
The fate of people does not look at the face, does not look at the feng shui, only looks at

author:Pure Land Zen Mind
The fate of people does not look at the face, does not look at the feng shui, only looks at

Shen Congwen once wrote in "Border City":

"Everything has a fortuitous coincidence, but the result is like the inevitability of fate."

In this world, everything has cause and effect, and everything is not accidental.

Whatever cause you sow, there is any effect;

What you do, there is no blessing;

Whoever you are, you have a fate.

The fate of people does not look at the face, does not look at the feng shui, only looks at

Good people, there are things that everyone helps, and there are disasters that will be protected

As the old saying goes, "The way of heaven has no relatives, and is always with good people." ”

Heaven is fair to everyone and will not be selfish, but it will certainly be kind to those who have good intentions.

A good person who treats others well will surely receive the same kindness from others.

During the Warring States period, there was a man named Feng Chen, who was a doorman under Meng Yijun.

Once, meng Tianjun was too busy with official duties to collect debts, and Feng Chen volunteered to go to Xue Di to collect debts for him.

Feng Chen came to Xueyi, saw that many people were unable to repay their debts, and felt pity, so he burned all their IOUs.

Feng Chen went back to his life overnight and said, "Although I have not recovered the money, I will bring you benevolence." ”

When Meng Tianjun learned of his move, although he was dissatisfied, he did not punish him.

Later, Meng Yijun was jealous of the monarch and had to return to his territory Xue Yi for refuge.

The people of Xue Di had always been grateful for Meng Tianjun's kindness and greeted him at the city gate.

Meng Yijun was deeply supported by the people of Xuedi, and it was not long before the King of Qi summoned him back.

Meng Tianjun couldn't imagine that answering Feng Chen's good deeds would bring him such a blessing, and he understood what Feng Chen meant at that time.

I can't help but think of the sentence: "But do good deeds, don't ask about the future." ”

As long as a person has good thoughts and does good deeds, he does not have to worry about the gains and losses of future interests, because heaven will not treat good people badly.

Life is an echo, and if you sow the seeds of goodness, you will reap the rewards of goodness.

Give someone a rose and leave a lingering fragrance in your hand.

Kindness to others will be blessed.

The fate of people does not look at the face, does not look at the feng shui, only looks at
The fate of people does not look at the face, does not look at the feng shui, only looks at

The heart is wide, the person is at peace; the heart is great, and the blessing is great

There is too much helplessness in life, and there are some things that we cannot change;

But we can change our mindset and choose whether to be bitter or happy.

As the Buddha said, "Suffering is not suffering, happiness is not happiness, it is just a momentary obsession." ”

Whether life is bitter or not is only between our thoughts.

Whatever your heart is, the world you see is what you see.

If you have a good attitude, the world will be clear;

With a poor mentality, the world will be shrouded in dark clouds.

There were two patients who had the same cancer.

One of the patients, after learning of his illness, was depressed and sad, and immersed himself in uneasy emotions all day.

Because of this, his condition deteriorated so quickly that he died not long after.

The other patient, after knowing his illness, did not become depressed, but changed his previous thinking, did what he wanted to do, how to be happy and how to live.

Day after day, unconsciously, after three years, his illness not only did not affect his life, but lived better and better.

It can be seen that no matter when and where, the quality of the mentality will largely determine our fate.

If this is the case, why don't you want to open up a little, let go of your worries, and live happily?

Whether a person's luck is good or bad, there is a cause and effect;

The better the mentality, the better the luck.

When you have a positive attitude, you will feel refreshed, and your life will suddenly be clear, and the more you go, the smoother you go.

The fate of people does not look at the face, does not look at the feng shui, only looks at
The fate of people does not look at the face, does not look at the feng shui, only looks at

Whoever you are, you will meet

I remember yu Dan's saying: "What kind of self you are, what kind of love will meet." ”

It is true that what kind of person you are, what kind of person you will attract.

In fact, in daily life, it is not difficult for us to find:

Positive and enterprising people, they must also be optimistic friends around them;

People with three correct views will definitely come together with like-minded friends.

So-called, things are clustered in groups, and people are grouped.

People whose souls fit and have similar temperaments will meet sooner or later.

Just like Yu Boya, the grand master of the Jin Dynasty, and The Woodsman Zi period, the two people who originally had no intersection met because they had the same unique view of string music and became lifelong confidants.

Just like the diving queen Guo Jingjing and the rich second generation Huo Qigang, one from an ordinary family, the other with a prominent background, can be described as a world of difference, but they are attracted by each other's excellence, and they are happy to tie the knot.

Just like Li Bai and Du Fu, the difference between the two is as many as ten years, but they see each other as they always have, and they have a tacit understanding in spiritual communication, and they have a consistent view on the three views, appreciate each other, and inspire each other.

Who you are, you will meet whom; who you are, you will have whatever fate.

All unexpected encounters in this world are not accidental, but the result of mutual recognition of each other's souls.

People with similar souls will eventually cross thousands of mountains and rivers to meet you.

And believe that if you bloom, the butterflies will come.

As long as you do yourself well, you will definitely meet people who cherish your heart.

The fate of people does not look at the face, does not look at the feng shui, only looks at

As the old saying goes: All laws are empty, and cause and effect are not empty.

It is true that in this world, everything in this world cannot escape cause and effect.

There is never a cause for no reason, and there is no inexplicable effect;

It's all up to you.

If you want to have a good relationship, you must be a kind person; if you want to be less troubled, you must be a person with a broad heart; if you want to meet excellent people, you must first become an excellent person.

For the rest of your life, may you and I all have good karma to follow, do good deeds, meet good people, and become better selves together.


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