
Dr. Wang Wei, Department of Stomatology: What factors cause oral odor

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Oral odor is a problem that plagues many people. If there is a smell in the mouth, people don't want to talk. In the long run, it will have some impact on psychology. There are many causes of bad breath, such as bad breath, insufficient teeth cleaning, and so on. What factors cause oral odor?

1. Poor tooth cleaning

When eating every day, some food scraps will inevitably remain in the teeth. If you do not brush your teeth well, the mouth cannot be cleaned, and the self-cleaning ability of the mouth itself is also very poor, so bacteria can easily multiply in the mouth, resulting in oral odor. It should be noted that in addition to brushing your teeth on time, the posture and time of brushing your teeth are also very important. Proper brushing methods and regular brushing are the best ways to ensure oral hygiene.

Dr. Wang Wei, Department of Stomatology: What factors cause oral odor

2. Oral diseases

Oral diseases such as periodontal disease and lichen can lead to oral odor, which is caused by pathological factors. Since the surface of the tongue is covered with leafy nipples, bacterial nipples, etc., there will be many bumps and depressions on the tongue. If the tongue is not cleaned in time, it is easy to breed bacteria in the tongue, resulting in some oral problems. Oral odor is one of them. In addition, if the tongue is not cleaned in time, the brushing is not good, and the food residue cannot be cleaned, resulting in oral odor. Therefore, if you want to improve the odor of the mouth, cleaning the tongue in time and reducing bacteria on the tongue is a more effective way.

3. Irregular diet

The smell of many foods is volatile, such as onions and garlic. This food contains sulfides, which can cause oral odors. This odor is exhaled with the breath, creating a temporary oral odor. If it is caused by garlic and onions, don't pay too much attention to this food.

4. Smoking

Smoking is one of the main causes of bad breath. Because smoking causes the mouth to reduce its ability to clean itself, which reduces the secretion of saliva in the mouth. Once saliva secretion decreases, oral odors follow.

5. Accumulation of food

If food accumulates in the body and cannot be digested, it can also cause bad breath. If it is bad breath caused by food accumulation, you can eat a little hawthorn appropriately. Hawthorn has the effect of stomach digestion, which can accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis and make food digest faster.

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