
Where did the fart go?

What's the harm in holding back a fart? Many people are embarrassed by farting and are reluctant to bring it to the table. Sometimes, eating too much garlic, onions, leeks and other foods with a pungent odor can also make farts smell bad, so don't worry. In fact, farts are a mirror of people's physical health, farts are normal, farts are very healthy!

Where did the fart go?

Usually the intestines will hold a certain amount of gas, which sometimes sneaks away from the bottom of the intestines with the wind, excretes from the body, that is, "farts", or rises to the stomach to burp. "Fart" is a kind of human exhaust gas excreted from the body through the anus, healthy people have to fart with unequal numbers of times a day, and normal people have to fart 8 to 20 times a day [1]. Nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other exhaust gases produced by bacteria in the intestine after decomposing residual food are mainly excreted by farting, which is good for the human body and is also a magic weapon for the human body's self-regulation. In Hunan, there is such a saying that "people laugh at farts, no ambition", which can also be regarded as justifying farts.

People have three urgencies: and farts, which are all normal ways of excretion of the human body. In public, the first two can also find a toilet to solve, but the fart is somewhat embarrassing. Farts are either loud or smelly, how embarrassing! Especially in some closed occasions, such as elevators and conference rooms, once you want to fart, you will choose to hold back. Where did that fart go? Is it really gone? Will it affect people's physical health?

Where did the fart go?

First of all, we must be clear that it is impossible to hold a fart.

Can the fart hold on? Many people hold back and feel that the fart is gone, which is actually an illusion. Fart is a gas that you don't let come out and it will leak out on its own, slow enough to make you unaware. This is also a big reason why we don't realize that so much gas is emitted in a day [2].

Secondly, the fart that is held back is also temperamental, and if you don't let it go out, then go back the same way! It floats all the way to the intestine, is absorbed by the intestinal wall, flows through blood circulation to the liver after entering the bloodstream, is filtered by the liver to reach the lungs, and finally goes all the way up, and spits out with the breath. Got it? The fart that is held back will eventually come out of the mouth and nose. Don't feel sick, that gas has been filtered by the liver, not dirty! It turns out that the fart that is held back will return the same way, and then it will be released by breathing or burping, or by a larger uncontrollable fart.

Since the fart that is held back will eventually come out, is it okay to hold the fart? No. From a health standpoint, fart holding is not a recommended thing. Because it often holds back farts, it will have an adverse impact on the body.

Where did the fart go?

If you often hold your fart, there will be a large amount of gas accumulation, affecting intestinal function, and gas exchange with the blood that comes to the intestinal mucosa and flow with the blood. Toxic gases can not be released in the simplest way, can only find another way to detoxify, which not only increases the burden on the body, but also is likely to cause chronic poisoning of the body, causing abdominal distention, intestinal groaning, abdominal pain, chest tightness, and may even produce peritonitis, intestinal obstruction and other diseases. The smell of indole or ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other gases absorbed into the blood, can also cause mental malaise, indigestion, dizziness and other discomfort. If you don't let go of a fart, you will hold out internal injuries, so once you have a fart intention, don't put up with it [4]. If it is an inconvenient occasion, it is also necessary to find a remote place to let it go as soon as possible, or it is best to put it on the pretext of going to the toilet.


1. Liu Sailiang,Qin Jun. It is healthier to put farts[J].Public Health, 2019(12):107.

2. Joseph. The little secret behind farts[J].Jiangsu Health Care, 2019(11):51.

3. LIU Feng. The fart that was held back turned out to be... [J].Military Digest,2021(02):44-47.

4. "Fart fast release" is scientifically justified[J].Rural New Technology, 2020(04):70.

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