
"Baby tiger" to report to many is "two treasures"

"Baby tiger" to report to many is "two treasures"

The newborn "tiger baby" holds its mother's finger.

Photo by Shi Wei, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily

Yangtze River Daily News (reporter Wang Chunlan correspondent Wen Honglei Gao Chenchen Chen Shu) "Wow-" Loud baby crying, along with the arrival of the New Year of the Tiger, on the night of the 1st, Wuhan has ushered in a batch of "baby tigers".

The first "baby tiger" was born at 00:03 a.m. in Hubei Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, weighing 3155 grams, is a cute girl. Parents are from Wuhan, and after giving birth to the baby, Ms. Chai, the mother, said that the baby was born on the first day of the Chinese New Year, heralding new hopes.

At 0:14, Ms. Zhou, a citizen, gave birth to the hospital's first "tiger baby" in the Shouyi Branch of Wuhan Third Hospital, which is also the couple's first child. In the morning, the new father was busy learning to change the child's diapers.

At 1:06, Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Hospital also welcomed the hospital's first "tiger baby", a 3750-gram boy. Mother Ms. Wang had a cesarean section when she gave birth to her first baby, this pregnancy occurred early, just happened to be admitted to the hospital at night Chinese New Year's Eve, the doctor comprehensively assessed the physical conditions, and urgently did a cesarean section, and the mother and child were safe.

At about 6:00 a.m., Ms. Xiong, 33, also gave birth to her second child at the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, whose nickname was tentatively "Little Tiger". Ms. Xiong told the Yangtze River Daily reporter that her mother's family has an older sister and younger brother, and she often gathers on weekends and holidays, which is a lively big family. Her husband, who had originally planned to have only one child, was attracted by the family atmosphere, and last year, the couple decided to have another child and fulfilled their dream on the first day of the New Year.

According to incomplete statistics, as of 7 o'clock in the morning of the 1st, Wuhan has added more than 20 "tiger babies", many of which are "two treasures". On the occasion of the New Year, the parents of the "Tiger Baby" smiled and squinted.

Source: Yangtze River Daily