
Compose a chapter of youth full of "youthful feeling"

author:Red Net

□ a small grass

At the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, Chinese ice and snow athletes surpassed themselves and made continuous breakthroughs, winning countless applause and praise. In particular, young athletes such as Su Yiming, who created history, Gu Ailing, a "talented girl", and Jin Boyang, who defeated "Jin Boyang", showed the world the image of Chinese youth as enthusiastic, cheerful, tolerant and enterprising.

Young Winter Olympic athletes love and enjoy the wonderful experience of ice and snow sports, with one percent talent plus ninety-nine percent sweat, countless breakthroughs to overcome themselves. While lamenting that "the future life is terrible," young cadres should learn from their love for the cause, work hard in a down-to-earth manner to realize their dreams, work tenaciously, and never give up, maintain a "sense of youth" of never accepting defeat and being afraid of wind and rain, strive to move forward at their respective posts, and show their youthful style with hard work.

More indomitable love, automatically shielding the "greasy taste". Love can withstand the long years. Ren Yihan, a 13-year-old figure skater, has insisted on the "training ground-home" two-point line almost every day for 10 years. When the reporter asked him, "There is no entertainment time, often fall and injured, why do you insist on practicing figure skating?" He replied firmly with a look: "Because of love." Most of the young cadres who have just taken up their posts are full of enthusiasm and longing for the future, but with the passage of time, a small number of them have become the so-called "old fritters" of the organs at a young age, and the "old cadres are full of style". In the face of insufficient motivation for work, unwilling to suffer only want to "lie down and win"; in the face of the masses, indifferent, do not want to be close and only want to prevaricate. These are obviously not the "looks" that young people should have. At the good age of starting a business as an official, young cadres should show the vigor that their youth should have, maintain their love for their work, and always respond to the attention of the leadership, the cultivation of the organization, and the expectations of the masses with passionate hard work, wholehearted devotion, and willing persistence.

Have more courage to fight and surpass, and dare to step out of the "comfort zone". The reason why the "newborn calf" is "not afraid of the tiger" is that it relies on the spirit of fearlessness and daring to act. In the freestyle ski women's big jump event, Gu Ailing chose to challenge the 1620-degree super difficulty and said, "I want to let the world know that I am not afraid to challenge!" My credo was to push my boundaries, and I did! "There are no thousand horses in the courtyard, and no pines in the greenhouse. Always relaxed and smooth, it is impossible to exercise the ability to cope with challenges and hone the responsibility of not avoiding difficulties. If young cadres want to grow, they must have the courage to strive to surpass and break through themselves, and be willing to face difficulties and accept tempering in practice. With the courage of "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and preferring to go to the tigers and mountains"; the courage of "making the tide stand up to the waves and holding the red flag in your hands without getting wet," and the conviction that "it is better to fall on the front line of the charge than to be stubborn on the road of mediocrity and inaction", we have been able to withstand the struggle and the big waves and sand, and we can "grind" more at the grass-roots level and "practice" more on the front line, and harvest real growth.

More perseverance that never gives up, and "can afford to lose" on the road of struggle. What does it mean to be young? It means being brave and fearless, and it means not accepting defeat but being able to afford to lose. Due to years of training in skates and shoes, Wu Dajing's feet were seriously deformed, and the 28-year-old had a pair of "50-year-old feet". After the Chinese short track team won the gold medal, he couldn't help but cry with excitement: "This competition is also very relieved." These four years have been too much... On the first day of today, the dream came true. "Behind the momentary success and glory on the field must be countless falls, efforts and hardships in ordinary days." In practical work, the "spring breeze pride" that has been praised and honored belongs to only a very small number of people and a very small number of times, and the long road of struggle, especially when encountering setbacks and difficulties, when the mountains and rivers are restored, it is more necessary to work hard and do not slacken off. Young cadres should focus on strengthening their ideals and convictions, broadening their thinking horizons, enhancing the ability of officials, unremittingly studying diligently, acting diligently, and working hard, so as to withstand loneliness and withstand wind and rain. In the face of difficulties and setbacks, we do not give up lightly, we are not anxious and helpless in the face of failure and obstacles, we uphold the momentum of not accepting defeat and the frankness of being able to lose, we will make unremitting efforts to improve ourselves, persevere, accumulate thick and thin hair, and practice the "big pattern", "broad shoulders" and "hard body" that can shoulder heavy burdens and do great things.

"To do extraordinary things is to do extraordinary work." There has never been any casual success in this world, and behind every brilliant peak moment, there are countless attempts, efforts and perseverance. Young cadres should grasp the good times, maintain their love, rush to the mountains and seas, strive to become a pillar of talent that can be of great use and can shoulder heavy responsibilities, and compose a chapter of youth full of "youthful feeling" on the road to catching up with the examination in the new era!

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