
Car keys with "dog paw" key Ford applied for a pet mode patent

Recently, we have explained from foreign media reports that Ford has applied for a new car pet model since 2018 and officially released it recently. The technology allows owners to lock their pets in the car for a short period of time, such as air conditioning is open, windows are half open, and cool drinking water can be provided to pets through the system. In addition, Ford will provide cars equipped with this function with a car key with a "dog paw" button, and the owner can activate pet mode outside the car.

Car keys with "dog paw" key Ford applied for a pet mode patent

Ford's patent application shows that setup options will include heating and cooling, slightly lowering the windows, activating audio presets and even the ability to fold the rear seats. Once activated, the window switch and door handle will be disabled, so even the most jumpy or smartest dog will not be able to escape. The application also mentions the on-board hydration system, which provides cool fresh water to pets.

Car keys with "dog paw" key Ford applied for a pet mode patent

In addition, the remote key will be equipped with an additional button with dog paws printed on it, so the owner can activate pet mode from outside the car. At present, Ford has not specified which models will carry this function, and the media speculates that it will be mainly used in new electric vehicles.

Editor: Features like pet mode have appeared in the stories of new forces such as Tesla in the past, and due to the way the new forces are publicized, I have always been under the impression that only new forces are more active in the development of these functions. It turns out that no, like Ford's "century-old store" is also silently preparing for the car intelligence, in the next new energy vehicle speed up the popularization process, I think the new forces do not occupy an absolute advantage, the strength of traditional car companies is still worth looking forward to.

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