
[Focus on Sanxingdui] A three-dimensional perspective that jumps on top of thoughts ‖

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[Focus on Sanxingdui] A three-dimensional perspective that jumps on top of thoughts ‖
[Focus on Sanxingdui] A three-dimensional perspective that jumps on top of thoughts ‖
[Focus on Sanxingdui] A three-dimensional perspective that jumps on top of thoughts ‖
[Focus on Sanxingdui] A three-dimensional perspective that jumps on top of thoughts ‖

A three-dimensional perspective that leaps on top of the mind

Of course


Sanxingdui is lyrical with geometry or lines

Thick and thin bronze

Recited by the priests as clouds of lines, colors, and changes

Every expression can be interpreted geometrically and deeply

The lights dimmed, dimmed to a historical gradient

Put your imagination back on the banks of the Duck River, on the mysterious walls

All the masks are resurrected, and the dark clouds on the duck river are rolling

Sensitive neurons

Densely packed in a grand sacrifice

The sky is mysterious, the earth is mysterious

A mysterious symbol cracked in a geometric pictogram pattern

Dancing with the soul of a clan and even a nation

It covers human life and death, eternity, infinity and helplessness

The priest asked for help, and peered into the gathering of wind and clouds in a silent posture

It's a bird

This is a mystery that a bird cannot express

I'm going to go back to reality and look it up

Fragments of the years, how

Let the words collectively lose their memory like fading grass

[Focus on Sanxingdui] A three-dimensional perspective that jumps on top of thoughts ‖


Solemn footsteps crouched over the wizard's incantations

A mountain is getting lighter

Clairvoyance, downwind ears, walking on the edge of bronze

Bring the imagination beyond time and space into life

Snakes, perhaps, are a kind of agility

The wizard's devious wits could not take away the darkness

Those stagnant times are constantly being tampered with

It was as if useless time was stacked here, and it was written off again

The sun reflects in the metal, reuniting with time into a suspense

The flames of the gathering will be a city

Or the hustle and bustle of a dynasty is lost

The texts of the void are stacked layer by layer into philosophy

The huge copper money tree quickly flipped the prayer

The stars in the night sky are in another language, painted outside the words

Read, the Bronze Age, which has been silent

At this time, the sun was shining outside the museum

[Focus on Sanxingdui] A three-dimensional perspective that jumps on top of thoughts ‖

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