
12 minutes! The baby was severely suffocated, and the hospital initiated a caesarean section emergency procedure to save it

Reporter Wei Wei Correspondent Wang Chen

At 5:41 p.m. on February 13, a baby with severe intrauterine distress was successfully delivered, and the doctor and nurse leader involved in the rescue breathed a sigh of relief. From receiving an emergency call from the outpatient doctor at 17:29 to the delivery of the fetus at 5:41, the obstetrics department, anesthesia department, neonatal internal medicine, and B ultrasound multidisciplinary cooperation of Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Hospital staged a life and death speed, and it took only 12 minutes to convene multi-disciplinary doctors to transfer pregnant women from the outpatient clinic to the operating room to complete the operation, successfully delivered a small life that was about to lose the fetal heart, and saved a small life on the spot.

The baby will be "suffocated" in the womb one step later

On the morning of February 11, Ms. Li, a pregnant woman living in rural Suizhou, went to town for pregnancy tests, she was 36 weeks pregnant, and recently she felt that the baby was a bit "lazy", and the fetal movement was reduced a lot. After doing the B ultrasound examination in the town health center, the doctor immediately reminded her that there was less fetal movement and less amniotic fluid, and she rushed to Wuhan University Hospital to see it.

12 minutes! The baby was severely suffocated, and the hospital initiated a caesarean section emergency procedure to save it

Ms. Li and her family were frightened when they heard it, and quickly rushed from the town to the county and then transferred to Wuhan. In the obstetric outpatient clinic of Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Dr. Fu Ping received Ms. Li, saw the B ultrasound report of the town hospital, dr. Fu immediately realized that the pregnant woman was in a critical condition, and personally took Ms. Li to the B ultrasound room. Ultrasound B shows that the fetal fetal heart rate is only 80-90 times / min, while the normal fetal fetal heart is between 110-160, showing that the amniotic fluid index is only 4.4mm, almost exhausted. The situation is critical and fetal stillbirth can occur intrauterine at any time. Dr. Fu quickly called the obstetric ward to report, and the ward doctor who received the report immediately started the "8-minute caesarean section", and the obstetrics, anesthesia, operating room, neonatal internal medicine, obstetric surgeons and nurses were in place for emergency treatment.

Pregnant women are transported from the outpatient B ultrasound room to the operating room of the inpatient department, at which time the doctors and nurses of multiple departments are in place. Since Ms. Li's preoperative examination was not yet perfect, the nurse drew blood urgently in the operating room, and the preoperative conversation, preoperative preparation, and the surgeon's hand washing and disinfection were carried out simultaneously, and everything was in order. Ready for surgery, the anesthesiologist let the mother enter the anesthesia state in 1 minute, the obstetrician delivered the fetus in two minutes, and bought more life-saving time for the child, and the neonatal physician stood by and prepared to perform neonatal asphyxia resuscitation as soon as the newborn was born.

17: 41 points, "Out! "The newborn baby is in a very poor condition, only to see the umbilical cord wrapping the baby into a "rice dumpling", the umbilical cord around the neck for 4 weeks, around the foot for 3 weeks. The whole body is pale, the heartbeat is weak, the response to the outside world is very poor, the instep is rigid, and the Ashi score is only 2 points, which is a severe asphyxia in newborns. The neonatal physician quickly intubated and rescued the child, and the child was transferred to the neonatal internal medicine department for continued treatment. "It's really fortunate that there is almost no amniotic fluid in the womb, and if you come out a little later, the child may be gone, and coming out a second early means differently to the child." Zhou Jieqiong, director of obstetrics who organized the rescue, said.

Code "Start an 8-minute caesarean section"

"8-minute caesarean section" is the "secret code" of the work of doctors in many departments of Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, specifically for the critical situation that requires caesarean section. Director Zhou Jieqiong introduced, "There are many obstetric emergency departments, some pregnant women and fetuses are very critical, we must race against the clock, obstetrics, anesthesia, neonatal internal medicine, delivery room need to be quickly in place to rescue, there is no time to talk too much, say this code on the line, the other party will understand the emergency situation of this patient and quickly enter the rescue state." ”

In Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, in order to ensure the safety of obstetric emergency, outpatient clinics, B ultrasound rooms, obstetrics, anesthesia departments, neonatal internal medicine, delivery rooms and other departments have worked together to develop a set of emergency treatment procedures for critically ill pregnant women, also known as "8-minute caesarean section emergency process". After repeated drills such as reception, transfer, anesthesia, blood collection, surgery, rescue, and conversation, the efficiency of collaboration has been continuously improved, and the medical process time has been compressed minute by minute. Director Zhou introduced, "The emergency caesarean section time stipulated by the state is within half an hour, and through continuous optimization, we hope to shorten the time from outpatient discovery of critical situation to newborn delivery to less than 8 minutes, or even 5 minutes, which is to fight for more rescue time for mothers and newborns." This real battle took 12 minutes, and we will continue to optimize the process." Since last November, this emergency rescue process has been activated three times, saving 3 suffocating babies.

Director feng Chun of the Department of Anesthesiology introduced that the daily obstetric caesarean section takes spinal canal anesthesia more, but in the case of obstetric emergency, general anesthesia can win rescue time, but the emergency department of the mother does not fast, general anesthesia and faces laryngeal edema, aspiration and other risks, which tests the anesthesiologist, both to provide the surgeon with the god of death to "grab" the baby's stable state, but also to protect the safety of the mother.

Beware of reduced fetal movements

The third trimester is also an "eventful autumn", Chief Physician Zhou Jieqiong reminded pregnant mothers that the third trimester must have regular obstetric examinations, once the fetal movement is felt, pregnant mothers should not be easily optimistic, thinking that rest and rest and drink more water can be restored, it is recommended to be hospitalized for monitoring to avoid dangerous situations.

Editor: Ruihan Dong

Source: Wuhan Radio and Television Station

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