
Practical classroom | How to plan for the Year of the Tiger? Let's give an example

One yin and one yang is the Tao, and Zhou Yi uses the opposition of yin and yang to unify the changes in all things in the world, including of course our fortunes. According to the law of yin and yang, due to the different "I", there will be different changes in the same year, and restraint is the basic logic. This ancient person used "gua xiang", "birthday" and so on to describe, find a "me", and explore the relationship between man and heaven and time. So, when the tiger is coming, how should we plan? Let me briefly interpret it for the reference of easy-to-learn enthusiasts.

Practical classroom | How to plan for the Year of the Tiger? Let's give an example

First, the temperament of the year of Nongyin

We have explored the interpretation of the year of Nong Yin from many angles such as the combination of stem and branch, gua xiang, and the theory of yuan luck, but it can be summarized and summarized.

Judging from the combination of dry branches and branches, the water and wood are born in the year of Nongyin, the wood qi is too heavy, and the resolution of the wood gas is an important link; the gua elephant is both water and fire, and there will be contradictions and conflicts, unclear goals, inner confusion, and wrong placeholding.

Combined with the flying star theory, in 2022, the year of the non-Yin Tiger, the five yellows into the middle, forming a balanced trend. The "five yellows" in the traditional flying star have the characteristics of pentahexyl soil, the earth qi is the king's qi, in the center, modesty, thickness, introspection is its connotation, so-called: "holding the rope and controlling the four parties", the central government is stable and the four parties can be governed.

In the energy is multiple, from different angles to our role and influence, need to be constantly sorted out, and combined with the characteristics of the self to analyze.

Second, the interpretation of "I" temperament

In the thinking of the ancients, "I" is the evolution of Tai Chi, and there are different ways of expressing it.

1. The "I" represented by the zodiac genus

According to the repositioning of the time of birth, there are twelve divisions, that is, the twelve zodiac signs, specifically: son, ugly, yin, 卯, 辰, 巳, noon, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 海. Every zodiac sign has temperament and energy.

Practical classroom | How to plan for the Year of the Tiger? Let's give an example

Such as the five lines of water, wisdom and wisdom. It corresponds to the kan of Zhou Yi for water. Corresponding to 23 o'clock to 1 o'clock, a yang rises, out of nothing, full of energy; located in the Kan Palace, corresponding to the Humen and canopy, representing emotions, desires, etc. From a human point of view, it corresponds to the waist and abdomen, urinary system and reproductive system of the human body.

2, 60 Koshi and Gua Feng

Of course, it can also be refined into 60 combinations to distinguish specific zodiac signs, such as the 84-year rat as the nail, and the 96-year mouse as the C-year.

At the same time, from another point of view, their trigrams are also different, the so-called trigrams are the interpretation of the birthday (flow year) of the birthday (flow year) with Zhou Yi's gua xiang. For example, in 76 years, the life of The Qiangao is Qiangua (六白), while the Kunzao in 76 is the Departure Gua (Nine Purples).

Of course, to fully understand yourself, you must have the basic skills that are easy to learn. At the same time, you will also suspect that people of different years will not have the same luck. In fact, Zhou Yi is not easy to combine with change, there are not easy and easy, but also in combination with gender, occupation, orientation to make corresponding adjustments.

3. Horoscope analysis and planning

There are 12 kinds of zodiac signs, and there will be nine different trigrams according to gender, and the following can only outline and provide an idea. Take the 76 years of Dry Manufacturing as an example to analyze and plan a fortune:

Practical classroom | How to plan for the Year of the Tiger? Let's give an example

1. Temperament characteristics

From the perspective of the Zodiac, 1976 is the Year of the Dragon, and the Dragon is located in the southeast, which is a combination of technology and fortune; from the perspective of fortune, the six platinum stars enter the fate, representing the ability of leadership and management.

If it is a female life, although the zodiac sign is the same as the Chenlong, but the life is nine purple, its characteristics are more focused on publicity, media, beauty and other industries.

2. Horoscope characteristics

In 2022, Mizuki is born together, the financial officials are prosperous, and the vitality has improved compared with last year. In the Xun Palace where Chen long is located, the Wenqu star is coming, which is conducive to professionalism, technology and market; the Six White Fallen Wuqu Star Qiangong is conducive to career development and management upgrading; the five yellow students help the nobles to help each other and succeed in their studies.

3. Planning ideas

The work will be carried out around the profession, market, management, steady development, all kinds of resources will still bring support and benefits, to study the relevant national policies, in case of trouble to ask the division and commander for advice; appropriately create conditions to strengthen communication and exchanges.

And adjust the home and office environment, mainly for the southeast (the position of the Dragon), the northwest (the position of the life), the northeast (the direction of the age) to carry out the corresponding solution and planning.

Summary: The above is only a line of thinking, in the actual planning, it is necessary to organically combine theory and practice and do a more in-depth analysis.

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