
The Lantern Festival is recommended | classical masterpiece





Lantern recommended reading

Lantern Festival in classical masterpieces

The Lantern Festival is recommended | classical masterpiece

Just as he was singing "West Building, Lou Hui", this was about to end, Yu Shuye went because of the gambling gas, na Wen Bao said: "You gambled and went, just today on the fifteenth day of the first month, the old ancestor's family banquet in the Rongguo Mansion, wait for me to ride this horse, rush in to ask for some fruit to eat is important." After saying that, Jia Mu and so on laughed. Aunt Xue and the others all said, "Good ghost head child, poor one." Sister Feng then said, "This child is only nine years old." Jia Mu smiled and said, "It's hard for him to say that he is clever." He said the word "reward." Three daughters-in-law had already prepared a dustpan under their hands, heard a "reward" word, walked up to the pile of loose money on the table, each of them picked up a dustpan, came out to the stage and said: "The old ancestor, the aunt wife, and the wife of the family appreciate the leopard to buy fruit to eat!" As he spoke, he threw himself on the stage, only to hear the sound of money all over the stage. Jia Zhen Jia Lian had ordered the small squatters to carry the money of the big dustpan, and secretly prepared there.

- "Dream of the Red Chamber"

That night, Song Jiang and Hua Rong's family followed two or three of them and followed Song Jiang slowly. When I went to this qingfeng town to see the lights, I saw that a lamp shed was set up in front of the house, and there were countless flower lanterns. There are many stories painted on the lamp, and there are also cut and picked flying white Mudan flower lamps, and lotus hibiscus unusual lights. Four or five people held hands and came to the temple of the Land King, looked at it once in front of Aoshan Mountain, and looked at the lamp in the south. After walking for five or seven hundred steps, I saw the lights in front of me, and a group of people gathered around the door of a large wall courtyard, and the gong sounded, and everyone applauded. When Song Jiang watched, it was a group of dancing bao laos. Song Jiang is short and invisible behind people. However, the ladder himself who accompanied him recognized the social fire team, so he taught the people to separate and let Song Jiang see. The old man who jumped bao, his body twisted to the momentum of the village. Song Jiang looked at it and laughed.

- "Water Margin"

At this time, It was Kingo who couldn't help it, the countless people who were baking randomly, there were dancing, stilted, ghostly, elephant-riding, east and west, endless. However, when they reached the Golden Lantern Bridge, the Tang monk and the monks looked closely, and it turned out to be three golden lamps. The lamp was the size of a cylinder, and the two-story pavilion was illuminated by exquisite clarity, all of which were woven with fine gold wire. Inside is a sheet of glazed glass, its light is pretentious to the moon, and its oil is fragrant. Tang Monk asked the monk back, "What kind of oil is this lamp?" How can such a strange smell be so fragrant? The monks said, "Teachers don't know, there is a county behind my house, called Mintian County, and the county has two hundred and forty miles." Every year, a total of 240 lamp oil Ōto is audited. The various differences in the prefectures and counties are still very good, but this big one is very large, and each family has to make more than two hundred taels of silver for a year. This oil is not an ordinary oil, it is a crisp sesame oil. The oil costs two taels of silver for every two taels, and thirty-two taels of silver for every pound. Three lamps, each with five hundred pounds, three cylinders totaling fifteen hundred pounds, a total of forty-eight thousand taels of silver. There are also miscellaneous items to be used, there will be more than fifty thousand two, only three nights. ”

