
The opposite: Volkswagen buys Huawei's autopilot division, and Yu Chengdong claims to kill Tesla in a year

Recently, there have been two heavy news about Huawei in the automotive industry: One is volkswagen's intention to acquire Huawei's autonomous driving department for billions of euros, and Volkswagen China's official response to this news is "no comment". The other is the video of Huawei's executive director Yu Chengdong's internal speech, which contains a number of explosive news, including a year to kill Tesla, 2 years later to soar, the annual sales will quickly exceed 2 million, and then to knock down BBA.

The opposite: Volkswagen buys Huawei's autopilot division, and Yu Chengdong claims to kill Tesla in a year

These two messages are evidenced by Yu Chengdong's video, and the big talk is not in line with Huawei's consistent style; at least it shows that Huawei continues to adhere to the field of smart cars after the decline in mobile phone business;

In contrast, the first news, Volkswagen's acquisition of Huawei's intelligent driving department, is worth scrutinizing.

Volkswagen's reply of "no comment" at least did not directly debunk the rumors. Is Huawei going to abandon its own self-development of autonomous driving technology? Or is there any agreement between China and Germany from above?

The opposite: Volkswagen buys Huawei's autopilot division, and Yu Chengdong claims to kill Tesla in a year

Obviously, this is a "big melon", there are two voices at present, one is that Huawei can't bear to give up automatic driving; the other is that Huawei is too important to China, automatic driving is more important to the current Huawei, and Huawei cannot sell the automatic driving department. Both claims do have a basis.

If Huawei really gives up automatic driving, the biggest reason is only two, the decline in performance needs to be replenished; to build a whole vehicle, Huawei's automatic driving system domestic mainstream brands are rejected, only by hanging on the "foreign standard" can it be possible to enter the mainstream market in China.

In the highlight period of the Internet industry gradually faded, in the struggle against the United States, Huawei became a national brand, supported by the whole country. Huawei is unlikely to give up such a large market, and then look at the acquisition price of billions of euros, although the price is not cheap, but for Huawei, even a year-end bonus is not enough, how can it sell their years of hard work for these years.

The opposite: Volkswagen buys Huawei's autopilot division, and Yu Chengdong claims to kill Tesla in a year

There are also reports that Volkswagen is considering acquiring a business unit specializing in autonomous driving from Chinese technology company Huawei. It's just a small module of autonomous driving, not the entire autonomous driving sector.

Automatic driving: There will be a war between China and the United States, I believe Huawei must be one of the main forces!

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