
Remind women: Menopause is not sudden, and at this age, you may need to be prepared

"Menopause" I think all women should have heard of it, it is a stage that women must go through in the transition from middle age to old age!

Menopause in the clinic can be divided into two situations, the first is the natural menopause of women, the second is artificial menopause, and women due to various gynecological diseases, excision of the ovaries or uterus, resulting in endometrial metabolism stopped, complete menopause. In the mainland, the vast majority of women's menopause is the former, which is related to the aging of the body's organ function.

Remind women: Menopause is not sudden, and at this age, you may need to be prepared

So the question is, when will menopause, and when do women need to be prepared?

First of all, we must understand what menopause is. The so-called menopause is actually the stage of complete loss of female gonadal function. It should be known that all organs of the human body will gradually age and decline in function with age, and the female ovaries are no exception. It begins to develop in the 12-15-year-old age of women, gradually becomes ovulatory, and can last for decades;

Remind women: Menopause is not sudden, and at this age, you may need to be prepared

However, the number of follicles in the ovaries is limited, and when the number of follicles in women is exhausted, or the ovarian function is completely lost, the remaining follicles lose their response to gonadotropins, and the follicles do not develop and secrete estrogen. The endometrium cannot thicken and fall off with hormonal changes, so women are completely demenopausal.

However, this menopause is not sudden, it goes through three stages, namely premenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

Remind women: Menopause is not sudden, and at this age, you may need to be prepared

Before the female menopause, the ovaries have entered a phase of gradual decline, which can last for about 2-4 years, different genes, different physiques, different menarche ages, the length of time is not the same, clinically called this stage of premenopause.

After that, women go into menopause. After menopause, ovarian function becomes lower, but it does not necessarily disappear completely immediately, generally it takes 2-3 years, and some women even last for 6-8 years or longer, and finally complete menopause and complete loss of ovarian function.

Remind women: Menopause is not sudden, and at this age, you may need to be prepared

Menopause is calculated based on the last menstrual period of 40-year-old women, and in terms of the genes of mainland women, menopause is generally in the age group of 45-55 years old, with an average age of 48 years. However, the vast majority of mainland women are completely menopausal before the age of 50.

That is, menopause is normal at this age. It should be emphasized that menopause is not accelerating the aging of the female body, it is just the product of organ aging.

Remind women: Menopause is not sudden, and at this age, you may need to be prepared

Conversely, if a woman has natural menopause before the age of 40, this is often a manifestation of premature ovarian failure and polycystic ovary syndrome, and requires timely medical examination.

But if more than 60 years old still have no menopause, this is not a signal that the body maintains its age state, but a manifestation of hormone secretion disorders in the body, and as you age, the later the menopause, the higher the chance of future ovarian cancer and breast cancer in women.

That is to say, only menopause within the normal age range is a manifestation of healthy and natural aging. Therefore, women after entering the age of 40 should be prepared for menopause and meet various upcoming performances.

Remind women: Menopause is not sudden, and at this age, you may need to be prepared

According to the current clinical data, the symptoms of menopause in women include menstrual disorders, emotional changes, insomnia, early awakening, hot flashes and so on.

Mainland women, some menopausal symptoms are not obvious, and they have completely menopause unconsciously.

However, there are also some women who have particularly obvious menopausal symptoms, and even develop to the point of menopausal syndrome and menopausal depression. In this case, you should seek medical attention to the doctor in time and adjust according to the doctor's recommendations.

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