
Diary of the Baise Anti-epidemic Police: I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come

author:Eight Gui Police

In recent days, the epidemic situation in Bose has touched the hearts of tens of millions of people, and in the front line of the "epidemic", in addition to the sleepless medical staff, there are also the vast number of police, auxiliary police and employees who adhere to the front line.

The author of this diary, Li Min, is a propaganda police officer in the office of the Youjiang Branch of the Baise City Public Security Bureau. With simple words, she recorded the story of not being able to go home this Spring Festival and going to the front line of the fight against the epidemic.

Diary of the Baise Anti-epidemic Police: I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come

△ Youjiang Sub-bureau Propaganda Group Group Group Photo (Third from the left is Li Min)

When I typed this line, it was already more than 1:00 a.m. on February 9, 2022, and I still had more than three hours to rest after I had just finished my duty, and then I was going to continue to work. 6 days ago, I never dreamed that I, who had been behind the scenes, would one day appear on the front line in such a way.

In order to allow colleagues to go home for the Chinese New Year, starting from the third day of the Chinese New Year, I took the initiative to invite miao to the epidemic prevention and control isolation point to participate in the closed-loop duty work. Remember that before the Chinese New Year's Eve, the head of the department was slightly embarrassed to say that during the New Year, a comrade needed to be on duty at the isolation point, and closed-loop management, with a long time period. I thought to myself, I have come to Baise to work alone for more than ten years, as if I have regarded Baise as my second hometown. It doesn't matter if you can't go back this year, you can take the time to go back to your parents to make up for this year! So I took the initiative to sign up for the front-line duty.

Diary of the Baise Anti-epidemic Police: I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come

As the epidemic situation in Bose became severe and the work pressure began to increase, I and two other comrades-in-arms cooperated with medical staff to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control every day, constantly publicizing the epidemic prevention and control policy to the people who were concentrated and isolated, eliminating their anxiety, reminding them to do a good job in self-protection, and actively cooperating with our work.

However, the sudden onset of the epidemic has made many people nervous and resistant to the policy of centralized isolation. One day, a mother with a child called several times to leave the centralized isolation point. However, according to the requirements and regulations, she did not reach the time to lift the isolation, perhaps the child's crying made her mood change after a few days of isolation, she became very irritable, talked excitedly, and said that whether we agreed or not, she would leave.

In order not to provoke her, I did not accuse her of non-cooperation, but chatted with her about home. I told her that I understood very well how she wanted to go home, because I wanted to go home too. I also miss my mom and dad. I have never left my post since the day I came to work, and I hope that everyone can go home safely, just as my parents must have hoped that I would come home safely.

She was silent on the other end of the phone, and after a long time, I heard a slight sob on the other end of the phone, and then she hung up the phone with a "hmm" sound, but since then she hasn't lost her temper again.

Diary of the Baise Anti-epidemic Police: I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come

△ Li Min (first from the left) and his comrades-in-arms on duty

Not being able to go home to reunite with my family during the New Year's Festival is a common thing for me, and my parents are used to not having me as an "unfilial daughter" for many years. This time to the front line work, I did not tell them, when they saw the news to know the situation is very anxious, I also "lightly" told them that my situation is very safe. Even so, they treated me like a child, and kept telling me a lot, and the kind of love that had not been expressed for many years suddenly poured out.

Diary of the Baise Anti-epidemic Police: I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come

△ Li Min's conversation with her family

I have always felt that my parents did not care about me, it turned out that they were just not good at words, this kind of silent love, just like the mother who was in a hurry to leave the isolation point, because she was worried that her children would not adapt, so she was in a hurry to leave, and finally chose to abide by the rules to stay, it must be for the children; just like Guanhua, who was on duty with me, every night took time to video call with two young children to report safety; also like my comrade-in-arms Lin Li, who did not want to appear in front of the camera every time, because he was afraid that his family would be worried when he saw it...

Diary of the Baise Anti-epidemic Police: I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come

△ Video of He Guanhua and his family, a comrade-in-arms who is on duty with Li Min

Diary of the Baise Anti-epidemic Police: I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come

△ The work screen of Lin Li, a comrade-in-arms who is on duty with Li Min

It is with this love that we become powerful; it is with this love that we are indestructible. I believe that these little loves will be condensed into a huge force, so that everyone can make a firm belief and stride forward!

Diary of the Baise Anti-epidemic Police: I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come

The night in Youjiang District is a little cold, but I am convinced that the warm spring will soon come.

@ Ministry of Public Security

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