
What should I do if the Win11 folder cannot be deleted? Workaround for win11 folders that cannot be deleted

Sometimes when we use the Computer of Win11 system to delete folders, we will be prompted that folder access is denied, resulting in folder deletion failure, so what should we do if we encounter this? Let's take a look at what is the solution with Xiaobian.

Workaround for win11 folders that cannot be deleted

1. First of all, we find the folder with the problem, then right-click to select, click to select "Properties";

What should I do if the Win11 folder cannot be deleted? Workaround for win11 folders that cannot be deleted

2. Then go to the "Security" tab;

What should I do if the Win11 folder cannot be deleted? Workaround for win11 folders that cannot be deleted

3. Then we select our account and click on the "Advanced" option below;

What should I do if the Win11 folder cannot be deleted? Workaround for win11 folders that cannot be deleted

4. Then double-click to open your account;

What should I do if the Win11 folder cannot be deleted? Workaround for win11 folders that cannot be deleted

5. Then change the type of this type to "Allow", and then check the permissions below;

What should I do if the Win11 folder cannot be deleted? Workaround for win11 folders that cannot be deleted

6. Finally click "OK" to save it.

What should I do if the Win11 folder cannot be deleted? Workaround for win11 folders that cannot be deleted

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