
Pokémon is a noisy bird that is difficult to appear due to race value restrictions!

If you want to say that the fourth generation has any characteristic Pokémon, then the particularity of the noisy bird may be no less than the one generation of the changeable monster, the second generation of unknown totem, messenger bird, because in the early days, the noisy bird its imitation of human speech characteristics allow it to achieve player recording, and then in the battle by letting the noisy bird to express this interesting setting, unfortunately, because some players like to say some uncomfortable words, this feature was canceled, but even so, less in the real machine imitation of human speech noisy bird, It is still a unique presence in battle, but it is difficult to appear due to various restrictions such as race value.

Pokémon is a noisy bird that is difficult to appear due to race value restrictions!

Noisy Bird: Attributes (General/Flight), Traits (Sharp Eyes/Waddle/Strong Chest Muscles). 【This article is purely personal opinion, if there is any error, please correct】

The characteristics are all in the moves.

The race value panel, attributes and characteristics of the Noisy Bird are very common, it can be said that these limit the play of its characteristics - but the Pokémon with characteristics in the past generations are not singlely manifested in the battle, the Noisy Bird is estimated to have been this positioning, so the total race value is only 411, which is the typical big crispy skin of The Pufigli, the special attack and speed base values are high but not over a hundred, not enough to become the core output hand, and the attribute Pufei is also a mass flight system attribute, there is no big feature, and the three characteristics are one more than a whiteboard, So, what really depends on the peculiarity of the noisy bird is its moves.

Pokémon is a noisy bird that is difficult to appear due to race value restrictions!

Noisy Bird used to record playback function is to rely on its exclusive move chatter, this move is still characteristic in the battle, the effect is to attack the target to cause damage, and chatter If the user is a noisy bird, there is a 100% chance of putting the target into a state of chaos, so the Noisy Bird is actually quite accomplished in the interference of making the other party into chaos, plus the speed is 91, the first mobile phone will be able to find, and it is worth noting that because the Noisy Bird has a general system, and can also learn to pop waves, The power of the 92 special attack of the original series of pop waves is actually quite good, which is why the characteristics of the noisy bird are all in the skill.

Pokémon is a noisy bird that is difficult to appear due to race value restrictions!

Recommended tricks: Boom Wave + Chatter + Drop The Harsh Words + Trick / Stand-in / Hold

So the noisy bird has become a half-interference and half-output existence in positioning, and the output is completely dependent on the general department of the system of pop sound waves, after all, although the chatter is output for the flying system, but the basic power is not high, although there are tricks to do strengthening, but it should be noted that the noisy bird such a body plate is actually no chance to strengthen, in fact, it is better to find an opportunity to play to improve to increase their ability to stand, when necessary, you can also play to throw down the harsh words to exit, in general, I think that the bird's interference ability is not bad, of course Because of the limitations of the above short board, the noisy bird can easily reach the bottleneck of use.

Pokémon is a noisy bird that is difficult to appear due to race value restrictions!

Well, the above are some personal additions to the little two vs. noisy birds, because the noisy birds have appeared in the DP reproduction, so sometimes it is fun to entertain.

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