fact, due to the lack of home and away format, Guangdong team ranking jumped to the 2nd and 3rd effect is the same, to achieve difficulty, the need for Liaoning, Shanghai, Guangsha, Zhejiang "cooperation".

How many do you think Guangdong's final ranking in the regular season can rise to? Will the Yue-Liao playoffs meet in advance? Welcome to high opinions.

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