
Samsung S22 Ultra Limited Edition Exposure: Mercedes-Benz Co-Brand Not Cheap!

Samsung officially announced today that it has officially reached a cooperation with Mercedes-Benz and launched the Samsung S22 Ultra Limited Edition Gift Box.

Samsung S22 Ultra Limited Edition Exposure: Mercedes-Benz Co-Brand Not Cheap!

In addition to the phone itself, the machine will also provide co-branded models. Mark & Lona is a world-renowned haute couture brand, which is a powerful combination and a high price

Samsung S22 Ultra Limited Edition Exposure: Mercedes-Benz Co-Brand Not Cheap!

The poster of the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Limited Edition shows that the new machine has redesigned features, and the two co-branded models seem to be only available in the Korean domestic market, and users who like it may have to find a purchase channel.

At present, Samsung has not yet announced the price, but the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra top match has exceeded 10,000, with the current limited edition of the product tone, more than 20,000 yuan is also possible!


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