
Inventory LOL in history blind vision response fastest inventory, the first place second to kill other players!

In the previous few issues, we have taken stock of the professional players who are the fastest to lift mercury, but the lifting of mercury is generally prejudged in advance or psychologically prepared, this issue we specifically look at which professional player with the fastest response speed is in the absence of vision!

Inventory LOL in history blind vision response fastest inventory, the first place second to kill other players!

5th place: scout (O.57 seconds)

In the 2018 Global Finals, the primary school brother had been in the match with the MAD team at all times to practice the Sindra blind vision dodge barrel E skill, from the perspective of God, it is almost a face-to-face position with the barrel, and there is no vision, the primary school brother has no early warning, purely by reaction, the difficulty is very large, from the position point of view, once E is e, the primary school brother will definitely be seconds, and the EDG group will definitely be defeated.

Inventory LOL in history blind vision response fastest inventory, the first place second to kill other players!

4th place: Bless (0.5 seconds)

The game comes from a game between BBQ and AF in 2017, BBQ's wild spider was ambushed on the opposite side of the wild area, dodged the W combo of rock sparrows without vision, successfully avoided being killed, this operation is the same as the primary school brother, the players have no preparation, can only rely on on-the-spot reaction to dodge, and the most critical, the skin used by the rock sparrow is very similar to the color of the spider skin, almost can not see the special effects of the rock sparrow W, in this case can also react to the situation, it is not easy!

Inventory LOL in history blind vision response fastest inventory, the first place second to kill other players!

3rd Place: LOD (0.47)

In a game in the LCS division, Verus was ambushed when he was on the side of the road, Ash and the spider crouched in the grass, and the ice was close to open the R but was evaded by Verus flash, the reaction was very fast, it took less than 0.5 seconds, but compared to the reaction of the spider above, the skill effect of the Ash R skill will be more obvious, and the time for the player to react will be relatively easier.

Inventory LOL in history blind vision response fastest inventory, the first place second to kill other players!

2nd Place: Iboy (0.47)

The most impressive of the five scenes, played by the genius ADC player IBOY who played in EDG that year, on the road Verus prepared to clear the line, but the other three had been waiting in the grass for a long time, Pig Sister R first everyone thought that Verus would die, but Iboy relied on a magical reaction, dodged Pig Sister Big with a flash, colleagues also pulled away, the enemy could only flee into the wilderness, this operation is also explained as only 17-year-old AD can do the operation.

Inventory LOL in history blind vision response fastest inventory, the first place second to kill other players!

1st place: Liballz (0.27 seconds)

Wanwan did not expect that the fastest response player was a player in the S2 ancient period, when he was operating a big tree, in the next road triangle grass row vision, the other stone man wanted to be close to the R big tree to open the group, but wan did not expect to be evaded by the liballz limit reaction, the whole process only took 0.27 seconds, is currently recorded in the blind vision reaction of the fastest one, but also the ancient period, it is not easy!

Inventory LOL in history blind vision response fastest inventory, the first place second to kill other players!

Summary: The above is an inventory of the reaction speed of blind professional players, and we also know which famous scenes can be discussed with us in the comment area

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