
Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

author:Big Deer Movie

Robert Downey Jr. debuted as a child star and began entering the film industry at the age of five, with his first film, also directed by his father.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

By the way, his father was also a well-known screenwriter in Hollywood.

God's work "The Godfather" is from his father's hand, and "Mission Impossible" is also from his father's pen.

Robert Jr., who bears such an aura, can be said to have started at the top.

He became a leading actor in a movie at the age of 22 and was nominated for the 1993 Academy Award for Best Actor at the age of 27.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

The second generation of the star can be said that before the age of thirty, absolutely few people can do it with him.

At this moment, he is almost touching the finish line!

But all those who did not break through the finish line were failures!

The big pit before Robert Jr. finished was dug when he was young.

At the age of eight, he got his first marijuana from his parents!

By then, the pit had broken ground.

Like the legendary Star II, Robert Jr. is also a prodigal, eating, drinking, gambling and smoking.

Robert Jr., 32, began a life of going in and out of prison.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

Being beaten in prison, Robert Jr. only said nothing to the camera, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

At this time, Robert Jr. has become a person in Hollywood, and no producer has used him, nor has any director asked him to shoot.

"Birds don't die, they will fly!"

Robert Jr. has a close friend and a lover by his side.

Best friend Mel brings him back to the big screen, and his lover Susan makes him break with drugs once and for all.

So Robert Jr. started at the bottom and tried to return to Hollywood.

Time is also fate!

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

In 2008, Marvel at that time was already on the verge of poverty, facing bankruptcy and restructuring at any time.

The comic book giants of the past are about to fall apart.

But at this time, Marvel decided to gamble with its last breath, and if it loses, it is to pack up things and sit and wait for bankruptcy, and to win is to give yourself half a day's life!

Iron Man came into being!

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

Iron Man is a very small character in Marvel's comic book composition, and it is not a hot character at all.

But at that time, Marvel could only gamble with such a character.

Marvel, who has no money, finds a little Robout who desperately needs a role, one who wants to cut expenses and can't use big stars, and a reborn who needs a good character.

The two hit it off.

For Robert Jr., the most important thing is that the Iron Man script is not yet perfect, and he has room to play better.

"Mars hits Earth, and a big spark explodes"

No one expected that "Iron Man" would be on fire, and it would be a big fire, a fire!

That year, "Iron Man" sold well at the box office, becoming the second-grossing throne after Nolan's "Batman: The Dark Knight".

"Iron Man" is on fire, Marvel wins the bet, Robert Jr. turns into a serf and sings, becoming Hollywood's best-selling actor.

Therefore, the winning Marvel began with "Iron Man", gradually laid out the Marvel universe, and opened the road of Marvel's fallen prince counterattack.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

Iron Man 2, Captain America, Thor, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Captain America 2...

Marvel has been soaring all the way, rubbing the head of another giant DC on the ground with the box office and the number of movies.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

Robert Jr. also relies on his position as the absolute male number one in the Marvel Universe, and his value is soaring like a rocket.

Become the world's top male star, but also become the highest price male star.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

"Ten years a dream, a dream for ten years"

The Marvel Universe has been grinding a sword for ten years, and after "Avengers Iv", Marvel is finally going to enter a new stage of the Marvel Universe.

Iron Man, Captain America and other characters have also retired.

In "Avengers 4", the death of Iron Man, one is the expiration of the contract, and the other is that Robert Jr. asks for too much.

Marvel also had to write Iron Man to death.

Robert Jr., who left Marvel, has also starred in several films.

But never again in marvel.

"Dorit's Fantastic Adventure" is a movie that is completely fragmented.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

This movie can be said to be a blind horse that does not sell well!

After this movie, countless people said that Robert Jiang Lang Jr. was exhausted and no longer had the original passion.

Start sitting on the throne that Marvel has made for him, and sit on the mountain and eat the sky!

In fact, I have seen this movie, it is really average, far less exciting than the performance in the Marvel Universe.

It's more like a casual work.

Today's Robert Jr. is more like a figurative, synonymous with Iron Man.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man was left with a chicken feather

At least for 20 years, the role of Iron Man will only be worthy of all audiences if he plays it.

Iron Man is him, he is Iron Man.

This sentence used to be a kind of praise, but now it is a murderous word for Robert Jr., who has left Marvel.

No matter how his movies are interpreted in the future, they can't escape the shadow of Iron Man.

After all

Iron Man is him, he is Iron Man.

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