
Protecting the "privacy" of the ice pier is to protect the right of fans to let their imaginations fly

In the "everyone loves the ice pier" craze, everyone should respect the rules

The mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the "ice pier", has become a new "top stream", from athletes from all over the world, journalists to ordinary people, all of them have been conquered by the ice pier's cute appearance, and even the Winter Olympic village once appeared in the phenomenon of "one pier is difficult to find".

According to media reports, the news that the "ice pier" in a program recently began to speak made netizens call "collapsed house". Although it's just cosplay, the ice piers that speak are still surprising.

Protecting the "privacy" of the ice pier is to protect the right of fans to let their imaginations fly
Protecting the "privacy" of the ice pier is to protect the right of fans to let their imaginations fly

Can the ice pier speak? According to the rules of the IOC, mascots cannot have gender differences. Therefore, when the ice pier and the snow melt appear in public, they will not speak, but only use physical movements to convey the message. In the upcoming animated film "Our Winter Olympics", the ice piers and snow melt also appear, but they do not speak, only make a babbling sound.

Why can't the ice pier speak? There is still a lot of controversy about this issue. Some people think that it is precisely because of the love of the ice pier that they will play its image and imitate its voice. There's nothing wrong with loving, of course, but that doesn't mean all ways of loving are appropriate.

With the continuous popularity of ice piers, hand-making ice piers, playing with stems, and making ice pier emojis have become a form for everyone to feel the atmosphere of the Winter Olympics and get close to ice piers. The popularity of the ice pier is not only in its pleasing shape, but also in the fact that it is full of Chinese elements, which has produced a strong cultural output. This is not only a domestic IP, but also a carrier for foreign friends to understand China. But in the "everyone loves the ice pier" craze, everyone should respect the rules.

As a virtual IP, the greatest value of the mascot is not to set up suspense, but to satisfy the public's endless imagination. The reason why many people do not accept the mascot to "speak" and "show their faces" is not that they feel that the voice is not beautiful enough and the appearance is not beautiful enough, but that this practice limits everyone's right to expand the imagination space to a certain extent. Therefore, this kind of "demystification" is not a "surprise".

Mentioning the ice pier, I have to mention the Japanese TV anchor Yoshido Tsujioka. As a loyal fan of the ice pier on the whole network, Tsujioka Yoshido did not hide his love for the ice pier, he not only promoted the ice pier many times in the program, but also conducted an "exclusive interview" with the ice pier: the live broadcast room was placed with two signs of "YES" and "NO", and after the host asked questions, the ice pier chose "YES" and "NO" to answer. This not only shows the love for the ice pier, but more importantly, how to express this love appropriately.

If you love ice piers, please protect them. Protecting the "privacy" of the ice pier is to protect the right of fans to let their imagination fly, which should become a public consciousness. Love not only needs passion, but also needs professional strength to protect the ice pier, hoping that people can release passion and vitality with professional quality.

Red Star News special commentator Zhao Zhijiang

Edited by Wang Yaotao

Red Star Review Submission Email: [email protected]

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