
Kidney stones are trivial? Don't believe that such kidney stones will really be "fatal"

Kidney stones are trivial? Don't believe that such kidney stones will really be "fatal"

Lu Zhuoxiong explains the condition to the patient.

Red Net Moment February 11 news (correspondent Zhong Liang) Many people's thoughts after finding kidney stones are: stones, a small matter, wait for the pain of "death". For this idea, Lu Zhuoxiong, president of Changsha Jingshi Hospital and director of the Department of Urology, said that seemingly inconspicuous kidney stones will not only be painful once obstructed, but sometimes bring greater trouble.

Hydronephrosis caused by stone obstruction is life-threatening in severe cases

More alarming than kidney stones is actually more dangerous than stones, which is the most common complication of kidney stone complications. Lu Zhuoxiong introduced that under the "double attack" of kidney stones and hydronephrosis, it can be said that the damage is doubled.

Kidney stones are in the lumen of the kidney, some are in adhesion state, some are in a free state, those free state of kidney stones, will cause urinary system obstruction and lead to hydronephrosis in the process of moving.

If the obstruction caused by kidney stones is not lifted in time, the hydronephrosis will gradually increase, the kidneys will be like a balloon that is enlarged, the kidney parenchyma will be compressed and thinned, and the kidney function will be lost. If both sides have kidney stone obstruction and concurrent hydronephrosis, if it is not treated in time, the loss of kidney function will form uremia.

Once the infection is severe, purulent kidneys are formed, and the complications are very dangerous

Lu Zhuoxiong introduced: "Clinically, we often say, 'stones do not die, infection is the most fatal', which means that the water after obstruction will become a base for bacterial reproduction, and its concurrent infection can be life-threatening after developing to a certain extent! "It can be seen that the case of kidney stones mixed with hydrops infection is more terrible than the stones themselves."

When kidney stones form obstructions and cause hydrops in the kidneys, the bacteria in the urine cannot be excreted in time, and urinary tract infections are gradually formed. When the infection gradually worsens, the surface of the kidney stone will be covered with a layer of pus, and if there is no timely intervention to treat, the water in the kidneys will become the breeding base of bacteria.

If the water in the entire kidney is full of bacteria and the infection continues to worsen, the kidney will slowly develop into a huge pus cavity, filled with pus, forming a more dangerous pus kidney. At this time, not only the kidney function is completely destroyed, the bacteria can also spread to the whole body, the condition continues to deteriorate leading to urinary sepsis, which progresses rapidly, and the mortality rate is as high as 20% to 44%, which is a very dangerous critical illness.

It can be seen that kidney stones seem to be a small problem, but there are countless crises behind them. Here, experts from Changsha Jingshi Stone Hospital remind that once found to have kidney stones, it is best to treat them scientifically according to the guidance of doctors to avoid stones that damage kidney function and even pose a threat to life.

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