
The wonders of fate

author:Laugh at the storm and I'm at ease

I remember when I was a child, I heard such a story, the protagonist had a miserable childhood, but life is so wonderful, in a very short period of time, the protagonist quickly became a rich man.

In fact, this is a very old story!

Once upon a time, there was a family in a certain place, the parents unfortunately passed away, leaving two brothers, the eldest married, the brother and sister-in-law in order to occupy the family property alone, was very harsh on this brother, plotting to get rid of their brother.

One day the brother said to the younger brother: Brother, you see that you have grown up and should go out to meet the world. The younger brother knew that he was a thorn in their side at home, and the younger brother agreed, and when he was about to go out, the brother gave him a bag of bread and told him to eat hungry on the road, and the younger brother was very grateful to go on the road.

The younger brother walked for half a day to the front of a big mountain, unfortunately he met a group of robbers, the robbers tied him up, and then turned over his body and package, and finally found nothing but the cake, the robbers scolded and grinned and divided the cake and ate it, just when the brother was worried, he found that the robbers were down on the ground, it turned out that his cake was poisoned by his brother and sister-in-law.

The younger brother hurriedly left, and when he arrived in the city, he went to the government office to report that he had cleaned up all the robbers, and the official was very happy, these robbers did not do any evil and did not make waves everywhere, but they could not be caught, and now it is a great achievement! He rewarded his brother heavily and made him the head catcher.

Soon after, a tiger suddenly appeared in the mountains, this tiger often hurt people, the people told the government, the official sent his brother to kill the tiger. He was terrified, because he knew he wouldn't do anything!

There was no way he could only go to the mountain with a large knife, and when he got there he did encounter the tiger, he climbed to the tree in a frightened hurry, and the tiger saw him climbing to the tree, so he ran to the bottom of the tree and looked up at him and roared, and the brother was frightened, and the big knife in his hand fell down, just from the tiger's mouth into the stomach, and the tiger died.

The younger brother took the tiger back to the errand and received a reward. The younger brother then left the city with the money and lived happily elsewhere.

In fact, life is sometimes so wonderful, there will always be unexpected surprises.

I wish all readers a happy New Year and good luck and a wide range of financial resources!

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