
Japanese media praised the "Bird's Nest" design "ice pier" circle fan Japanese netizens

People's Daily Tokyo, February 10 (Li Muhang) The Beijing Winter Olympics are underway, and athletes from all over the world are sweating on the field while also gaining medals and joy. The venue design, software and hardware configuration and even humanistic care of the Beijing Winter Olympics have allowed the world to see a green, low-carbon, modern and warm ice and snow sports feast.

Japanese media praised the "Bird's Nest" design "ice pier" circle fan Japanese netizens

A foreign journalist holding a hot coffee in the press gallery. Image source: Nikkan Sports

Japanese media praised the design of the "Bird's Nest", the national stadium that hosted the opening ceremony of the Chinese Winter Olympics. Ichiki Misu, a reporter for the Nikkan Sports newspaper, said the "Bird's Nest" was "better here" than the National Stadium, which hosted the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics. According to Kazuki Misu, the press lounge of the Bird's Nest became a haven for journalists before the official opening ceremony began. Not only is there an all-you-can-drink cup of coffee and black tea, but you can also enjoy small snacks and instant noodles for free.

At the award ceremony, the "ice pier" successfully grabbed the camera

The Mascot of the Winter Olympics, "Ice Pier", attracts the attention of athletes from all over the world to the media, and countless Japanese netizens have become a unique and beautiful scenery at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

On February 5, the Beijing Winter Olympics freestyle ski men's snow skills were held at the Genting Ski Resort. After three rounds of competition, Sweden's Walter Varberg won the championship with 83.23 points, Canada's defending champion Michael Kingsbury finished second with 82.18 points, and 24-year-old Japan's Yukima Horishima was third with 81.48 points.

Japanese media praised the "Bird's Nest" design "ice pier" circle fan Japanese netizens

Yukima Horishima, a 24-year-old from Japan, finished third in the men's snow skiing event at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Image source: Screenshot of TV show video

It was the first medal won by the Japanese delegation at the Winter Olympics. On the podium, the "ice pier" of the Beijing Winter Olympics mascot held by Yukima Horishima in his hand caused heated discussion among the Japanese people.

On the online platform, some Japanese netizens saw the photo of Horijima Yuma receiving the medal and left a message: "Congratulations to the Horishima players for winning the bronze medal!" But who are the pandas at the award ceremony? "The panda in horishima's hand is so cute!" "Pandas are so cute, they were received at the award ceremony."

"Ice Pier" successfully grabbed the camera, in Japan, netizens who know "Ice Pier" have also left messages: "Want the doll of 'Ice Pier'" "Too cute, 'Ice Pier'!" "This is the mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympics, called 'ice pier', I want it so much!"

Japanese media have reported on "ice piers"

Japanese media praised the "Bird's Nest" design "ice pier" circle fan Japanese netizens

Japanese TV host Yoshido Tsujioka took a group photo with many "ice piers". Image source: Nippon TV Twitter

Among these fans, the most famous is the Japanese TV host Yoshido Tsujioka. He is a big fan of "Ice Pier", which is highlighted in the Japanese morning news program. News of Yoshido Tsujioka's display and introduction of the "Ice Pier" and Yun's interview with the designer of the "Ice Pier" was also widely disseminated in China and Japan.

Japanese media praised the "Bird's Nest" design "ice pier" circle fan Japanese netizens

Japanese TV host Yoshido Tsujioka conducted a live interview in the live broadcast room. Image source: Nippon TV Twitter

Japanese media praised the "Bird's Nest" design "ice pier" circle fan Japanese netizens

Japanese TELEVISION host Yoshido Tsujioka displayed various "ice pier" souvenirs. Image source: Nippon TV Twitter

The story of Yoshido Tsujioka and the "Ice Pier" has caused a hot discussion on Japanese online platforms. Japanese netizens have left messages saying: "Tsujioka anchor should be the most favorite "ice pier" in Japanese people" "Tsujioka anchor is also very active on China's Weibo" "To Tsujioka anchor's blessing, I can't help myself from the 'ice pier'."

Japanese media praised the "Bird's Nest" design "ice pier" circle fan Japanese netizens

Japanese TV host Yoshido Tsujioka interacted intimately with "Ice Pier" on the morning program of Japanese television. Image source: Screenshot of the video on Japanese television

In addition, Yoshido Tsujioka also specially invited "Ice Pier" to participate in the morning program broadcast live by Japanese television, and the whole process was intimately interacted, and the scene showed "love".

Major mainstream media in Japan, including Yomiuri Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, West Japan Shimbun, TV Tokyo, etc., have also launched relevant reports on the "ice pier".

Japanese media praised the "Bird's Nest" design "ice pier" circle fan Japanese netizens

The host of TV Tokyo Sports Channel introduced the mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Ice Pier". Image source: Tv Tokyo Sports Channel video screenshot

In Japan, the number of local people who are surrounded by "ice piers" is still increasing.

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