
Just after going online, it has become the new favorite of the anchor, what is the highlight of the game "Gone Light 2"?

Recently, the game "Fading Light 2" can be described as a fire all over the network, and everyone can always see that many people are broadcasting this game when brushing major live broadcast platforms, even a well-known anchor such as Sima Da and Yinzi are involved. At this point, many players will definitely ask what is the charm of this game, in fact, this has a huge relationship with its predecessor "Fading Light".

Just after going online, it has become the new favorite of the anchor, what is the highlight of the game "Gone Light 2"?

Fighting zombies can be said to be one of the hottest game modes, as long as there is a new zombie game always able to roll up a wave of enthusiasm, and "Fading Light" is not only a simple zombie, it also adds many parkour elements, players fly over the wall to use the terrain to kill zombies, and also added a special day and night system, day and night will make the entire map present two looks, greatly improving the player's sense of experience. These features allowed the game to attract many fans who loved zombie games even without Chinese at the beginning of the release.

Just after going online, it has become the new favorite of the anchor, what is the highlight of the game "Gone Light 2"?

After experiencing the success of a generation, the second generation that attracted a large number of fans will naturally not be bad, and the second generation has also added some conscience settings that fit domestic players. For example, the whole game Chinese training, these dubbing is not casually pulled a can-say Chinese actor random matching, but a real localization training, all kinds of words pronunciation, intonation are very close to daily life, domestic players will play will be very substitutionary. (Could it also be that the development company is the same as CDPR as a Polish company?) )

Just after going online, it has become the new favorite of the anchor, what is the highlight of the game "Gone Light 2"?

However, this game is not a perfect existence, and the game "Fading Light 2" is not a very big improvement compared to the previous game. The content of the newly added props in the parkour part is not very much, and the feel is not very good (such as paragliding); the combat is still dominated by cold weapons, in the era of lack of materials, this setting is actually no problem, but there are too few action elements, and the battle will inevitably appear to be somewhat cookie-cutter (but there is a saying that the second generation of map scenes is still good, and finally do not have to run around in the slums).

Just after going online, it has become the new favorite of the anchor, what is the highlight of the game "Gone Light 2"?

Overall, "Fading Light 2" is still a very worthwhile game, parkour plus zombies this kind of setting can only be found in this game, like to fight zombies, want to experience a new way of playing players must try. However, it is worth noting that because it is a parkour game, but also a first-person game, the camera will definitely dangle when playing, and players who stun 3D are best to look at the relevant live videos on the Internet first, and then choose whether to start.

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