
The Analects. The tenth chapter of the township party: food is not tired of essence, and it is not tired of fine

The Analects. The tenth chapter of the township party: food is not tired of essence, and it is not tired of fine

Confucius was in the township party, and he seemed to be unable to speak; when he was in the court of the Zongmiao Temple, he spoke, only Jing'er.

When Confucius was in his hometown, he was very obedient and gentle, as if he could not speak. But in the temple and the imperial court, he spoke clearly and freely, but he spoke very cautiously.

Chao, and the lower doctor to speak, Kan Kan Ruye; with the upper doctor to speak, to talk about Ruye. Jun is there, hesitating as well, and with ruye.

When the monarch had not yet arrived, Confucius spoke gently and happily with the lower doctor; he spoke with the upper doctor with integrity and respect; the monarch had already come, respectful and uneasy, but the manners were peaceful and moderate.

The king summons the messenger, the sebru, the foot ruye. Standing with the standing, left and right hands, the front and back of the clothes are also folded. Trending, winged as well. Bin retreats, and will return to his fate: "Bin does not care." ”

The monarch summoned Confucius to receive the guests, his face solemn and reserved, and his pace brisk. Bowing to those who stood with him, he bowed his hand to the left and to the right, and his clothes swung back and forth, but they looked neat. As he briskly moved forward, it was as if a bird had spread its wings. When the guests retreated, he must have returned the favor to the king, saying, "The guests are no longer looking back." ”

Enter the public gate, bow as well, if not tolerated. Standing in the middle of the door, not walking on the threshold. Excessive, seboruya, foot ruye, its words seem to be insufficient. Qi ascended to the hall, bowed as if he were also, and held his breath as if he were not stopping. Out, downgrade, get the color, Yi Yi Ru also; no order, tendentious, wing ru also; restore its position, hesitate as well.

Confucius walked into the gate of the court and showed a cautious look, as if there was no place for him. He does not stand in the middle of the door and does not step on the threshold when entering the door. As he passed the monarch's seat, his face became solemn, his steps became faster, and his voice was as low as if he lacked strength. He lifted the hem of his dress and walked up to the hall, appearing cautious and holding his breath as if he were not breathing. Walked out, down a step, his face stretched, pleasant and happy. After walking the steps, I walked forward quickly, like a bird spreading its wings. Returning to his place, he was respectful and cautious.

Hold on to the gui, bow as well, as if not victorious. The top is like a whip, the bottom is like a teaching. It's like a battle, and the feet are like a follower. Enjoy the gifts, have the color. Private, pleasurable.

Confucius sent envoys to other princely states, holding gui when performing the dowry ceremony, respectfully and cautiously, as if he could not move. When you lift it up, you seem to be waving, and when you put it down, you seem to be handing it over to someone else. He looked solemn and trembling; his steps were compact, as if he were walking along a line. When holding a gift-giving ceremony, it looks pleasant. When I held a private meeting with the monarch, it was more relaxed and pleasant.

Gentlemen do not decorate with cyan, and red and purple do not think that they are blasphemous. When the summer is full of silk, it will be out of the ordinary. Silky lamb, plain coated, yellow fox fur. The profanity is long and short. There will be a nightgown, and a half of it will be long. The thickness of the fox raccoon is to live. Go to the funeral, admire everything. If it is not a veil, it will be killed. The crown of the Lamb is not hanging. The auspicious month will be served and the direction will be.

Gentlemen do not use blue and red or black red cloth to make trim, red and purple are not used for ordinary household clothes. In the summer, wearing a single garment made of fine kudzu or coarse kudzu must be on the outside. Black with lambskin robes, white with deerskin robes, and yellow with fox fur robes. The leather jacket worn at home is longer, but the right sleeve is shorter. Sleep must have a small quilt, the length is one and a half times the length of a person. Use thick fox skin as a cushion. After the end of the mourning period, any ornament can be worn. It is not a dress worn during the pilgrimage and sacrifice, but must be cut. Neither the lambskin robe nor the black top hat could be worn for mourning. On the first day of each month, be sure to wear the dress of the pilgrimage to the pilgrimage.

Qi, there will be open cloth, cloth. Qi will change his food, and he will move to sit.

When fasting and bathing, be sure to have a yukata robe, made of cloth. When fasting, be sure to change your usual diet and live in a place where you live (not sleeping with your wife and concubines).

Food is not boring, the neck is not tired of fine. Eat and eat, fish and meat defeat, do not eat; sex is evil, do not eat; stink, do not eat; lose food, do not eat; from time to time, do not eat; cut not correct, do not eat; do not eat, do not eat, do not eat, do not eat its sauce, do not eat. Although there is a lot of meat, it does not make it better to eat gas. Only the wine is immeasurable, not chaotic. Sell wine in the city, do not eat. Do not withdraw ginger food, do not eat much.

