
How many statements did the poet Pan Weilian make, which was to break the heavens of the poetry world? admire

The national celebration of the Spring Festival and the extremely successful Beijing Winter Olympics cannot hide the excitement of the poetry world. No, in recent days, there have been two things in the poetry world, and that is really lively. One is the plagiarism incident of Liu Xiangdong, editor-in-chief of the Selected Poetry Journal and vice president of the Chinese Poetry Society, and the other is the poet Chen Yuyin's poetry collection "The Sky is True".

How many statements did the poet Pan Weilian make, which was to break the heavens of the poetry world? admire

The image comes from the Internet

On February 13, 2022, poet Pan Wei issued a statement saying that the preface he wrote for the book "The Sky Is True" was "overflowing" with the works in it. This "overflowing over-the-top" has led to "detrimental to the ecology of literature and poetry". I translated it, which means that it is exaggerated a little in the preface, but in fact, this collection of poems is really not bad.

To tell the truth, here I have to admire Pan Wei, he is going to tear his face with the poetry world! Because this collection of poems, "Heaven is Real", there are many "famous people" in the poetry circle who have praised it. On May 6, 2021, Li Shaojun held a grand launch ceremony for Chen Yuyin's "The Sky Is True" at the Waiyan Bookstore. There were also many "famous poets" participating, and Guidimaga also wrote his own inscription.

How many statements did the poet Pan Weilian make, which was to break the heavens of the poetry world? admire

Therefore, Pan Wei's statement is a slap in the face of a group of "famous poets". Chen Yuyin, the author of this collection of poems, will certainly not stop here. On February 18, 2022, "Chen Yuyin Studio" issued a statement saying that this "poet Pan Wei" was not the poet Pan Wei himself, but the "false news" released by others using this account.

This is actually "Chen Yuyin Studio" looking for steps, not only for himself, but also for the poet Pan Wei to find steps. With such a statement as "Chen Yuyin Studio", the responsibility is pushed to "others". It has nothing to do with Chen Yuyin, nor does it have anything to do with the poet Pan Wei, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

How many statements did the poet Pan Weilian make, which was to break the heavens of the poetry world? admire

But the poet Pan Wei did not go down the steps and did not appreciate this sentiment. On the 19th, the poet Pan Wei issued a statement again, saying that this "poet Pan Wei" was himself, and everything he released was his own meaning. This statement by the poet Pan Wei undoubtedly made the statement of "Chen Yuyin Studio" into "false news". The poet Pan Wei was also rude in his statement, and said it very clearly.

And this poet Pan Wei, afraid that others will still have doubts, will this statement be "false" again? Therefore, he also wrote a statement by hand and signed his name. Not only that, but he also recorded a video and made a statement again, saying that the "poet Pan Wei" was himself.

How many statements did the poet Pan Weilian make, which was to break the heavens of the poetry world? admire

Haha, this poet Pan Wei I didn't know anything about before. But through this incident, I found him to be a very cute person. This kind of more real energy is really rare in the poetry world. There are a lot of echoing voices, praise sounds, and praise voices in the poetry world. But a more authentic person like the poet Pan Wei is indeed rare.

These statements by the poet Pan Wei seem to be about to break the heavens of the poetry world. The price he paid is not small, and in the future, it is estimated that it will be difficult to have a foothold in the poetry world. These few statements of his offended not only Chen Yuyin, but also many "famous poets" who applauded Chen Yuyin.

How many statements did the poet Pan Weilian make, which was to break the heavens of the poetry world? admire

Chen Yuyin's works emphasize the natural authenticity of the soul, which is also the original heart and original heart of poetry. For poetry, there should always be innocence. She is sensitive to beauty, naturally loves nature, and is persistent and sincere about emotions. This is also the reason why her poetry has a certain influence among the younger generation. This is the evaluation of Chen Yuyin's works by Li Shaojun, editor-in-chief of "Poetry Journal", is this considered "overflowing"?

And in Chen Yuyin's poetry collection "The Sky Is True", it is not all poetry, but there are many quotation-like things. To put it bluntly, it is what we call "chicken soup for the soul". Can these things be counted as poetry? Still able to rave reviews? It can only be said that the poet Pan Wei was indeed too conscientious to go before issuing a statement.

How many statements did the poet Pan Weilian make, which was to break the heavens of the poetry world? admire

Others, however, were at ease and praised the "book of poems." In their view, Chen Yuyin is a rising star in the poetry world, and will surely shine in the future. This really confuses us laymen, what kind of poetry is "good" and what kind of poetry is "inferior"? It is indeed a great disadvantage to the ecology of poetry.

Here, we have to admire the poet Pan Wei, and we also have to "admire" Li Shaojun. Admire Pan Wei's more real strength, and also "admire" Li Shaojun's level of "overflowing beauty". If there are a few more real people like the poet Pan Wei in the poetry world, the poetry ecology will be much better.

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