- Journey to the West

Moreover, Geng Ji and Wei Huang each had three or four hundred servants and prepared equipment. The Ji Miao brothers, who also gathered a population of 300, only pushed the hunt, and the arrangement was decided. Jin Yi came to see Wang Bi earlier and said, "Fang Is now a little safe in Haiyu, and the King of Wei is shaking the world; it is the Lantern Festival, and it is necessary not to put lights to show the peaceful weather." "The king must have said this, and told the inhabitants of the city to put on a lantern and celebrate the festival. On the fifteenth night of the first month, the sky is clear, the stars and moons are shining, the six streets and three cities are competing for flower lanterns. The real Kingo can't help it, the jade leak is not urgent! The king and the royal foresters will drink and feast in the camp. After the second change, I overheard the shouts in the camp, and the fire broke out after the people reported to the camp. When Wang Bi hurried out of the tent to look at it, he saw only the fire rolling around; he heard the shouts and killed for days, knew that there was a change in the camp, and hurriedly got on his horse to go out of the south gate, and when he met Geng Ji, an arrow hit his shoulder and almost fell off his horse, so he looked at the west gate and left. There was an army coming from behind. The king will be busy, abandoning his horse and walking. Go to the head of the Golden Gate and knock on its door in a panic. It turned out that Jin Yi had people set fires in the camp on the one hand, and on the other hand, he personally led the servants and then assisted in the battle, leaving only the women at home. When the family heard the sound of the king knocking on the door, he only said that Jin Yi had returned. From the next door, his wife asked, "Did the king fight?" Wang Bi was horrified, and Fang Wu Jin Yi conspired to defect to Cao Xiu's house and reported that Jin Yi, Geng Ji, and others were conspiring against him. Hugh hurriedly put on his horse and led more than a thousand people to resist the enemy in the city. There were four fires in the city, burning the Five Phoenix Tower, and the emperor took refuge in the deep palace. Cao's henchmen and minions died at the palace gate. In the city, he heard people shouting: "Kill all the Thieves of Cao, in order to help the Han Room!" ”

- Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Li Zhen'er knew that everyone came to see the lamp, and there were screen tables on the upper floor of the street, and many flower lanterns were hung. First greet the guest seat to see bi Lishu, and then let the people wait for tea in the next room. The room changed clothes and tea, and there was no need to elaborate. At noon, Li Zhen'er set up four tables in the guest seat, and asked two singing Dong Jiao'er and Han Jinjun'er to sing and drink. After five rounds of wine, three pieces of food were cut, and the wine party was served upstairs in front of him, and he invited the moon lady to go upstairs to watch the lights and play tricks. In front of the eaves hangs a xiang curtain and hangs a colored lamp. Wu Yueniang wore a big red makeup flower sleeve jacket, a delicate green skirt, and a mink skin jacket; Li Jiao'er, Meng Yulou, and Pan Jinlian were all white silk jackets and blue skirts; Li Jiao'er was a golden bijia with agarwood everywhere; Meng Yulou was a green golden bijia everywhere, with pearls on her head, phoenixes and half-unloaded, and many colorful lanterns were picked up behind her sideburns, and she looked down through the window of the building, and saw that in the lamp, the crowds were gathered, and it was very lively. Dozens of light stands were set up on the street, and some doors were lined up to buy and sell. Play with lights men and women, flowers red willow green, cars and horses thunder, Aoshan towering man.

- "Golden Plum Bottle"

On this day, when we arrived in Zhijia Country, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and all the sailors had to drink and celebrate the festival and anchor the ship early. Tang Ao's scenic language was similar to that of the Gentleman's Kingdom, and he asked Duo and Lin to see what the festival was like here. And because xiang wen was making fine calculations in this place, he wanted to visit the history, and when he entered the city not long ago, he listened to the noise of cannons and bamboo, and many flower lanterns were arranged in the city, for buying and selling, and the noise of the people was very lively. Lin Zhiyang said, "Look at this flower lantern, it looks like the Lantern Festival." Duo Jiugong said, "But it is also strange!" So I asked someone to visit. It turns out that the customs here, because the first month is very cold, the New Year is boring, not as good as the August day is high and refreshing, not cold and hot, just for the New Year, so the first day of August is changed to New Year's Day, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is changed to Shangyuan. At this time, it is the Lantern Festival, so it is lively.

- "Mirror Flower Edge"


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