
Prose | Bruquee: Zero

Above zero


Prose | Bruquee: Zero

(Web Photo)

Walking on the road to above zero temperatures is a little different from yesterday. The same path, the same time, suddenly felt a little hot, there was a slight sweat and did not come out. After a deep thought, I remembered that today's maximum temperature was 11 ° C, which should have been above zero at this time.

Looking up at the eight o'clock sun, the yellow was very thick in the slight mist, extending in large pieces to the four, trying to contaminate the whole sky. Unfortunately, there are buildings rising from the ground, either this one is blocked, or the other is exceeded, so that the sunlight along the way is always intermittent. Stepping over a tree shadow startled a flock of sparrows, which flew toward the sunlight and landed on another tree, chirping incessantly. Whether I complained that I disturbed their subjects, or praised the warmth of the sun, or maybe I was discussing a good start in early spring, finding a permanent eaves, finding a long-perched tree, and living a tiger's head and tiger's brain and living tiger for the year of tiger and tiger.

I like the name "Moon River", and although its ice water is almost rotten and years of sludge has been exposed, I am willing to walk along its winding path to the office building. The weeping willows in front of them have a yellow meaning, not the yellow of the zero sun, but the bright yellow that seems to have no softness. One by one, they swayed gently in the cold breeze, as if a girl with long hair had deliberately thrown off her youth, making the ice on the entire river thinner by another point. Heaven has its own fairness. Every year, the willow trees sprout the earliest, from goose yellow to emerald green, and are pioneers in spring. And the autumn wind has not arrived, the first yellow leaves to wither is the willow tree, always falling and falling, until it falls to other trees, it still has yellow leaves floating in. This lingering state, like its soft branches, can be tough, can be tough. Or because of this, it is most suitable for the river, in the lake, with a variety of graceful and colorful, fishing for the wind and the clouds, accompanied by tourists coming and going.

The ground above zero is the softest, like a boiled pot of noodles or a large loaf of bread. It is as if you can see one breathable hole after another, which suddenly expands after the cold contraction, full of vitality. In the bushes of dry grass, little by little green was revealed, like an eye that had just woken up, secretly and quietly looking at the fresh world. You have to admire the description of "grass color is close but nothing", which is really in one word, and can be extended to many aspects. For example, the unrequited love that secretly sent Qiu Bo, secretly took a look, and was afraid of being discovered, the little nine-nine in the heart could be set as "grass color remote look close but nothing". That unattainable extravagance seems to have touched, and suddenly left a hundred and eighteen thousand miles, with "grass color distant look close but nothing" came but thought, is the best comfort.

The footsteps seemed to be brisk, and there seemed to be more pedestrians who encountered them, all taking advantage of the good spring colors to show the spring breeze. Passing by 3 ladies head-on, you will be less than 30 years old when you look at the graceful posture! I happened to hear a few conversations about my life after retirement. This sixty flower armor has been lived out like a flower for years, which should be the eternal life that the ancient emperors diligently sought! When I was in middle school, I read Samuel Ullman's Youth. "Youth is not youth, but state of mind; youth is not peach face, lips, soft knees, but deep will, magnificent imagination, fiery feelings; youth is the deep spring of life." 」 At that time, the understanding was very biased, thinking that youth should be like this. Only by losing youth can we know that this is youth. When looking at the camera, the top of the head that has no hair, the youth sentence under the back is broken by the blow, and what to show the appearance of youth.

Only by relying on will, imagination and feelings, trying to see no new people in the eyes, only the old appearance in the heart, with the growth of the mind to live out the childish dashing, to persuade themselves is also winter to spring, with the flowing clouds like flowers, with the east wind like silk entanglement, I am also a grass with zero temperature, thriving.

Prose | Bruquee: Zero

【About the author】Bu Rukui, a native of Yanggu, Shandong. He is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society and the Binzhou Poetry Society.

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