
Car circle fun facts: prices, premiums have risen, trams can still save money than fuel cars?

Car circle fun facts: prices, premiums have risen, trams can still save money than fuel cars?
Car circle fun facts: prices, premiums have risen, trams can still save money than fuel cars?

Trams are just as expensive

Video: Car industry talk

Edit: Mei Mei

If you want to ask the automotive circle in 2022, what can most affect our purchase of cars, I personally think it should be a series of policies on new energy vehicles.

First of all, the new energy subsidies continue to decline, compared with 2021, there is a 30% reduction, prompting many new energy models to increase prices, followed by the official introduction of new energy vehicle insurance rules, causing fluctuations in car premiums, and even some car owners said that the cost doubled, which is obviously very exaggerated. New energy vehicles have always had a money-saving attribute, after the introduction of these policies, compared to oil vehicles, what are the advantages of trams?

Obviously, the overall comparison, the tram has the advantage of buying a car, using a car is actually not obvious, simply to save money to choose a tram, for most household owners do not have much significance, after all, most people's car time will not be too long, on the contrary, online car, taxi and other long-running industries can save a lot of costs through trams.

However, the tram still has many advantages over the oil car, such as the quietness of the driving process, the linearity during the acceleration process are good characteristics, and it is still worth buying.

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