Grain is not too delicate, fish and meat are not too finely cut. The grain is rotten and smelly, and the fish and meat are rotten and are not eaten. The food color is ugly and not eaten. Smells bad and is not eaten. Improper cooking, do not eat. When it's time to eat, don't eat. Meat that is not cut in a certain way is not eaten. The condiments are not properly placed and do not eat. Although there is a lot of meat on the table, the amount eaten is not more than the amount of rice noodles. Only alcohol has no limit, but not drunk. Meat jerky and sake bought from the market are not eaten. Ginger must be served at every meal, but not much.

Sacrifice to the public, not to the flesh. The sacrifice of meat does not take more than three days, and the three days of non-eating are not eaten.

Participate in the national sacrifice ceremony, and the sacrificial meat is eaten on the same day. In general, the meat of the sacrifice shall not be retained for more than three days. After more than three days, it is not eaten.

Eat without words, sleep without words.

Don't talk when you eat in your mouth, and don't make noise when it's time to sleep.

Although the vegetable soup is eaten, the melon sacrifice will be as good as it is.

Although it is coarse rice and vegetable soup, some of it should be taken out before the meal to worship the ancestors, and it must be respectful and respectful during the sacrifice, as if it is fasting.

The seat is not right, not sitting.

The mats laid on the floor are not properly placed and do not sit.

The townspeople drink, the cane comes out, and the si is out.

Drink with the natives, and when the elderly are out, they will go out by themselves.

The townspeople stand on the steps of the country.

When the townspeople held a ceremony to welcome the gods and drive away the epidemic, Confucius stood on the east steps in his imperial clothes.

Ask someone to be in another country, and then worship and send it.

When Confucius greeted his friends who lived in other princely states, he sent them off twice.

KangZi gave medicine and received it. "Qiu Weida, don't dare to taste." ”

Ji Kangzi gave Confucius a medicine, and Confucius accepted it after thanking him, saying: "I don't understand the medicinal properties of this medicine, and I dare not try it." ”

The stable burned, and the son retreated to the dynasty, saying: "Hurtful? "Don't ask the horse.

The horse shed burned down, and Confucius retreated back and said, "Did you hurt anyone?" "Don't ask how the horses are doing.

If the king gives food, he will taste it first; if the king gives it fishy, he will cook it and recommend it; and if the king gives birth, he will give birth to it, and he will taste it. Serve the king, sacrifice the king, and eat first.

The monarch gave food, and Confucius would definitely set the seat and taste it first. The monarch gave raw meat, and he would surely cook it, and first offer it to his ancestors. The king gives living things, and he will surely raise them. When the monarch performs a pre-meal sacrifice, he first takes the meal in front of the monarch and tastes it for him.

Disease, Junshizhi, Dongshou, Jia Chaofu, Drag Gentleman.

Confucius was ill, and when the monarch came to visit him, he lay with his head facing east, covered with imperial clothes, and dragged a large belt.

The king's command is called, and he does not drive.

The monarch summoned Confucius, and he walked first without waiting for the carriage and horse to be ridden.

Enter the Temple, ask everything.

When Confucius arrived at the Taimiao Temple, he had to ask everything.

When a friend dies and there is nowhere to go, he says, "Funeral to me." ”

Confucius's friend died, and no relatives were responsible for the burial, and Confucius said, "I will be responsible for handling the aftermath for him." ”

The gift of friends, though chariots and horses, is not sacrificed to meat, nor worship.

For gifts from friends, even if it is a chariot and a horse, as long as it is not sacrificial meat, Confucius will not perform a prayer and thanksgiving ceremony when he accepts it.

Sleeping without a corpse, not tolerated.

Confucius did not sleep straight like a dead body, and usually lived at home without paying attention to so much etiquette.

Whoever sees the decline of the Qi, though he is a fox, will change. He who sees the crown and the blind, though profane, will look upon him. The fierce suit is the type, and the negative version is the one.

People who see qi wan's mourning clothes, even if the relationship is close, must be serious. Seeing people in top hats and blind people, although it is a general meeting, must also be polite to each other. When you meet a person in mourning clothes on the road in a car, you must lean forward and hold the beam in front of the car with your hand to show sympathy. The same goes for people who bear national maps.

If there is a feast, it will change color and make it. Thunder and fierce wind, will change.

If you have a hearty meal when you are a guest, you must have a serious expression and stand up to thank you. When encountering thunder and strong winds, you must have a serious expression to show your awe for the sky.

Lifting the car, it will stand upright, and it will be appeased. In the car, do not look inward, do not speak, do not kiss.

When boarding the train, you must first stand upright and straight, and then pull the rope on the car to get on the car, on the car, do not look back, do not speak eagerly, do not point fingers and draw.

Ses lifts, soars and sets. "Mountain beam female pheasant, when the time is zha!" "The sub-way is together, and the three sniffs are made."

Confucius was walking in the valley and saw a flock of pheasants flying there, Confucius looked moved, and the pheasant flew and circled for a while, and then landed in one place. Confucius said, "These hens on the mountain beams are timely!" It's timely! Zi lu arched his hand at them, and the pheasant flapped its wings a few times and flew away.

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