
What is the child saying with depression?

Excerpt from an article by a doctor of psychiatry:

"Each patient's symptoms have certain psychological significance.

Patients with depression are often people who are in a disadvantageous position in social competition.

They are inferior, but at the same time full of ideals and fantasies, and often have the psychological trauma of losing their mother's love or being neglected and abandoned at an early age.

Later, they worked diligently, looked at the faces of others, courted others, and often appeared in front of everyone with attitudes such as "excellent", "excellent", "sensible", "cute", etc., and over time, he himself positioned himself as "superior and excellent talents", and even "geniuses".

They will study and work harder, and they will be complacent when their abilities can still fulfill these illusions of praise and beauty;

When their abilities fail to honor these honors and narcissistic fantasies, their personality bubbles burst and eventually end up with a depression of self-deprecation, self-abandonment, and self-aggression.

Once they have depression, they can no longer work hard to fulfill those narcissistic fantasies, no longer have to please others, and no longer have to bear stress. ”

Teacher Tao Yong said in a video that everyone has two kinds of life at the same time, physical life and spiritual life.

Although the child looks disease-free and painless, he is in good health and has the ability to study normally and complete his studies.

However, in fact, the invisible spiritual life is constantly consumed and even overdrawn because of the long-term superimposed damage and continuous heavy damage. So in the end, it becomes moribund, and it is difficult to cope with various challenges and difficulties in life. In the end, it is becoming more and more regressive, and even to the basic life is difficult to sustain, such as washing, such as interpersonal communication.

Yes, in the end, children with depression only choose to protect themselves for the last time when they are on the verge of life and death.

Because the life energy was already very low and low, a red light had been lit up and an alarm had been issued. If you still have to rely on the strong support of willpower to learn and live like a normal child, there is really only one way to die.

In order to survive, so desperate and helpless children, can only be depressed, can only lie flat, can only win a safe and secure time and space for themselves, slowly heal, recuperate.

Therefore, parents really need to learn to grow and change, adjust their cognition, and understand the expression of pain and pain that children make with their own studies, futures, health, and even life.

And there is no need to misinterpret the child's willfulness, work, indisputable, fragile, thinking too much, should be hugging the group to warm up and help support the close relatives, but because of misunderstanding to stand on the opposite side, sprinkle salt on the child's wounds, so that the child is more painful, suffered a blow.

Long live understanding!

Only unconditional love is the terminator of all pain and tragedy in the world.

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