
German Volkswagen negotiated the purchase of Huawei's autonomous driving division, will Huawei agree

In fact, many domestic car companies have cooperated with Huawei in automatic driving, such as Jihu, etc., of course, there are also those who reject Huawei, such as SAIC Volkswagen. Whether it is cooperation or exclusion, this is the independent choice of the enterprise, there is no need to condemn it with patriotic feelings and so on.

German Volkswagen negotiated the purchase of Huawei's autonomous driving division, will Huawei agree

However, we do have to acknowledge Huawei's efforts and achievements in the field of automatic driving, otherwise there would not be so many car companies cooperating. In addition to cooperation, there are also those who want to acquire, according to the German financial media "Manager Magazine", Volkswagen Group is in negotiations with Huawei to buy Huawei's autonomous driving division for billions of euros. The media quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that the volkswagen group's top management has been negotiating the deal for several months, which also involves a technical system that Volkswagen is not good at. This is not a matter of wealth, the professional field can not do you, then directly buy you, it is nothing more than the amount of money.

German Volkswagen negotiated the purchase of Huawei's autonomous driving division, will Huawei agree

At present, it is not known how the two sides are negotiating, and Huawei has not issued any statement on the relevant incident. The core competitiveness of the future car is automatic driving, which is why many people are optimistic that Huawei can catch up with the car, I don't know if Huawei will really sell this time, and if it is sold, it will not have an impact on the partners who have already cooperated.

German Volkswagen negotiated the purchase of Huawei's autonomous driving division, will Huawei agree

After Huawei was sanctioned in the past two years, it has shifted its business focus to car building, and I hope it will not end just at the beginning!

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