
There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

2 years and 4 months baby play puzzles for an afternoon, the concentration is amazing, playing puzzles has 6 major benefits, the earlier the training baby, the smarter the baby.

Just bought back the 3-4th order puzzle yesterday, two 2-year-old babies can't wait to open and start playing, before playing the 2nd order puzzle, have not been exposed to this difficulty, did not expect the two little guys to tinker with an afternoon, concentration is really fantastic! I also spelled out my own patterns.

There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

Although it is a bit simple for adults, the first fight still surprised me, they are based on the color, shape, texture to judge, find the gap of the fruit and then try.

Many parents say that their children's concentration is not good, children can not quiet down to play with toys, read for more than 3-5 minutes, which is a manifestation of poor concentration, typical performance is: can not devote themselves to one thing, poor hand-eye-brain coordination ability, can not sit still, looking around, if you do not correct when you are a child, after going to school, it is manifested as poor concentration in class, small thoughts, low efficiency in class, poor grades.

There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

Therefore, exercising your baby's concentration must start small. Coco, whether reading or playing with toys, can sink her mind, even if I am not there, I can be alone for a long time, not disturbed, and I used to train her with puzzles. Because as the top of the list of educational toys, the puzzle price is cheap and integrates 6 major functions.

First, exercise concentration

There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

The puzzle is called the "concentration training artifact" because it is a quiet exercise, but it requires the eyes, brain, and hands to work together at the same time, that is, to copy the baby's desired pattern by hand, and at the same time, the mind cannot be distracted in the process, and it will be wrong to move the mind, and it is possible to completely overturn and re-spell.

When coco is looking for the next piece according to the color and notch of the apple when she is in the puzzle, her small hands keep looking for words, and there are words in her mouth, for example, when she finds the small bugs on the apple, she will continue to look along this clue, and shout one by one excitedly: "I found it."

There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

The advantage of puzzles is that as the number of blocks increases, the difficulty also increases, and it requires super concentration. And the sooner this ability is exercised, the child will learn to worry a lot in the future, such as the efficiency of the classroom and the results are very good.

Second, exercise the fine movements of the hands

Puzzles need to be stitched together piece by piece, especially for children around 2 years old, which is both physical and mental work. Small hands need to keep laying out the puzzles, and they also need to try again and again. Maybe playing a jigsaw puzzle for an hour, the two small hands will move hundreds or thousands of times, and the blood circulation in the hands will be accelerated, which will promote brain development.

There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

Third, exercise observation

Baby cognition of the world and the development of the brain, first of all, to observe, the baby in the process of puzzle on the observation is a great challenge, because the puzzle between each piece of the color, shape, texture is very similar, but careful observation is not the same, if a glance may not find the difference between the two pieces.

There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

Yesterday when coco puzzle, she was based on the pattern, shape, color to spell, found that there are similar two pieces of puzzle, take it in your hand to observe, and then do it, this really surprised me, after all, the first time she spelled this difficult puzzle, I did not expect to complete it very well.

Fourth, exercise imagination and memory

Puzzles are known as "smart toys," a concept that comes from abroad, open-ended Toys, because their openness greatly stimulates children's creativity and imagination. Because playing puzzles requires a high degree of coordination between hand, eye and brain, observing the layout anytime and anywhere, children also need to constantly build "imaginary" patterns in their minds, when the number of puzzles is increasing and the time is getting tighter, they also need to remember what they have spelled before and cannot be repeated. So it is very challenging for children's memory and imagination.

There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

Fifth, exercise logical thinking

The process of puzzles needs to have "whole" and "partial" thinking, a piece of small puzzle is "partial", the whole pattern is finishing, and there needs to be a collated image in the mind during the splicing process, and then assemble them one by one. This is a test of the child's logical thinking, what to spell first and then what to spell to form the whole pattern.

Sixth, exercise the ability to resist setbacks

There are 6 major benefits to playing puzzles, develop intelligence, exercise hands-on ability, no wonder babies like to play

The ability to resist setbacks is a necessary condition for success, and there is no shortage of bullying, what is missing is the bully who does not give up and has a good mentality. Many children grow up in a too smooth environment, what to do, will eventually lead to poor psychological endurance of children, criticism, scolding, snub, etc. can not be accepted, and it is difficult to become a big thing in the end.

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